Do a puzzle wrong

>do a puzzle wrong
>have to start the entire game all over
When was the last time you dropped a game?

Where the hell did that happen in SR?

I dont remember this

Dumah section, if you do the block puzzle to the furnace wrong there's no way to correct it unless you load a save. If you saved after attempting it and tried to come back later, you were fucked.

That doesn't happen in SR. You start right at the hub area if you die or reset the game, dumbfuck. Also, you can't get a game over because you failed a puzzle.

>be op
>be reatrded


I'm trying to imagine what made you believe this, and my guess is that you didn't realize you can kick a block from underneath another to get it back on the ground.

Yes you can. What the hell is wrong with you?

user's referring to this you can trap yourself and no longer be able to move the game forward if you do a puzzle wrong. Its a bug that wasn't fixed .

>my guess is that you didn't realize you can kick a block from underneath another to get it back on the ground.
Except no, you can't. Not in Soul Reaver 1.

That's not a thing, you can always fix it.


I'll admit it's been a while since I played Soul Reaver but I don't remember this ever being a feature.

You don't prove absence of something, you prove existence of it. Burden of proof is on you, moron.


There's a puzzle in Dumah's castle with two pits. You have to use the blocks to make a stack of three in the second pit. If you were to drop the second block into the second pit and put it up on another block, there's no way to get the block back down. Look up a video.

Yeah, you have to prove the claim that such a bug exists.

Alright, give me a minute while I acquire evidence to prove common knowledge.



This image and the next are from the first pit.

There's no area where you can push one block off another. With three stacks of two, there's no way to complete this puzzle to get to the furnace.

Your move, smartass.

haven't played in ages but don't you have the telekinetic projectile already? you can push boxes with it

I can't believe I didn't get this and blood omen when they were a 1 dollar each on the ps store.

Just emulate them.

I dont play anything on pc since I broke my laptop. I can just borrow them off my brother when I want to play through them it'd just be nice not to have to do that.


What I do remember is clipping through a fence near a waterfall, saving and then having to start over since there's not way to get back.

Aren't there bosses in soul reaver that are walled off? I heard you can fight them on the pc version.

I remember something like, but no details.

i remember my brother playing it on ps1 once,he was swimming in the human citadel area and there was a fish like monster,suddenly when moving out of the area,all outta nowhere,the camera got stuck behind the fishmonster,literally what the fuck,looked like he was controlling the fish
i also remembered when my brother bumped on the table the ps1 was,i got a brief message in the screen when moving to another area(buffering or rendering,don't remember)