Are there any other games like this?
Are there any other games like this?
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Why not?
X3 is basically EVE offline.
People are fine with theme park trash and don't want community-oriented games anymore.
WoW style themepark MMOs won.
probably Chronicles of Elyria and Ashes of Creation in the future
>Tfw no MMO space combat game that has more gameplay than pressing F1
imagine if eve was fun to play
X4 is to be released this year. It's listed on steam.
X4: Foundations
Community oriented games would be more popular if the combat was piss easy.
Nope, and there will likely never be anything similar. Generally it is because it is a hardcore MMO game made by über-nerds that played Ultima Online in the late 90s. This was a crowd of guys who grew up in the 80s-90s, FORTRAN progamming and working with floppy disks, when gaming barely existed and the people (in Iceland) who had computers were rich and had technical education backgrounds (high IQ).
The creators wanted to create a game that would be as exact a simulation of another galaxy as they could and hired other nerd engineers and scientists to help write the lore and later develop the graphics. It was and is basically a game for nerds, or rather people who really like complicated things.
Since the game is so complex, normies generally can't handle it and after trying out for a couple of months, where they either mine in hi-sec, getting no money, get ganked endlessly or are hired cannonfodder by the big alliances.
Naturally, developers today know that in order to actually maintain a business, you need to create shallow games with easy mechanics or lure people into a long-term niche subscription/payment-based games.
>Are there any other games like this?
No, 98% of the population is too dumb for it and you will keep getting disappointed year after year by the shit that keeps getting released.
t. someone who played for a decade+
It doesn't mean it will be good. Look at X:Rebirth.
>download EvE
>90% of the game is alt-tabbing and checking Sup Forums while listening to an AI saying "warping to stargate"
yeah no thanks
>Press F1 the game
EVE is the best game for watching something on another monitor.
>Since the game is so complex, normies generally can't handle it
I think what you mean is "normies aren't willing to make it their life", only a brainlet would think eve is a particularly complex game, don't flatter yourself
Right, but this time they realized (hopefully) that Rebirth was bullshit/a mistake and now returning to their roots.
>keeping an eye on transversal
>managing cap
>managing heat
The game is more than right click orbit + f1
It can be a great management/leader real world training simulator, if you're in a corporation with rank. Other than that, it's fun for a few months but it gets tiresome quick.
Press F1 and go AFK
Press F1 and go AFK
>Small scale PvP
Press F1 and wait until one of you dies
>Large scale PvP
Press F1 and change targets every now and again
Press the autopilot button and report others doing the same because you suspect they're bots
Nice "game"
Is there any point in playing Eve solo? I tried it a while back and was just mining
No. Two players (or one player with two accounts) will beat a single player every time.
Yes, solo pvp in low/null. Get a fast cheap frigate and try and gank something that you know you can fight.
>solo pvp
There is no such thing. Every PvP activity in Eve: Online consists of groups of people fighting groups of people. If you go looking for 1v1 fights, they'll just bring a second person and blow you the fuck out.
umm, 5 years of my eve online activity has been solo pvp.
Still more of a game than any MMO released in the past 15 years. These shouldn't even be called games anymore.
Normies are generally brainlets anyway. If you weren't a brainlet you would either be leading a mega-alliance/making big bucks on the market/managing a POS-industrial system in eve or doing some real world equivalent.
Mining is the worst. It is very difficult to get your footing playing solo but when you have acquired the money to sustain yourself (trading is the "easiest" by far) and understand how the combat system works, then you can have spectacular fun.
Microsoft excel, mathlab, maybe libre office calc if you're into free software and have a RMS fuckpillow.
>You're too dumb to understand why I have fun pressing F1
Consider that you may be the idiot for enjoying a game where your entire involvement is pressing a single button over and over again.
This. EVE just expanded its free2play shit, I came back and put in some skills to train and then was like "Why am I doing this? It's cool that now I can use [additional shit] but who cares? The game isn't actually fun"
All the other systems in EVE are amazing. The fact that there are guilds that will provide services to other guilds (hauling, caravan guards, mercenaries, bounty hunters) and people actually use them is crazy.
The fact that, mostly, you can have as many people as you want join in to do content so even new players are a valuable commodity, that's so rare.
Tons of stuff is great about EVE but just not the core gameplay of shooting shit, or for that matter traveling from place to place.
I dont have any idea of EVE. I am getting two views on the game here.
Is it pay to win? (i know its pay to play)
It's pay not to grind.
you can pump as much money as you want into the game but if you are dumb you will lose it all
You might want to google a bit to first understand the game. It's not exactly just pay2play/pay2win system you might be used to from chinese games. However, there is a system that allows you to trade IRL money for ingame money and to buy items that allow you to train skills faster.
I only have a short impression, but the pure scale of things are mindblowing at first.
This is great
Ok, thanks. Time to do some research
you mean that space gameplay? than X3, do ytou mean the politics, rivalries, scheming and back door conspiracies that arise amongst a competitive MMO sand box community, than it USED to be archeage before archeage went stale
Unbelievable, this guy must have spent around 2500 EUR to afford all this crap. 2500 EUR...
Hey players of inferior MMOs, can you do THIS in your faux ````sandbox''''?
Blatant pay to win mmo? Yeah there are a few
MMOs are for brainlets in general.
Microsoft Excel.
Eve is a bad game.
Even watching bitcoin values is more entertaining than eve online.
Half the people who play this game are bots.
Who knew the average "gamer" just wants to be told what to do, when to do it, how to do it like cattle.
I fail to see the entertainment value of a line going straight down.
That's the point
The game is only as fun as you make it.
People comparing it to excel etc. And simplifying it's mechanics to 1 button presses are the kind of people looking for a bing bing yahoo experience.
Eve is more or less a living breathing world with little to no interaction from the devs except for mechanics. You can easily make a living off scamming people and the devs will be 100% on your side.
I'd like the universe of EVE Online a game i played for a couple of years with the freeroam and planet stuff and ship combat of Elite Dangerous.
Because EVE Online has tons of stuff everywhere but point and click game from 15 years ago and Elite Dangerous looks and handles really well as a space game but there's fuck all to do.
I gotchu famalam.
Where is this meme from? There's no excel in eve, sure there's graphs for market but everything is pretty easy.
People like to compare Eve to an office job.
>"eve is boring"
>"eve is just a spreadsheets simulator"
>"eve is pay to win"
>Been playing for years, never spent a dime, have my own engineering complex/refinery system where I manufacture goods to sell that make billions of isk with practically no effort, allowing me to keep subbed without spending a dime and afford flying whichever ships I feel like welping at the moment, all without ever opening excel as finding profitable goods to manufacture is piss easy
Any MMO can became that, i remember playing WoW and the guy had a google docs for raids and such.
It's slow of a game when i played it and bigger ships get even slower should you play it long enough.
Like space battleships.
Back in the early days of the game you didn't have fitting tools and shit, you'd keep spreadsheets handy to calculate daily necessities. Nowadays you only need excel if you're a trader or industrialist.
My main problem with EVE is I keep letting myself get into horrible corps that dont fucking do anything and I end up stuck in wormhole or 0.0 space with nothing to do.
And then whenever I want to start playing again I remember that me and all my stuff are stuck in bumfuck nowhere and I aint gonna deal with that shit.
not that uncommon
i worked for google a few years ago and had to handle "refunds" for games like clash of clans, and there were people who spent 10k and more on those games
You are a complete liar. I will explain why:
First of all, you have to be hugely established to make it as a manufacturer of anything, with your own player owned station, probably in nullsec, and have an alliance that will protect it. You also HAVE to have level 5 in all manufacturing skills because that shit is on RAZOR thing margins and you will just lose isk if you don't.
In order to do that, you had to have made at least several billion before even STARTING to set all that up, which is impossible for the free to play alpha accounts, or you did it before F2P was released, in which case you HAD to sub.
TL;DR You spent at least enough real money to sub for 6 months to get all that set up.
Don't even get me started on how absurdly restricted F2P is. Its practically impossible to plex on F2P.
pic related
If that's what you want, you know you can get a citadel for less than 1b right? I think production/invention is a waste of time and I personally prefer trading, but I guess it's kind of alright if you do something else on the side.
To get started, just run FW for a couple days straight to make 2b or so. Do some trading and you can get up to 20b in a couple months. A lot of shit on the market can be resold at more than twice the price in the right place.
After that you just keep some steady investment in whatever it is that you do and you can keep yourself omega forever.
You clearly haven't played in a while:
1: The material efficency skill no longer exists. Everyone has the same margins when using the same facility/blueprint now.
2: Engineering Complexes, part of the new citadel replacements for PoSes, give huge manufacturing bonuses without much investment. (Mine is in highsec a few jumps from Jita)
3: I started before alpha clones were a thing. I got a 21-day trial from a friend code, and amazon had a free starter pack promotion at the time that gave me a month free, so I had about 2 months to make enough isk to plex, which I was able to easily do through exploration. (My first wormhole dive I got 100m)
4: I then used my exploration money to start station trading. From there it was easy to make the 1b+ isk a month I needed to stay plexed for free. Once I made a comfortable amount from station trading I got into manufacturing and set up my EC system and now I make more isk than I could possibly need just from 30 minutes to an hour of setting up jobs a day.
Adam Offline
>the place where I last logged out is literally in a probe ship in the middle of nowhere
>most of my assets are probably on a POS in wormhole space I no longer have access to
>if I ever want to play again the first thing I'll have to do is probe for hours trying to find my way back to normal space
Meanwhile the other half much as well be.
Feel free to enlighten me on how the fuck you are supposed to make 2 billion isk from fucking faction warfare, especially with a super limited alpha account.
>Find C2 or C1
>Suddently highsec static
Get t1 ship, pref a dessy. Do sites appropriate for your ship class (smalls/mediums for a destroyer). Mediums make bout 50m, smalls do about 30-35m? If you're solid, you can make about 100-150m an hour. So long as you don't go afk you basically never die. You only need some basic gunnery skills, trainable in the first day or two on a new account.