real talk why was this one of the best rpgs? I've replayed this along with mother 3 about 18 times
So was Tidus a recreation of Shuyin dreamt up by the fayth? The game does not explicitly make this clear.
It did the big things great (story, graphics, music, gameplay)
The medium things (character design, aesthetics, setting, lore, minigames)
And the small things (UI, pacing, balance, introduction of gameplay mechanics)
Like even tiny things like how when a boss shows up and there's pyreflies that effect how text looks on the screen. That attention to detail is completely gone in a lot of games.
There really is no other feasible explanation for why they look so much alike
>you will never spend summer break playing this game for the first time with your brother
fucking kill me now
It's no accident that you replay those two. Turn based RPGs are often really stiff feeling, just pick an action and watch it play out, which really gets stale after a while. Mother 3 and FFX are both fast paced and add other elements that make the turned based gameplay feel organic. Mother 3 has the pachinko health bars and the rhythm minigame, whereas FFX has the fast based conditional turn based system where you can strategize and influence the turns.
They're honestly the two best turn based RPGs.
How the fuck did Auron get to DZ and take care of Tidus if Sin never entered it prior to when destroying it?
Jecht rode him close enough so he could pyrefly into dream zanarkand
it is a "real" place somwhere out in spira, Sin did not have to directly enter it
something something Jecht
Best FF girl to be honest.
>doing a nsg run
>get to evrae
is wakka /ourguy/?
Reminder that Seymour did nothing wrong. To live in Spira is to suffer and as far as he knew, Sin was an impossible enemy that ensured an endless cycle of suffering where the only means of escape was non-existence.
Wakka 'If I see swirly eyes, the motherfucker dies' Captain of the Aurochs
Wakka 'Better dead than Al Bhed' Captain of the Aurochs
Wakka 'Born in the sand, nuke their land' Captain of the Aurochs
Wakka 'If it's against Yevon, it's going to heaven' Captain of the Aurochs
Wakka 'If they use a machine, rip out their spleen' Captain of the Aurochs
Wakka 'Feed 'em to Sin and we all win' Captain of the Aurochs
Wakka 'If the eyes are spiral, the solution's final' Captain of the Aurochs
Wakka 'Really dislikes the Al Bhed Psyches' Captain of the Aurochs
Yes playing a million bitchball games to get the best weapon in the game sure is fun. Almost as fun as dodging lightning
> what did you mean with "unfinished" and "stupid", user? Please don't be rude
when does this game stop being a million cutscenes? i just got to kilika
> come on user, everybody likes balloons and cute animals! Stop with the pouty face!