Honest thoughts on Dark Souls 3?

Honest thoughts on Dark Souls 3?

Polished but boring

>No world transitions like in Bloodborne
>No holstered weapons
>No nemesis dancer waifu
>Shit fanservice
>Infinte rolls
>Shit world design
>Shit customization
>Shit meta
>Shit fashion souls
>Shitty pvp
>Cancerous comunity

Yeah, no

Where was this from the game? God that looks so cool.

On-topic; I honestly forgot everything about the game. It was great, but didn't do much new.

Looks good though.

lmao just spam roll forever for god mode! never stop rolling XD

its shit

A worse Bloodborne that completely misses the point of Souls games
Only retards defend it

best DS

DS1 goes too far with the "hehe this game is hard. you have to jump off the world to proceed. you have to find an oddly placed, hard to find vendor to cure yourself from having permanently 50% HP. hehe this game is hard kek"

DS2 is just.... less polished

DS3 is the best one. 360 degrees of rolling is a fucking revolution, too. it perfects everything from the previous games

I love DS3 because it exposes that Sup Forums is full of pvpfags.

Tried to make Dark Souls into Bloodborne and accomplished neither so it's just a roll2win piece of shit that only casuals and brainlets like.

Can't wait for them to fuck up DaS Remastered.

Doesn't the gutter undead sell the cure?

im waiting on that dark souls 1 remaster

bet that they fixed the second half of the game

Except combat was never the point and there are still hundred better action games you utter moron?

yea in the first like 2/3 of the game, hes the only one who does. but hes honestly not that easy to spot, and if you dont know about him, youre just fucked, with no implication that theres any way to cure the 50% HP whatsoever

and finding the area with the second asylum deamon, heading back to the beginning area (and finding the bird) is so overtly convoluted its just moronic

That's some impressive bullshottery. I wish Irithyll looked like that.
>No world transitions like in Bloodborne
M-muh Bloodborne!
>Shit customization
>Shit meta
>Shit fashion souls
>Shitty pvp
>Infinite rolls
Bloodborne was guilty of all of this. I don't like Dark Souls 3 much either but my god you BBfags are literally "it's okay when Bloodborne does it" whenever you criticize 3

i enjoy every DS game, and it might've taken me a while to admit it, but DS3 isn't that great.

um, what now?

disappointing garbage for casuals.

Returning to the asylum and the bird mechanic isn't obligatory. And honestly I think everyone should have found the gutter undead but if you don't you can ask a friend.

but it's harder than all the previous titles, except bloodborne maybe

this is why we'll never get another good Dark Souls again.



>bet that they fixed the second half of the game
top kek my sweet summer child.

ill concede the bird, but finding optional bosses should be... stuff thats hard to discover is reasonable, but getting back to the starting-zone is so fucking convoluted, i bet 1/10000 people would ever discover it, if it hadnt been for the internet. looking up shit on wiki & asking friends how to not be fucking cursed isnt satisfying. figuring it out for yourself ingame is satisfying. but some shit in DS1 is just so moronically overkill, it defeats the purpose. its just "teehee, look how fucking convoluted and impossible we made everything"

its still a great game, im not saying fuck DS1. im just saying, DS3 strikes a better balance. figuring out how to get to the nameless king, for example, is possible with some ingenuity. getting back to the starting-zone in DS1 isnt

It's a fucking quick time event game, you just push B to become temporarily invincible and win.

it's the most handholdy in the whole series.

Fanservice Souls III

But is something truly a secret if everyone finds it? But it's part of the design of Dark Souls that you are supposed to talk about it and learn from each other. It makes new playthroughs more interesting and fosters a community.

boring and uninventive, brings literally nothing new to the table and in fact actually removes content and mechanics present in the previous games

not to mention how the game progression is actually linear as hell. you have to wait until the end of the fucking game to get spells that are necessary for some builds

solid game but retreads way too much content from previous games

I think a better point to argue instead of the optional Asylum area would be that you have to get the Covenant of Artorias to even be able to fight The Four Kings, and that's pretty bullshit. Do any of the NPCs even have dialogue that clue you in that you need it? Ingward tells you to meet Artorias so you'd be looking for him instead of his pet dog.

I have no idea what you're talking about, the "secret" passage in the lift is extremely easy to see.


>no poise
It's shit.



It´s literally impossible to have a 3 digit IQ and like this game

>Do any of the NPCs even have dialogue that clue you in that you need it?
Do you really need dialogue clues when in order to access the darkroot garden you need Artorias' crest? How could they make it more obvious?


Legit would be good if it had a feature that auto-generates levels like chalice dungeons except they're mountain terrains instead.

Didn't know I wanted this so badly until a dream I had the other day.

If it weren't linear it'd be far and away the best soulsborne game. Instead it's 'just' very good.

Not praising BB you mouthbreather.
Just pointing out something it did better.
Both games ares shit.
Kill yourself.

You could figure that the garden is totally optional though, especially on first playthrough
No need for the condescension

Had a blast the first time but I can't replay it because it's so goddamn linear

no dude, to get back to the starting zone you have to elaborately climb on all of these weird rocks behind the world, and get up to this weird spot, where theres no implication that you should, if i remember correctly, quit the game and reenter, so that a bird will come pick you up. wtf

yea i see that, and ill refer to this guy's point instead its just shit like that in general that sorta got to me with DS1. i also think thats sorta something dumb about DS-games in general, how retardedly cumbersome it is to deal with NPCs. always some "didnt go to this EXACT spot at this EXACT time to get this sidequest done". practically impossible to figure out on your own, in a lot of cases

but the thing that got to me was, i got cursed before meeting the guy who sells cures. so i had to get back to the starting zone to have the bird give me one, and my friend was explaining how to (1) get there, (2) make the bird give me a cure, and it was just so convoluted, its just astonishingly stupid

It didn't do any of those things better though. Now you're curling up in a ball because I called you out on your bullshit.

>You could figure that the garden is totally optional though
But pretty much impossible to miss

But you wouldn't have this problem if you explored more thoroughly. Most of the stuff in Dark Souls can be solved by facechecking everywhere. If you just look straight ahead you'll miss stuff, obviously.

>you have to elaborately climb on all of these weird rocks behind the world
What's the problem with that? It just requires curiosity.
>quit the game and reenter
You just have to press x in the nest and wait 10 seconds.

One problem, mate. No Fromsoft involvement.

It's just an outscource project to a side developer with a small bullet list of network changes to adhere to.

Also they probably aren't allowed to tamper the game, because again, ownership is Fromsoft.

It's from leaks before the game released, this area was changed and never made it into the game in this current state

The game in the leaks looked and sounded much more interesting than what we got. There was supposed to be some sort of world tendency system and sacrifice mechanic that never made it into the game.

shit game

Not really though? There's nothing in the Darkroot Basin that makes it readily apparent that you need to go there
Even getting the ring the description is still vague as fuck

you poor thing

>get into Dark Souls and beat them all within 2 months

>DaS1: Godly, felt like a classic game, many fond memories especially when it fucked me in the ass
>DaS2: Good, raged hard and almost quit because of Soul Memory, having stats dictate more of the gameplay was a good idea, revisit game to gank faggots as the Rat King covenant
>DaS3: Had fun for the first half, realized it was a rollfest, most weapons are garbage, no god damn gameplay variety, tanks get wrecked, question if I was really having fun by the end, revisited to see if I could make an Iron Tarkus build work, left utterly disappointed and enraged that some weapons have an ability to do a hopscotch animation making them totally immune to all damage because you can just keep pushing it as if rolling wasn't fucking retarded enough

3 is shit, if they make the Remastered anything like 3 I give up.

>What's the problem with that? It just requires curiosity.
in this case i had been cursed before meeting the vendor, and had to do that to get cured

>You just have to press x in the nest and wait 10 seconds.
see, how would it ever occur to anyone to do that? 1 autistic asian did it (and every possible combination of actions physically possible within every fucking game ever), and everyone else just read about it online

yea i did that through all of DS2, 3 & BB, but i still just think DS1 takes the whole "punishment" too far. just the fact that those frogs practically one-shot you & curse you is revealing enough.

You had to ask your pal to find a vendor in literally the start of the game. Such punishment how will you ever recover.

>wizard guy says "go find Artorias"
>remember blacksmith sells "Crest of Artorias"
>item says "go to darkroot garden to find Arorias' grave"

Why does thia game have an absurd amount of input lag?

>devs show world transitions in early beta
>Game ends up not having them
>Point that out
>Keep tellling reasons DS3 sucked dick

How is that bullshit, nigger?
Plus, the pic from OP is about those world transitions that never made it into the game.
Have you actually played it? Have you played any game of the saga? Are you retarded?

>see, how would it ever occur to anyone to do that?
There's a prompt on screen

>meet frog
>instantly get killed, respawn with 50% max HP
>"how do i fix this"
>"go to that NPC"
>"havent met him yet"
>"ok then you have to go to the hub, jump up around all of these weird cliffs behind the world ,and get up to this one specific cliff, where you have to quit the game and reenter, so that a bird will take you back to the starting area (obviously). then you have to go to this specific spot in the starting area, on the edge of a cliff, and discard this specific item on the ground there, and then exit the game and reenter, and then a cure will be lying there"
>"oh obviously. silly me"

The Invasion Scene is fun. I play it only for Invasions.
I use a variation of this build at 36, 50, 60, 90 and 120.

Sacred Chime of Filianore Weapon Art, Replenishment and Sun Princess Ring are the equivalent to One Estus. I get to cast two of them per FP Bar. Which means I get 4 free Estus (Healing) each invasion. A simple off-hand exaggerates that over longer invasions.

I win like 90% of my invasions. Also Backstab fishing is hilariously fun. It's a lot harder than DaS1, but so much more satisfying.

Are you talking about DS1? Because if you hit a button, such as roll, too late it will carry it over after taking a hit or other actions sometimes. Not really imput lag, but kind of buggy.

wasnt for me. played steam version

But whose fault is it that you didn't meet him?

Also, you could have just walked out of the curse fog but I guess that's also too much to ask of someone.

>seek artorias
>get his giant dog instead
>kill the boss and get the ring
>ring doesn't say "to walk on the abyss and challenge the four kings", it just says "to traverse the abyss" because the game has a hardon for being cryptic
I wouldn't mind if this was a super secret boss like Darklurker, but the fact it's a main story boss is fucking retarded

Silly you indeed...
The second undead merchant sells the stones, and you meet her before the frogs.

The only good Souls games are Sony exclusives where they get help from Studio JP.

DaS1 was a fluke. Sorry PCfriends.

>Also, you could have just walked out of the curse fog but I guess that's also too much to ask of someone.
am i unreasonable for having been hit by an enemy attack? i dont get your logic. but sure it was "my fault" that i hadnt met him. doesnt make this an example of DS1 taking the "this game is meme hard kek" too far

according to my DS1 nerd friend, the only one in the earlier parts of the game who sells the cure is the dude behind the bars, inside the tower, above the dude in the fat armor (dont remember his name... Havel? or something?)

It's a boring drab. Somehow, even with so much shit on screen and shiny effects, still looks worse than the previous ones. Something about the lightning is fucked, and can't point the finger on what, or the textures.

Nevertheless, it's linear, gray and dull. 1/3rd of it are swamps, the other third is a cathedral looking corridor and the other third is a mixture of both, just snowy.

I mean, it's ok, it's the only DaS i haven't played through twice and frankly don't think I will. Also it's mind numbing in many things, the gameplay is really really ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL STAGGER COMBO ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL

Point is that you messed up on so many levels it's not really something you can blame the game for.

I thoroughly enjoyed it. Gave it 2-3 playthroughs before I got bored. I never realized how drastic the changes to rolling and stamina drain were until I recently went back to play DS2.

Bloodborne is the peak of fashion Souls tho...

The Ringed City was the biggest load of shite I've ever gone through in a souls game

While I agree it's better than two technically and lore wise it just lack that special undefinable something that drew me to Des Das and BB.

Where did you find frogs before the sewers?


>shit fashion souls

>hunter coats 1-12 and a dress
Oh boy

in some tree. long descent

if you disavow my point here, ill refer to the part where you literally have to jump off the world to proceed

just to clarify, i do appreciate a challenge, and i have finished all of these games. i just think DS1 takes it too far

I'm not quite sure who you're referring to since I'm not a DS1 nerd but the undead in the pipe or whatever leading to the Taurus Demon sells it. She's not even hidden.

Not what I'm saying. And please calm down. I know how it feels to be mad because bad but surely you aren't still seething years later?

The game should have shipped with the bonfire creation mechanic. This would've made it so much more interesting and unique. Making checkpoints a finite resource throughout the game would be a very good spin on the tired Souls formula.

Of course, we can never have nice things and the game is instead a blob of "Souls greatest hits" and marketing tests

I can't believe people actually stay mad about getting frogholed. It pissed me off colossally but in retrospect it makes me laugh and I enjoyed putting friends through it.

if you're entire wardrobe is long coats
I like it none the less but I wish they was more variety.

Best combat in my opinion. Even beats bloodborne's. And it has one of the stronger soundtracks.
Sadly those are it's only good qualities.
>Linear world sucks.
>Bosses overall are shit and too easy.
>Easiest souls game by a large margin.
>Estoc spamming.
>Roll spamming.
>Literal 0 shits given to the saga's final ending
>1st dlc is 90% garbo.
>dumb covenants.
>lamest magic
>invading is fucked
If you've never played a souls game then 3 is a great entry point. But its downhill from there unless you go with bloodborne afterwards.

Ingward cures you for free, fag

>robes, coats and suits are "great" fashion souls
reddit tier

>muh pvp
Found the mouthbreather

>Bosses overall are shit and too easy.
>Easiest souls game by a large margin.
>Estoc spamming
>Roll spamming
>Best combat

The point was the pvp in Bloodborne is shit just like DaS3's pvp, retard

>Not what I'm saying. And please calm down. I know how it feels to be mad because bad but surely you aren't still seething years later?
not him, but im not mad at all, im just explaining why i think DS3 is better

this is all without mentioning the improved gameplay of DS3 (i know its faster and people are critical of that somehow, but it just... feels so much better).

a point where BB beats all of the DS-games, though: theres no autistic "roll on every wall in the game to find secrets". that shit is so inherently retarded in DS, i never appreciated it at all. i hope theyre forever done with that concept, cuz its really just stupid to incentivize players to literally roll on every vertical surface in the entire game (not that people will stop doing it anyhow)=

>I'm not quite sure who you're referring to since I'm not a DS1 nerd but the undead in the pipe or whatever leading to the Taurus Demon sells it. She's not even hidden.
ok my DS1 nerd friend mustve not known she sold it then. i didnt check, i just raged & insta asked him

Fan service got the point of obnoxiousness
I actually got mad when Havel appeared again

>doesn't know where to go
>has unexplored parts of the map
>still doesn't know where to go

I mean best combat as in PVE mainly. It just feels more satisfying to kill things in DS3 than any other game. Doesnt apply to pvp

You can't get to the tree before meeting the NPC that sell the item to remove curse

Pvp is shit in all souls games you mongoloid

>No weapon degradation

Honest to God don't remember this ever being an issue in the other Dark Souls