Final boss is God

>final boss is God

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>final God is boss

yeah, hate it when they use fiction in video games

>God gives you a chance to join him
>This is the good ending

>God is good.

>final boss is the guy who helped you through the tutorial

>final boss was in your squad all along watching your growth throughout the game

>Final boss is a character who was never mentioned or foreshadowed before his fight

>final boss is your mentor

>final boss is a love interest and testes your love in the final fight

>final boss doesn't pay his taxes

>you are the final boss

fuck off Kojima

>final boss is a random side character you never cared about with like 5 minutes of screentime
>game acts like this is some mindblowing revelation

Persona 4?

What game? I can only think of Lunar 1

I was thinking of Dark Souls 2

>god is actually chill as fuck
>sephirot is actually a cool dude
>the pope is just an angry cuck
>final boss is demonbane

>final boss is some random npcs at the start of the game
>you can kill him and finish the game right there

>final boss does't want to fight you
>you were the villain the whole time


Any SMT game

Fuck you FF9, I loved it till that


You played Chulip as well?

Son of man, do you need to confess something?

>final boss is cutscene

literally every golden sun game

>The final boss is only the final boss because it's gambling you'll take your dead friend's words to heart and avoid senseless slaughter.
>It doesn't work at all in the normal ending.

>Final boss is on jail

>final boss is you

What? The final boss of the lost age is in the first game and the original Golden Sun ends with you fighting the antagonists.

>final boss is kept a secret but so obvious that its not even funny

How >game acts like this is some mindblowing revelation

is true?

>final boss can literally be “one shotted” and he doesn’t even move

>The final boss has an intended way to be fought but they never playtested any other option, including dlc

>can sneak hits in between the obvious openings
>they do practically no damage

the original is fine but i can't help but feel like doom dragon and chaos chimera come pretty out of left field and don't really feel like they should be the final bosses of those games.

>final boss is a fallen legendary hero that's been mentioned all the time and is what the Mc strives to be.

This is

>final boss is the dearest of all your friends

pls do not lewd the babies

I was thinking fallout 3

Yeah, I see that

Pandoras tower

>final boss is some edgy literal who that wants to kill god
>god powers you up and lets you fight them in their stead so that it'll actually be a worthwhile battle

Shovel Knight?

>final boss is your mentor
>your mentor is you
>it's true that you killed your mentor
>yet you are not his murderer

>final boss is your own ignorance

>final boss is wealthy white male with christian values

Did that anime ever get good? I gave up on it after a bit. Got tired of that faggot mc pushing his glasses up and explaining shit several fucking times per episode.

>final boss is a wealthy white blonde male according to the gaming press
>therefore it's racist and must be changed
>he's actually asian with dyed hair

>final boss is actually not a bad guy
glad I found out you can beat the game by just staying seated at the table.

>final boss is the main character from the previous game

Shadow of Mordor if you are even mediocre at the game, since the game is piss-easy.

>he also has a shitty theme

Seriously what the fuck were they thinking?

Y'know that whole spiel from Spec Ops the Line about how the only way to win is to stop playing, and all the bad shit that happened is your fault since you kept playing? This is unironically like that.

>i'm the final boss

>the game has no final boss

Final bosses are too video gamey.

>final boss is your mother
>she faked her death
>she assumed you would side with her and slay your friends
You can actually do it

hits too close to home

>final boss is you
>except its not and it turns out that its just another dragon

>final boss is your loan originator

>Think the final boss will be God for a second game in a row
>Nah, God is just a depressed old man
>You restore his faith in humanity and in exchange he lets you fuck both of his daughters
>Actual final boss is God's edgelord son and your brother-in-law

any game where god joins you to fight the final boss?

what game?

>final boss is god who was the tutorial guy

>Final boss is your former best friend who became god


>The final boss is the character in your party that you spent most time farming

E.Ψ.Ǝ Divine Cybermancy. I think. I've finished the campaign. I think. I don't actually know all that much about the game despite having played it quite a bit.

>final boss is qte

>let's see just how well I taught you, rookie

>final boss is easy

>Final Boss is what the game led you to believe was a supersoldier in/leader of the main antagonists army but he secretly took over control from the main antagonist
>Final Boss isn't the REAL final boss and Real Final Boss was secretly the leader of the first final boss

Meta Knight Returns?

>final boss literally does nothing
>final boss also dies in 1 hit

>final boss uses different gameplay mechanics

>Final boss is God's older sister

>Final boss is a mook rush

>supposed final boss gets killed by secondary antagonist in a cutscene and becomes the real final boss

This is the worst. It's fine to have gimmick bosses throughout the game, but to have me spend an entire game perfecting the mechanics just to say fuck you like this is bullshit.

>final boss is God
>final boss is your grandmother
>final boss rapes you

all I can think of is the first sly raccoon, but then the final phase of the boss is a platforming section

>final boss is your best friend
>turns out he's also satan

>final boss is your entire party

Could be Tos2 with the right end since the bad end is just you killing everyone else and the good end is you becoming a hobo in a cave with your lover so you can fuck her until she dies, since you are immortal and she ain't

>Final boss is hyped up for half the game as this super-powerful entity trapped in another dimension that will soon cross into ours and wreck everything
>The time of reckoning finally comes, the entity is crossing over
>Lol just joking who you thought was the next-to-final boss grabs the entity and shoves it into his armor as a power source to become the actual final boss

>Final boss is the first guy who attacks you
>No wait its the Tzar of russia
>No wait its the first guy again
>Oh wait its that guy you are apparently friends with despite him having nearly no screen time in this or the last game
Not a single villain was worth caring about

>final boss is the final boss

>God joins the party
>God is level 1

>final boss is a tough fight
>he wasn't the real final boss
>real final boss shows itself
>is a weak bitch

the moment you realize this poster didn't ended the two first games of a series made of three games (which is not a trilogy, in this case)

>But none of the those are the ACTUAL REAL FINAL BOSS which is an attempt by your creators to stop you from saving the main protagonists and revive them

>final boss is a meme

>game dev doesn't pay his taxes and gets jailed

Far Cry 2?


>Final boss is your father
>You haven't talked in years
>He's getting old