This is actually impressive

This is actually impressive.

Other urls found in this thread:

hey look at this post it sucks haha

What phone

hey, i... what

Damn, a kid can use something that already exists + cardboard and make a "car". I guess that's cool since his system has no actual games. He's going to be the next clockmed for sure

Not really, furthest thing from impressed. Disinterest or disgusted would be more fitting.

Phoneposters don't really have a say in what sucks and what doesn't.


PS4 is still better


>no link
Retard shill

Theres no way thats jewish.

no it isn't abu hajar

That's a shitty comparison. Wait till the Switch is 4 or 5 years old.

Why did you take a screenshot, of a twitter post, of a video.
Instead of simply posting the video?



Eli is biblical.

So is Adam, David, and John.

fucking kike

Why don't you check the Twitter account, retard.

So... is the anal vore fetish intrinsically linked with people a Sony fanboy?

Ok, that actually made me laugh.


It does have some cool applications for it. I remember seeing someone suggest a reveal of House of the Dead for the Switch that could come with an optional labo acessory to simulate the guns from the arcade.

And vore fetish is linked with furries. So basically, we can come to the conclusion that all Sonybros are furries that need to be thrown in the /trash/

>Born 2 decades late to have a radical LABO filled youth

>someone was actually paying attention to me
I feel like a faggot at a dildo factory right now.

Cool, also to go with that, also saw an user suggesting how Labo could work for DOOM on Switch.


How can you post with old captcha?

zenfone I'd say

If anyone actually interested in when some stuff labo does.

How about you post the video instead of expecting everyone to look it up?

The best thing about guns from arcade is their heavy weight and that fucking recoil that could tear off your dick. Otherwise it will be worse than 5$ chinese wii pistols

woah holy shit it followed your finger THATS FUCKING REVOLUTIONARY robots have done this shit since 2012

Sony already did this but exponentially better and also cheaper.

>Robots have been doing this since 2012
That's a robot made out of cardboard and a video game controller user.

>This is actually impressive.

okay so its a peice of garbage?

Toio is around $270 bucks.

No, its an IR sensor hooked up to a vibrator.

>google AboBarseem
These tripfags are getting worse

>Use ir sensors in front to measure distance of something
>look at distance
Very simple. Any of you retards can do this.

That can vibrate in a very specific direction in order to automatically pilot itself

Fukken saved

>phone poster trying ad homs

That looks retarded and far inferior to Labo though. Also literally not video games

>no games and actually more expensive

a sony product through and through

>more expensive
$280 for toio
$480 for switch+cardboard

>posting twitter
>posting without links
>posting a screenshot of a video

that's 3 strikes please leave this board immediately

You forgot the fact that its a tripfag and a furry so thats 5 strikes.

Guys, please. I'm trying to learn how to draw, I swear.

>terrible furfag shit
>le no de wey meme
holy fuck you degenerate peice of garbage noose yourself already

But, there's no animal crossing game on the switch.

This joke is stupid.

Steel Battalion for the Switch with Labo support when?



First one to make me laugh.

Unironically kill yourself, Tripfag.

holy fuck

>no games
Neither labo or toio are games. They both fall in the toy category. If there is no conflict or quantifiable outcome it is a toy, not a game.
>Also literally not video games
>5 soypoints have been deposited into your eshop account

Toio is objectively better with exponentially more potential. Sorry nintendies.

I'm afraid to click. What's in there?

You don't actually know what Labo is, do you?

degenerate furshit

>exponentially more potential

Stop making up phrases, toio is good but it's for a different market, Labo is for kids, it's a gateway to engineering, Toio is for people that have an understanding on programming/mecatronics/electronics.

Yeah it's interesting, but doesn't have the charm. The fact that Labo is cardboard and the kids just piece the parts together to make a robot doing cool stuff is impressive. Do you see how LEGO is favored by many kids and it increases their creativity? Kids love this. This Nintendo Labo will be the cool stuff among kids and parents will buy them so they can make their kids have fun for hours piecing together and playing Nintendo Labo. This thing is huge.

You want to fuck animals. Your opinions don't matter.

It takes balls to use your artist name on Sup Forums. I'll give you that much.



Just fatfur shit. I've seen worse.


>it's a gateway to engineering

Did you type this with a straight face?

>The system has no games
Haha wow

never filtered a trip so fast in my damn life lmao

Out of context you quoting that dude's post, yeah it's a joke.

>Labo is for kids, it's a gateway to engineering
I can agree with that statement. It'll get some kids interested in engineering.

What was the deleted post about?

Look at that hair

It's that usual anal vore pic.

It's kind of the same thing for Lego. Where you're building something and it gets kids interested in building stuff. Obviously it's not going to make every kid an engineer.

Emphasis on some obviously

Yeah but, LEGO aren't interactive. When you finish building your Labo, you're actually gonna enjoy playing with it on the Switch.

Still the same general idea though. Maybe with a bigger payoff with Labo.

Mindstorm exists, though

why are you mad?

Kind of. Yeah.
Also I've read that if you messed up the cardboard when trying to make the wanted object, they're give you a new one. This is big.

Draw Grim farting already, you bastard

dumb phoneposter

I cant drive a joycon

>gateway to engineering
That's like saying CoD is the gateway to school shootings

You told me this before. I'm considering this actually, but contact me so we can perfect it

Would light gun games be able to use this?

>draw scalies
>farting and obesity
almost gained a follower

Where should I do that?

Probably one game already uses it as a pointer.


That sucks. I don't even draw farting. I just did one because there was a demand for a fart variant of a pic I did.

Wish I could draw like that one day.
Tumblr, Twitter, Deviantart you dingus.

good shit.
Duck Hunt Switch and Pokemon Snap Switch when?

Cardboard? seriously??

What did Nintendo mean by this?