Also which is the best version. For me it would have to be Gestalt because I can't stand the little sister trope.
What did Taro mean by this?
I think both work well enough, aside from some quirks here and there. But Jesus Christ, papa Nier's design and model look awful.
I've only played Gestalt so i'm biased, would love to play Replicant but can't be arsed to hack my PS3
A brother wouldn't do that much for his sister.
But a father would do that much for his daughter.
Gestalt is the far better.
Maybe by western societal standards, but from what I've seen in Jap media siblings can tend to develop extremely dependent bonds.
Papa nier is best dad
Brother nier is a whore.
Isn't brother Nier a prostitute or something?
I played both. I liked the idea of a father fighting to rescue his daughter more, but I felt the time-skip had more impact in Replicant.
The model change was actually visible and not just an eyepatch.
it's a romanticized fiction, Japanese siblings are usually very distant
Yes he lets a man form Seafront assfuck him for money to raise Yonah, but he did kill the guy eventually
Speak for yourself nigga
I see, actually makes a bit of sense I guess since they seem like a reserved people in general.
But that's simply the impression I get from their media and second-hand informaiton.
I should probably go to Sup Forums or something for better info.
They could've let us play as a younger neir who had his daughter in his late teens/early 20s in the first half so that when he becomes old man in the second you'd get a similar sense of growth
Yeah, that's an idea but that still takes away part of the appeal, which is the father being aged enough to have experienced a lot. Plus a five year jump from 20+ isn't going to be as noticeable.
Bro Nier went through puberty.
I was thinking a 10+ year jump
>two different versions of the same game with the only difference being the age & familial relationship
Literally what was the point?
It was an experiment to appeal to both Western and Japanese markets. The dad version was made for Westerners because Square/Cavia thought that players would sympathize more due to cultural differences
The Japanese 360 version also had papa Nier and English VO.
But why release both versions in Japan, but only one version in the west? Surely there are more weeaboos in the west than westaboos in Japan.
brother nier is canon but i still prefer gestalt
I know, that doesn't change the fact the dad was made primarily for a Western audience
>but from what I've seen in Jap media
Media is not representative of reality, user. Specially Japanese media.
>kill a constant source of income
Because it was an old man who was taking advantage of a 15 year old?
>t. only child
Brother Nier has the best design and the better Timeskip
Papa Nier has the best dynamic with Yonah
>A brother wouldn't do that much for his sister.
She's his only living family member and helpless on her own.
Of course he'd feel an obligation to save her.
This makes me super sad bc me and my sisters are distant as fuck, they are pretty much strangers to me eventhough we spend the family holidays together and whatnot.
But then again, my whole family is like that, no one is very close. Family gatherings tend to be pretty awkward.
I just want a comfy sibling relationship.
Just be frank and talk about this with your siblings! I'm sure you'll get the comfy sibling relationship that you want!
Brother Nier fit better but Papa Nier had a stellar localization that blows Replicant apart.
Papa Nier makes the whole concept of the game into a different light when compared with everything else. I mean, what other game has this kind of father/daughter dynamic? It added so fucking much to the game.
>everybody types "NieR" instead of "Nier"
>nobody types "RepliCant" instead of "Replicant"
Both are fine as far as the overall story goes.
I just prefer Gestalt because I loved the English dub performance, and I thought that Papa Nier's gruff haggard exterior but loving personality fit the group of mismatched misfits better than Bro Nier being the standard young and attractive JRPG lead.
I don't even know how to start talking to them about this. It would feel so odd and awkward.
>Hey there pretty much complete stranger
>Wanna spend time bonding with a person you have nothing in common with?
I dunno man, seems far fetched.
You could buy them a present in case you see something they might like.
Offer your help when they need it. Cook something they like.
Maybe you can find some interest you share?
Yeah, his design is great.