Why are there no video games that portray Churchill as a drunk obese depressed drug-addicted lunatic or Roosevelt as a...

Why are there no video games that portray Churchill as a drunk obese depressed drug-addicted lunatic or Roosevelt as a racist borderline-retarded angry cripple?

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Sup Forumstards are a cancer on Sup Forums and it's about time we start chemotherapy

do we really need this thread again? i already found it shit the first time around.

Why are there no threads that portray OP as a heterosexual?

Dong please PLEASE don't post more stuff, this shit is so embarrassing

didn't we have this thread like 5 seconds ago? I was farming for (You)s and then... puff

what are your most successful strats? my favourite is false flagging as a retarded guy from (pol/ and have both ltriggered efties and triggered actual Sup Forumslacks reply

because those didn't order armies to exterminate towns fulls of women and children

You can't have cancer on cancer you dumdum

targeting brits and britboos with my autism.

They won

Because you always reply

>because those didn't order armies to exterminate towns fulls of women and children

no, just pilots

You mean Truman?




Because he lost the war.

Because believe it or not Hitler was a scumbag of a higher caliber than the other two.

Can the Jews even be stopped now? Even Trump's daughter got matzo'd by a Jewish tranny.


Because neither appears in the game. It's actually quite common to portray Churchill as a fool in UK. Not the other guy because muh wheelchair.

golatteral damag :DD



Yeah the Dresden Firebombing and both Atom Bombs never happened

It IS collateral damage, dumb-fuck. Every German and every Chink was ready to fight to the death, making each one of them a potential threat to American soldiers.

>Allies dindu nuffin! My American history teacher said so!
Both sides committed atrocities, Stalin was probably the most evil person on either side.

>YFW American soldiers got away with this the heroes because they won.

Germany and Japan had it coming though

>every Chink
Chinks were on Americas side dumbass.

>Even Trump
Trump has been shabbos goy #1 from the very beginning

>catering to Sup Forums

Those were intentionally targeted at civilian areas instead of military installations too.

Perhaps because they weren't? Hitler was a crazy, genocidal, old freak, there are many articles and pieces of evidence that support this.

History is written by the winners, faggot

Haven't I seen this thread before?

>Japan was on ally side.

How dumb can you be?

God I hope you're trolling, Chinks are Chinese Nips are Japanese.

subhumans supporting genocide of innocent families aren't people
you fight fire with fire

Is that a boy or a girl? If it's a boy, that would make him a prime soy boy.

Because they didn't ethnically cleansed entire nations.
Well Churchill did some niggers, but even you don't consider them actual people

Chink= Chinese dumbfuck

Why did you post a picture of hideous Hillary supporters?

>Military headquarters, logistics hubs and ordnance factories are not military targets

>these are the same people that defend muslims

t. mad chinks

good text :)

nice strawman

>ethnically cleansed entire nations.
Name one (1)

I don't care. Both are commie scum.

Because they won the fucking war.
History is written by victors not faggots.
Get off Hitler's dick, go outside and accomplish something in your pitiful lonely ass NEET life.

Guys, I think this is not on Sup Forums anymore.

they did actually, do you even realize how many civilians died in bombing raids?

retarded third worlder

Jews, Gypsies, Slavs
Read Mein Kampf.


Because hitler was the bad guy you fucking idiot.

>People living under a tyranny deserve to be killed.

LOL. No wonder every war comes bite you in the ass when the ''saviours'' bomb indiscriminately.


Don't bother, brainlet. Your logic is faulty.

>they all have the same glassy zombie eyes
>same beards
>same forced and awkward facial expressions

leftism is a mental disorder

Because only Hillary supporting morons would actually think Hitler was anything but the maniacal, socialist, racist fool he was. Hitler was a leftist through-and-through and he destroyed his own country through disastrous, marxist policies.

oh wow what a fucking idiot

Hitler had marxist/communists put to death and his end goal was killing communism for good. Try again

>These guys killed random slavs and jews so we are gonna firebomb their wives and children, while also accidentally demaging the towns of our supposed allies. Trust us, we da good guys


None of those is a nation

Salty yank getting all mad about politics on Sup Forums lmfao.

yes bomber harris kill more whites so our grandchildren can become minorities in their own countries

Stiill mad.



>Ethnic cleansing a nation
>cleansing an ethnic group out of a nation

Work on that reading comprehension brainlet

it's called a hypertumor, it's been proposed that's the reason whales have really low cancer fatalities since their tumors die of tumors before they can clog those giant fucking whale organs

>this thread

because they're winner chads and hitler is loser beta


>Yes Germany, ruin Europe again so it has to release its colonies and leave it a broken husk indefensible from the rest of the world


More like a blessing

did you know yiddish is a germanic language

>anglo takes pride in murdering innocent aryan civllians
>meanwhile they cry foul about the london bombings
cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug

Hitler lost LOL

Made fucking countless retarded decisions drugged out of his mind. What a grade A moron.


every regime is also the fault of the ordinary people
maybe the indoctrinated soldiers would think twice before raping and pillaging, "forced" to do it or not

Good job, allies.

so is english, your point?

>his followers were so retarded they let a half lucid druggy make war decisions

never happened. also anglos are in no place to talk about genocide, especially not the britcucks

Is Germany one of the most JUST nations of all time?

He killed credibly killed millions.

germans and jews are related for the most part. and hitler was jealous because jews were the superior cousins


cause hitler was a little cuck who lost and died like a bitch

Hitler literally started it though, then he failed to see it through. I don't like chinks or blacks either, but the whole Hitler did nothing wrong thing is retarded.

>Germanics bomb a cathedral for no apparent reason
>Whine because the Allies bomb factories that make weapons to kill them

Truly the G*rm cries out as he strikes you


we were just pointing out how stupid his post was. If he didn't meant it like this he shouldn't have said it like that.


>germans and jews are related for the most part

don't talk about that you goy


Pic-related is OP.

He killed mostly communists though.
I am still wondering why Sup Forums doesn't worship him