Monster hunter world

>make an ugly girl
>nobody complains
why is it okay when japan does it

Other urls found in this thread:

Because i hunt monsters, you hunt cock.

Monster Hunter: Andromeda

The hell is Ryder doing in a MH game?

Good gameplay usually buys a bit of player forgiveness.

>why is it okay when japan does it

because right now this is the only game allowing disgruntled ps4 owners to maintain their mental gymnastics about owning a moviebox outclassed by both pc and the switch

Needed work after Andromeda died.

>nobody complains

It's because she is the goofy sidekick not the main character and you can make your hunter look cute without much work unlike Andromedas where you can only really adjust the amount of branches hit.

She’s pretty cute, plus she’s totally committed to you. She isn’t as hot as the 3rd fleet leader but so what.
Cooks you a meal
You go kill shit
Come back and fud that sweaty puss
You never say a word
Go fudd any other puss cause your a fucking mute hunter and she’s the handler....and that’s all she wrote

She is ugly? She is super cute


she has autism


>everyone is defending her
what the fuck
>it's okay when japan does it
is no joke

Maybe it’s ok for most of us because she’s just the quirky side kick who knows what’s she’s good at and sticks with it. I.e. taking care of her hunter weather male or female a hunter seems to be a pretty masculine role.
WHERE AS ugly chicks in andromeda were despised because of their tumblr teir agendas.

It's Monster Hunter. They've earned the right to insert some uggo in their game. Things like Mass Effect have been so obscenely shit that when they release yet -another- shitty game with an ugly character on top of all the other shit, that's when jimmies get rustled.
Also MHW is a great game.
Also Andromeda had facial animation bugs which exemplified the ugly.

it's just not the same thing, she doesn't look as derpy as on the pics used here most of the time and the main thing in andromeda was the horrible animation, if it hadn't been for that, there wouldn't have been much of a fuzz about it...
All this is, is another pathetic attempt of infantile nintendies vent out their frustration. Can't wait to get this game on PC, I can only play a few hours here and there, when my buddy brings his ps4 :/


Because they made a DLC that fixes that problem.

>dopey autistic idiot
it's MH's ryder

Handler-chan is cute! CUTE!

she's not as ugly as aloy or ryder
everyone is still complaining


She really doesn't look that bad.

The issue is her being used as the game's PA system telling you what you need to do as you need to do it.

wait a second....

But she's pretty.


Shes only ugly in like 3 angles. Through out the rest of the game she is quite the cutey.

its all making sense now

she's homely

>Join an SoS hunt
>Heal the boss with healing shots from bowgun


This is such a small issue. This game is really fun for sure and has it's problems but your handler not being waifu material is far from fucking one of them.

compared to guild sweet heart from tri world's handler is garbage.

I must have only ever seen her from those 3 angles. Maybe I'm blinking at the wrong moment.

Due to the fact that I can dress my brown waifu hunter in Kirin slut gear, and use the board for quests, I pretty much forget she exists until she shows up in cutscenes. That aside, she has THE most punchable smile. If she has any SFM, I hope it's of her putting on that exact smile right before getting hit in the face, and then fucked. I can get down with that.


>removed from the hunt

Because she isn't in your face the whole game unlike all the shit in stuff Sup Forums complains about.


>it's an OP shows he's a massive faggot episode


pff get that shopped shit outta here

im sorry user it's ok

what do the status icons for monsters on the map mean?

the yellow/red eye and skull icons.

No this is definitely pc cucks, probably brazilian ones
Never forget /vint/

>Slogging through the queue and loading times to fuck with someone when you should be farming materials.

I shiggy your diggy.

>she doesn't even have a name
I know none of them do but you would think they would give some sort of name to such a recurring character.

Yellow icon = looking for you, red eye = found you, skulls = can be captured by trap + tranqing

yellow eye means the monster sees you and is prepared to fight
red eye means it's enraged and targetting you
post the skull, im not familiar with that

sure buddy ;)

The skull means they are weak enough to get captured, I don't know about the others

Tears/sweating = exhausted and hungry

oh god, this really helps showing what a cute the real handler is

But they don't in Monster Hunter, Chief's Son is Chief's Son, Guild Sweetheart is Guild Sweetheart, Handler is Handler, a Hunter is a Hunter even in a dream.

>Implying they didn't make her ugly on purpose just to sell the Guild Marm

See you're thinking only with your dick, Capcom is thinking with their wallet and your dick.


Why do I need a handler? I didn't need a handler in the other games. I'm not sure what her function is

pretty much how /v works

Most Asians are ugly af though

the old lady hunter who saves you is named Jey

>Guild Sweetheart is Guild Sweetheart
Wrong, her name is Aisha. Learn the lore

>there's another... in my....

She's not being pushed on me like she's the hottest, most desirable girl in the land. She's just a weird looking chick who handles your hunts

I would be inclined to believe that if the guildmarm dlc changed the model, but its just handler's face in marm clothes

>>nobody complains
That's just flat out wrong.

Teach me more lore.

>I didn't need a handler in the other games.
What do you think the guild gals where?

>I'm not sure what her function is
To document all findings and information about the monsters you hunt, you're on a scientific expedition after all

is she modeled by the same person who made the greasy toad from dragon age origins?

>greasy toad
You mean the Shit Elf?

Guildmarms name is Sophia and the Meowstress is called Catalina

i rented this via red box last night for free with promo code

and like........... it was basically me solo whacking a meat shield boss for friggin ever, i must be missing something or is this all the game is? like giant health bars and just whaking at it for eternity and then upgrading ur shit after eternity ?

i did arena solo, i did like 5 or 6 missions solo, i think i did 1 coop mission with 1 other dude, helping with his sos but seems like the game's actual online is fucking dead? esp for low level players?

cool, I wondered if there were any more.

by the way, how does exhaustion/sleep/stamina work?


she does the boring paperwork, you should be grateful

So what exactly is the Sapphire star? I tried googling it but only got stuff about the achievement.

Yeah you eather love it or hate it
there is no midle ground's not... the whole model, well I didn't know that. Only good news is that the Handler is growing on me.


you're not hitting the right part of the monster. It should take more then 8 minutes to kill a low rank monster, which compared to some games is a long time. Attack the weak spots, try different weapons. I thought the game was boring during the first beta cause I only tried greatsword. I switched to charge blade and haven't looked back.

It's a blue star that guided the original expedition to the new world, I'd imagine it's something similar to the Pole star

shouldn't* whoops

Ha ha

>Real Life looks cuter than fiction
Where did we go wrong?

watch the before you buy

So sometimes when I hit a monster, there's a little yellow symbol on the damage numbers. Anyone know what that means?

She's fucking cute. God DAMN everyone who suggests otherwise.
>inb4 a consolewarfag tries to invalidate my affection by implying I don't own a 3DS, PS4 and switch


It means yellow is the best colour.

Because the rest of the game isn't shit.

It's just not for you then, you can play whatever you want though. I've got no qualms with you

When crafting alpha and beta armors, can you mix pieces and still get the set bonus, or do all you have to have X amount of either alpha or beta?

based hitchcock

>randomass people sending me their guild cards because we're in the same online session

What does that even do? Who are you I don't give a fuck about your card

Where are her legos?

>he doesn't know

Not sure, I'm wearing Azure Rath b armor with Azure Rath a helmet. Honestly MHW feels so fucking easy to me I don't even pay attention to skills anymore.

>6-7/10 looks, cute but not ridiculous doll like features
>Cooks well
>Cares for you
>A bit socially ditsy but intelligent
>Will fix things around the house
>Good body proportions for child birth
>a cute
>Is providing Sup Forums with top tier memes
Why do you hate her again Sup Forums?
Is it the trap fags invading us or something?

That's ugly? The standards on some people...