Get ready for this.
Nintendo Switch Movie Carts
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>No EE&E, KND or FOP
Total flop.
>Nintensoys will defend this.
Switch confirmed PSP 1.5
> Back to the Future
> Not the whole trilogy
Dead on arrival.
>it's fine when sony does it
But why would Nintendo do this, it'd obviously flop
what's the point of this since there's no source
but can you watch movie on the go?
>Someone actually took the time to make this
It's about time the Switch caught up to PS4.
It's like a nut, you can watch outside.
can you even install your games on the switch or do you have to carry all your carts around like it's 1995?
Remember seeing this leak before. Doubted it but between Detective Pikachu and the Mario movie it makes sense.
Nah, sony can keep their games.
Just buy the digital version if you don’t want to carry around carts.
No different than having to switch discs if you buy physicals on console.
>mfw no Terminator 2 3D rerelease edition
literally kill yourself Nintendo
it wasn't we all made fun of it back then
Who will use these. Most kids watch movies in their mobile devices.
that shit was so comfy
I want to go back
the UMD noise has something about it, it's somewhat soothing
>all those numale/soyboy films
>free headphones inside
oh god I can almost hear the awful sound quality already
Star Wars 7 was still released on UMD
>5 minutes searching
>it's not a UMD but a converted movie format on the memory stick
>Force Awakens
>20th Century Fox
oh, I didn't know that
still impressive that someone even made this in the first place, for the god damn PSP
Only double the price of the Blu-ray version.
I loaded a Nicktoons video rom onto a flashcart just to see what these were like.
It's like watching an early internet video. But for a stupid kid on a small gba screen, it's watchable.
Taking a movie and converting it for another format/platform isn't all that hard, user.
Disney didn't completely own the rights until 2017. Fox are still credited as the original owners in the distribution of the film.
I know it's not hard
but why
and who
did he woke up in the morning and thought to himself "yeah, let's put the new star wars movie on a psp"
who cares
psp did it first
Maybe he thought "I'd like a better way to watch movies on the go and don't want to eat up my phone battery" the logical choice would be the PSP, smaller than any laptop, decent battery life, and not to bad screen quality.
How much has compression improved over the past decade?
GBA did it first.
Switch has full HEVC hardware decoding doesn't it?
You could get a full series of GoT on a 16gb card
psp did it better
will they have criterion editions
>PSP did it first
>Oh oops, but it did it better
what's so impressive about it, you fucking mentally handicapped retard?
Good thing this isn't actually happening then.
GBA used Mpeg4, since then we've had .h264 gave better quality at about 20% less bitrate than mp4.
HEVC/.h265 is slowly gaining ground now, uses about 50% the bitrate of .h264 and copes better at 4K