What is the sushi of video games
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No Man's Sky, but only if it cost 300$ and you'd have to pay every time you wanted to play it.
Dark Souls
What's that train game that has like over $10,000 of DLC?
But sushi actually tastes good unlike No Man's Sky
>low-effort and bland
Probably some shitty AAA game like CoD.
Its raw fish on rice.
Train Simulator.
And sandwiches are just meat on bread. See how this works?
why is sushi so overrated again
Sandwiches are whatever you want them to be.
But you better be prepared for the wrath of the samurai if you ever want to add some sort of taste to your sushi.
Because its Japanese.
>That wirr be 500 dorrars, onegaishimasu.
>add some sort of taste
That's what wasabi is for.
yeah i'm asian myself so i don't understand why the westerners always overrate them japs so much
>mfw they just use whatever frozen fish they can get for cheap
>sushi grade fish is a total myth
worked at a high end sushi restaurant where they charged 2.75 for a single tuna nigiri.
you can literally put whatever you want on sushi
>muh pretty shiny colors
>literally copy pasted sashimi with rice
Nintendo Switch
>"""""""""""""home console"""""""""""""
>muh detachable soycons and le handheld
>literally wii u with detachable controllers
Its no different than how video games are here on Sup Forums.
If its Japanese people will praise the game as a masterpiece regardless of its actual quality.
sushi isn't always raw, that's sashimi. neither are good.
>plebians ITT don't even make their own sushi
>complain about it being overpriced
sushi is dirt cheap
lets talk about how americans eat RAW meat
Wasabi is the shittier horse radish brother
Okay, you start.
This is very true. Buy some salmon, portion it and freeze it to kill and parasites and most bacteria will die too. Almost all sushi restaurants use frozen fish. Get some nice sharp knives and you will eat like a king. Shrimp tempura is easy as fuck too.
ive never liked sushi and ive been a huge weeb so much so i lived in japan, and like i tried all kinds, cheap ones at the mall, restaurants here, and even some high class restaurant in luxury hotel
fucking shit made me sick to my stomach couldnt finish it all
enjoy your worms
Is there a bigger culinary meme than sushi?
It's obviously the Goemon series.
americans literally eat raw meat
Thats why you freeze it for a week.
sushi is like if the greatest game of all time had a 0.5% chance to make you deathly ill every time you played it
you'd still play the fuck out of it because it's just THAT GOOD but FUCK if it doesn't suck when you have bad luck
and it tastes fucking good, what's your point? you don't need a bunch of shit for something to taste good. fish tastes good and rice tastes good, the combination tastes good, end of story.
what worms? you fucking mongrel
Do they not have sushi wherever you live?
>rice tastes good
Next you'll tell me water tastes good.
they season the rice for sushi you idiot.
MOBAs or fighting games - they're alright but they're nothing to rant and rave about.
Good clean water tastes great
sushi is shit
mobas are bacon
Its okay but not really worth the hype.
I like unakyu though.
Japanese food sucks so much. Especially their dog shit curries.
>he doesn't enjoy a good tartare now and then
God, what's it like living with no taste?
water with the right mineral composition tastes fantastic, yes
With what, shit?
The funny thing is when people act like there is some kind of art to sushi. It all comes down to sharpness of your knives and how you cut the meat. Its super easy.
freezing doesn't kill bacteria
>literally a piece of meat
>acting like the king of western food
>I'm a heavy smoker with a baby palate. I fail the sally anne test, so you are like me
yeah, no. fuck off, retard.
Sushi is garbage only white people fall for. White people have no foods of their own.
Its rice vinegar and sugar.
How about Assassin's Creed?
>relies on very few essentials
>literally never changes
>some are complete garbage, others are well-crafted
>comes with sides (DLC) you're not actually interested in
it also tastes really really bad, so there's that
So are you a jelly chink or a jelly gook?
Then put horse radish on it. You order / make the sushi, you can do whatever the hell you want with it.
you sound dumb
like a foodie
>White people have no foods of their own
retard alert. Niggers have no foods of their own they just stole recipes from their masters. Cajun is from the french for instance.
nice try negro
t. chainsmoker
paper thin turkey bacon
Because people want to eat raw fish but are afraid of parasites so they consider it the only way to safely eat raw fish.
I can only stomach tuna sushi. I don't understand the fascination with sushi.
ive never smoked a cigarette in my life, why would that have anything to do with sushi tasting like shit lol
The japs won, look how many faggots come out to defend them on the internet.
so you just naturally taste shit? thats interesting.
image being angry that people don't like sushi
>>sushi grade fish is a total myth
Maybe for you,Amerimutt
>Sushi "Chef"
imagine knowing what shit tastes like
Its called being a weeaboo. Japs can only into noodles.
I just go down to the local china buffet and eat five pounds of sushi for ten bucks. It's pretty good for what it costs, never got sick either.
One of the most popular Netflix documentaries is Jiro dreams of Sushi. One of the least popular? Jiro nightmares of ass rape
>freeze it to kill and parasites and most bacteria will die too
Ho-ly shit, please tell me you have never worked in food service or served food to any living thing
Oh boy enlighten us, what makes it sushi grade? What special process is used to make it "sushi grade"?
Lots of angry projection in this thread. Yikes.
Of course Sup Forums has absolutely no culinary taste at all
>hurr why do you eat raw fish???
>you sound dumb
the irony
quality of fish
Shut up you tasteless chain smoker
Cajuns are white people retard
You're thinking of creoles of color
>high end
>$2.75 for tuna nigiri
Pick one user. You clearly don't know what "high end" is when the price you listed is cheaper than 95% of the places I've been to, and I've been to hundreds of sushi restaurants.
Its true though.
>However, if you choose to eat raw fish anyway, one rule of thumb is to eat fish that has been previously frozen. Some species of fish can contain parasites, and freezing will kill any parasites that may be present.
Sorry user, just not that funny without his delivery
Epic reference though