

Generic as fuck

if you enjoy suffering, yes

im playing this atm, does the story ever get momentum? ive just though the long hair'd dudes brother in a port.

i liked it. it was my first tales game and now i'm looking forward to more.

Yeah! It alright!

One of the worst Tales games.

then what are the good ones?

Hearts R
Destiny DC


....Symphonia? Abyss? Hello?

keep goin' my dude, it gets better.
Please bare in mind that this is good for a tales game, but not great for say, a franchise which has normally average or better stories, making it only good at best.
I haven't finished it yet though, waiting for my friend to get some free time.

>Symphonia's shitty floaty combat
>Abyss' slow as fuck scaling artes system
>The 3D games with the worse motion system yet
Nostalgiafags not welcome

i might take a break from it and play it when i have a work holiday, a couple of hours here and there is leaving me with no desire to play it, plus i wanna finish the valkyria chronicles series before 4 releases.

Maybe a 7/10, worth a playthrough if you like Tales games

I want to like it, but combat is a clusterfuck of choices. So I have spirits, i start with 3, and I gain them by getting kills or inflicting statuses and lose them by getting hit by statuses. But then I also have a consuming claw that reduces my soul count by 1, but gives me a stronger attack at the end of my combo? And then I have mystic artes that I can only use as part of another combo, but THOSE require some other gague that needs to be filled, and my team mates seem to be able to fill theirs 4x faster than I at least. And apparently I can do different mystic artes depending on if I'm in the air or not? What the fuck? Can anyone clear this system up?

Bad Tales game,
Best Star Ocean game,

in terms of combat

Great game.

It's playable. Nice cast and banter but not much else.
It wouldn't have gotten the reception it did if the game before it wasn't a complete disaster.

one of the worst tales games I've played


Hearts R's plot killed it for me even though the combat was fun

never played one


The plot is literally the same old copypasted "Asshole villain with good intentions but twisted methods" you see in most of the games.
What actually does kill it is Shing and Kohaku's "romance", which is atrociously written and shoved down your throat every now and again.

Doesn't really matter when the combat is one of the very best in the series though, the Chase system allows you to some crazy fucking combos, and the high speed of the game and really fluid combat system are extremely satisfying.

If I had to name the worst three, they would be: Zestiria, Graces, and Berseria, in that order.

Note that the people that like this game are either fags like , where they haven't played any other game in the series prior, or fags with straight up shit taste. The best thing about Berseria is the cast, sans the protagonist. Music's decent, everything else is bad or abysmal.

If you wanna get into the series, I'd suggest starting with either Eternia, Symphonia, or Abyss. The latter two being extremely overrated. Best in the series have to be Destiny DC, Vesperia, and Eternia. Legendianon might be able to sell you on the black sheep of the series.

>What actually does kill it is Shing and Kohaku's "romance", which is atrociously written and shoved down your throat every now and again.

Yeah that's what I meant. That scene where the princess talks to everyone and Kor starts talking about how he hasn't told Kohak he loved her was really bad. Also why the fuck would they rename him for the english version when you have the Japanese voices, yet did not keep Kohak's rename from Graces?

Graces got fixed with F, besides, Tempest is still the worst game in the series, as much as I don't like Zesty or Berseria.
>That scene where the princess talks to everyone and Kor starts talking about how he hasn't told Kohak he loved her was really bad
If it was just that though, problem is the entire romance is horrible and forced, which is a shame since pretty much everything else ranges from okay to good.

Did any other 'Tales of' games have that skill that was in Graces that let you turn a character into another character? Having a team of four huberts for combos or having a team of Cherias was great fun and fulfills my twinning fetish.

As a person who has only played tales of phantasia (PSX version)

i really enjoy this game and its characters,never really got deep into the combat mechanics,i think i am about halfway currently with the magic cat lady

Also, free top-class art right here.

YES thank you. For once, an user that speaks the truth about this series' most recent failures.
I think the quality of the Tales of series began to shit the bed as soon as voice acting was introduced. So in my opinion, Tales of Symphonia and onwards are shit with cringey characters, and shit stories.

HOWEVER, that same god-tier composer has still been responsible for some of the best music in video game history and is still composing for these games (god knows why).

The only people who like modern Tales of games are, like said. People with shit taste, or people who are playing a modern Tales of game as their first RPG or something like this fag Tales of Phantasia will always be number 1 for me.

I only played Tales of Zestiria and if the rest of the games are like that, god help us all
I have no clue why I even finished it, I hated everything after a rather interesting start of the game

I definitely recommend it. The cast of characters in it is among the best in recent Tales games

why do i get called a fag just for liking my first tales game wtf bros?!

Yeah its fun

worth playing

>Graces got fixed with F
That's what I was referring to, I never played the Wii version.
>got fixed
Lmao, that little after story doesn't fix the shit combat, story, or characters.

Okay, I apologize, young one.
I guess it's okay if you like it. I just wanted to emphasize out how convoluted, and contrived the stories and character interactions are in these modern 'Tales of' games when compared to games of my era like Tales of Phantasia which had a story that didn't reek of fanfic-tier garbage, and seemed more believable and natural as far as characters/story, and the character interactions go.