I don't usually browse Sup Forums, but I wanted to ask: from all the Humble Bundle shit I bought...

I don't usually browse Sup Forums, but I wanted to ask: from all the Humble Bundle shit I bought, I really don't know what to play, which games are good and which are shit, and I don't trust Metascore a bit.

How do I know what to play from all this shit I have on my account?

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Play an hour, if you don't like it drop it and repeat until you find something you like

What about RPGs and other shit? I assume some games take more than one hour of gameplay to start getting good.

>doesn't even post his library or any games he likes
How is anyone supposed to know lol

Post game list. I'll tell you what's shit.


The Banner Saga, Dead Space, Serious Sam 3, Fear, Max Payne 3, The Walking Dead are all good

Thanks for the recommendations.

I wish I could sell my steam account and just start new. I have almost 500 games and it's a pain figuring out what I'd like to play

Well fuck a doodle do.

what do I play Sup Forums?

I have 700 games on Steam. A lot of them shitty indie garbage I'll never touch, to be honest. There are things like MN9 that I've played and given it my all but they're just so fucking boring I can't go on. The trick is you have to commit to these games. Pick the first game on your list of games that you like and put it on the hardest setting you know you can beat IF YOU REMAIN CONSISTENT. I'll play FPS on the hardest or second hardest depending on the game. Right now I'm playing Bioshock Infinite on Hard, but turn-based strategies I can't play on anything higher than normal. Don't install more than one single-player game either. This works better if your Internet connection is shit, though. Took me a whole day to download Bioshock Infinite. Recently I finished Fallout: New Vegas this way after a few years of it essentially sitting in my library AFTER a friend gifted it to me for Christmas.

>play any game after 2006
>first hour is cutscenes and tutorials teaching you how to walk

What I meant here

Go full half-life if you haven't yet or just replay some timesink rpg like new vegas or morrowind

Nothing user. Go and read some Jung instead

>Right now I'm playing Bioshock Infinite on Hard

Thats a mistake unless you play the story dlcs.
The gameplay becomes very repetitive. Id suggeste changing it to easy and rush

If you have a friend, play the co-op campaign of Portal 2, it's pretty fun.

I haven't played the HL games or Morrowind

Maybe you should stop impulse buying humble shits first?

It's been like two or three years since I stopped buying humble bundle, and now they became a shit company anyways, so I don't even bother.

drop whatever you are doing and go play jet set radio

post your extra humble bundle keys

Back on the days I just gave my school friends whatever games I already had, user, sorry.

Play Risk of Rain and look at the guides in the threads that are usually in Sup Forums.

FTL: Faster than Light