Sell game

>sell game
>doesn't run
Seriously what the fuck, I try to play vice City, doesn't work, I try to play sim city 4 it doesn't fucking work the game won't even open it just keeps minimizing what the fuck is this bullshit? Playing a game shouldn't be rocket science

Other urls found in this thread:

for vice city you need silent patch

>buy $4000 rig
>can't run game from 2003

I spent $700 on this piece of shit computer and I need tucking patches to even run a game that's 15 years old? What the fuck that's retarded my NES still works and all I have to do is put the game in, but this modern gaming decide can't even run fucking games from a decade ago?

That's because your NES doesn't need patches.
Welcome to the master race, here's your cup of coffee and all the fuck ups you gotta fix. Enjoy your stay.

This is bullshit just tell me how I can play my game I paid for, I wanna play sim city fuck steam

Request a refund. Also
>buying old games
In most cases, people who actually made them won't receive a dime of your money, and no, it won't make the rightholder release another good game in this franchise

Last time I downloaded from the pirate bay I got the blue screen, I'm not gonna bother with that shit again I only paid a $1 for it or something but I'm still pissed, if you buy something it should work out of the box I shouldn't need to download extra patches

it only gets worse from here

This is why I mainly buy retro games, I wanted to play retro PC games am I gonna have to buy a windows XP computer now just to play this game

OP got very rekt
Just sell your rig and stick to consoles you weak pleb

Let me explain what went wrong here: SimCity4 does not like Windows 10/8/7 and the people who could fix it fucked off long ago. This is usually the case with older games, so if you don't want to deal with fixing it yourself get a refund. Ya got gypped.
If you do want to fix it yourself, try taking a look in the Steam forums for the game. Somebody there should be able to help ypu.

Wow, now I try and run GTA 3 and it doesn't fucking work either literally none of the games I bought work

For the GTA games you have to use a different executable. There are multiple ones in your steam apps folder, the default ones have issues.

Why do I have to fix it myself? I'm not a game developer steam sold me a faulty product seriously imagine if Sony sold a game and you put it in the PS4 and it doesn't work


>being incapable of googling "[gamename] pcgamingwiki"

Don't play on PC if you have no patience to mod a game or bother trying to fix it and make it run exactly like you want to.

spoiler the games still works. its just incompabtible with your OS. like playing a nes game on ps3

>Why do I have to fix it myself?
Because nobody else will, the ones responsible fucked off long ago.

welcome to tech support, might i suggest running a magnet over your hard drive, that's how you clear the cache

>dude why would you expect a game you bought to work you have to download modifications for it to run that's just common sense
Quake 2 at least runs so that's 3 games out of 6

>Why do I have to fix it myself?
Because the developers did not release a patch to fix it and Valve does not go out of their way to do so.

Anyways, you can usually just force compatibility mode to get older games to work.

It is for these cases that refunds exist - PC gaming has always had a "it might not run on your PC" risk.

I advocate for everyone taking an IQ test before being able to post on Sup Forums



I suggest you return your PC because you clearly know nothing about it

Valve can't test that every game works on every PC configuration.

Though I think a default "may not work on Windows X" flag that the developer has to manually disable, asserting that it does work, would be a reasonable thing to ask for.

I don't have Windows 10 it's 8
Fuck steam seriously I'm just buying off GOG from now on

That and even a basic reading comprehension test would go a long way.

>$700 Computer
>Windows 8
Prebuilt or custom? Please don't tell me this was a recent purchase.

1. Don't buy old games on Steam or even GoG, but especially not Rockstar games - they do not give a fuck, and in San Andreas' case, they made it worse.
2. Try to stick to Steam games that have all these:
-Steam Achievements
-Steam Cloud
-Steam Trading Cards
-Partial or Full Controller Support

You'll never run into an issue again

just stick to consoles if downloading a fix or changing compatibility is too complicated for you, it literally takes 5-10 seconds and if you don't know how to do something googling it doesn't take long either

GOG outright does go and test the games and find and include community compatibility patches in the installers.

But that's part of the mandate of their service. Valve has never implied that they carry the same imperative.

If you want to buy old games and be assured that they work, and have an avenue to troubleshoot, GOG is absolutely the right service to use.

Don't forget to refund the steam purchase though.

I stopped having these problems when I upgraded from 8 to 10. I don't know what's different between them, but older games like C&C that didn't work for me on 8 just run on 10 with no fixes applied.

No, it's about 3 years old a prebuilt
I'm not even gonna bother buying PC games again, seriously I just wanna play the old games that never came on console but they don't even fucking work what's the point?
I only spent a $1 on the 4 rockstar games, the other games cost like maximum $3 I spent under $15 for 10 games so I don't really care, but this is retarded if you buy something you expect it to work, PC gaming is like Chinese made shit maybe it will work maybe it won't, at least with a console I know the game will run

>mfw trying to get Bully to run in windowed mode

It also allocates several gigs of ram before hardlocks my system after a few minutes if I alt-tab with a menu open.

>PC gaming is like Chinese made shit maybe it will work maybe it won't, at least with a console I know the game will run

That was the principle argument for buying games consoles instead of PCs from the mid nineties through the early aughts.

Modern games are, generally, much better about this. As are games where the developer cared to go back and fix their shit.

> at least with a console I know the game will run
The difference is that you cant typically play a 20 year old video game on your new console. With PC you do have the ability most of the time.

>Buying from Steam
lol, enjoy your 0 support

Hey friends, I hear you're having trouble with backwards compatibility.

Yeah but a 20 year old game console runs fine today, PC's have to be upgraded every few years and look what happens when you upgrade the games don't work, why even bother with a new machine? Keeping the old XP one would have been better

You should learn how to use Google. Or go back to playing Flappy Bird on your iPhone. When I was a kid all I had was a DOS manual. I had to read that before I could play any of my games. You have the entire combined knowledge of our species available to you and you can't even read a few reviews or learn how to run your game.

>alt tab
>entire computer freezes
This shit
is what makes me the angriest.

My phone doesn't run games, it doesn't even have a display on it

the games work if you're not an inept retard who refuses to do 5 minutes of googling

This really isn't true though. I have a modern Windows 10 machine with a 1070 and the only "older" game I cannot get to work right is Fallout 3. That's fine you can pull out the old console but now you're getting into different territory. You were complaining that sometimes you have to find fixes to make decades-old games work on PC when you literally don't have that option at all with consoles unless you have the old hardware lying around, which would also work for PC, but you aren't typically going to keep old PCs in your closet. This isn't a valid 1-1 comparison

>Keeping the old XP one would have been better

In many cases it's sufficient to just run an XP vm to play old games.

What the heck is a XP vm? See this is bullshit, games shouldn't need all this crap to run, just stick the game in and play it how come this modern machine can't play these old ass games it makes no sense

>game doesn't have an option to select which monitor it's on
>defaults to your 2nd monitor
>can't move it in windowed mode

you sound like my dad

You're literally too stupid to run them. Don't blame the computer for your low IQ user

I want to see this is bait, but I am pretty sure there is real people that can be this dumb

works on my computer :)

>ha what an idiot he expected the game he paid for to work
Why is steam literally selling broken shit

have you ever used a fucking computer

go online and google the patch you need. drag and drop it into your game, or do whatever the readme.txt tells you to do

its not fucking hard it will literally take 5 minutes

googling your issues/checking the forums 30 minutes ago would've been quicker than spending your time making a thread and complaining too.

You're trying to play fairly old games, they might need fixes to be compatible because they weren't designed for the newer systems.

You can't run ps1 games on a ps4.

Do you really expect Steam to go through every game every year and test to see if they still work? If you're too dumb to get a game to work from steam just refund it.

For GTA3 on Win 8 you just need to launch testapp.exe instead of gta3.exe and the game works as expected. Steam launches gta3.exe by default.

game folder***** don't wanna confuse anybody here

You can't play the old-ass games because they were programmed for a different operating system and different potential hardware targets.

If you were running Windows XP, you could play these games that were made for Windows XP.

In the same way that you can't just run a gamecube game on your switch, or a PS2 disc directly on your PS4.

The advantage of PCs is that there's open, accessible ways that you can get that old shit to work.

Running an XP virtual machine is the equivalent of running the Xbox emulator that the Xbox One has to play an Xbox original game.

your cheap 3 year old prebuilt computer is completely capable of running tons of games from the last 20 years, some of the older ones you might have to spend 5-10 minutes making work

You're complaining about having to do work to run something that's over a decade old.

>Why is steam literally selling broken shit
It's not broken if you run the recommended specs for the game.

OP is either baiting or too dumb to use a computer
He probably can only come and shitpost and even opening something other than windows media player, skype, discord and internet explorer is scary and dangerous for him

>Jame a SNES cart into my Switch
>Turn it on
>Doesn't work
wow, how was I supposed to know

this seriously
most fixes for shit like this is literally download zip -> extract zip into folder

Software on an open platform such as the Personal Computer may not necessarily run right for everyone.

That's the natural tradeoff of such a system.

Not OP but if a game doesn't work on the most popular OS then Steam should either make a warning note (like GoG) and/or provide support other than "lol ask the developers"

Being a PC gamer requires you to be an intellectual and a problem solver so if you are not able to do these things it’s ok you can always just play on your big boy consoles and not worry about it

Can somebody on win 8 just post a pic of the games OP mentioned running so he can shut up and kill himself? please, I want to see him getting BTFO

aren't there already warnings like that, just for games that aren't easily patched for 8/10/whatever?
i may be mistaken

I do agree that a warning of some kind would be nice but you have to be seriously brain damaged to not just google a fix for a game that doesn't work like OP

getting mad at the store and not the publisher for dropping support

they do for fallout 3 I cant remember any others though

I don't think anyone even uses 8 anymore. They either threw it out and went back to 7 or updated "for free" to 10.

The post warning but only when games are very broken or they won't launch at all

I would hope so, but from my experience on W10 I've had a couple of games that require a bit of work to get running. Order of War was the last one I remember
Sure, but Steam is pretty shit-tier in dealing with compatibility errors. The lack of warnings and the lack of a proper support system means consumers are entirely dependent on old forums staying up and maintaining download links for various fixes. Those websites won't be available forever and so Steam should get off its ass if it's going to profit from those games but refuse to support them

It would be nice to have Steam do the GoG method of keeping most games up to par with new OS's, but Steam does have many more games available than GoG and would probably "cost them too much". We can just hope that these user made patches don't just disappear more than they already have

Run Steam as admin

every try putting a ps1 disc in a ps4

It's a shame but I doubt Valve are going to do anything until they're forced to through competition (if that ever happens). I think the cost thing is overdone when they're receiving 30% of every sale and can easily just re-distribute existing fixes, but again it costs more than literally doing nothing which (hasn't impacted their sales at all).

>game is released and never gets an official patch even after 7 years of just sitting and rotting on steam

These companies don't even fucking care about their creations

Just pirate GOG version of old games.

>Yeah but a 20 year old game console runs fine today, PC's have to be upgraded every few years and look what happens when you upgrade the games don't work

See, the thing you don't understand is that anybody who has the knowledge to upgrade their PC is also capable of doing a fucking google search and patching their game

I avoided the Rockstar bundle because I remember Rockstar games running like shit on PC when they got released. Nice that nothing changed.

Also OP is right. Win7/10 are common now. Games you purchase for money in 2018 should work on a modern OS and the person you buy it from should make sure it works. After all I've paid for it.
Do you guys need a food analogy to realise how shit steam is? That's why I pirate. They will always try to fuck with you. Fuck them first.

When there is a illion of different hardware possibilities, multiple OS's and even different softtware versions everybody is running, you can't expect them to be checking everything to make sure that it works for every system.
Pirate all you want, but don't pretend that you are justified.

You can chose whatever PC gaming medium you like, games that came out over a decade ago are most likely not gonna have a developer team ready to patch it for windows 10. Steam has nothing to do with the devs of Sim City or it's compatibility. Patches are literally file folders that you drag and drop. Stop blaming the world for your own lack of common sense.

the old GTAs are actually best played on PC since you can restore content that was removed from the PC port as well as mix and match with better shit from the mobile ports

Bruh, if niggas can't download a compatibility patch then modding the game is already beyond them