Do you like long-form analysis of video games, Sup Forums?

Do you like long-form analysis of video games, Sup Forums?

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overanalyizing dark souls is for idiots


Please don't call Mathew's videos that. His aren't nearly as much of a waste of time.

I like Joseph Anderson's, yeah. He seems really fair and unafraid to call out crap.

Mauler may be crazy but he did an excellent job eviscerating Hbomberguy and Last Jedi.


anyone can eviscerate hbomberloser


These are just timescale filler vids for extra views. Nobody gives that much of a fuck and if they did they would play the game.

Matthew is still the king, Joseph is superb. Mandalore and Mark Brown are still great, if normie tier. Hbomberguy has his moments. Was recently impressed by "Shammy" and how deep he dug into the story of No Man's Sky.
There's also a few 'small time' figures like EmceeProphIt who also do some good critical analysis.

been working on a channel myself, and while I want to do more analyses, I can't be bothered to make it more than like 10 to 15 minutes dealing with a particular facet of the game/anime.

Another problem is when you make predictions and end up being wrong and have to do follow ups where you admit you're wrong and adjust your theories/predictions.

easy, just dont be wrong

People who make/watch these kind of videos have the wrong kind of severe autism. They don't have the panekokek autism where he does fun stuff, they have the worst autism which makes them do really pointless stuff that isn't even fun to watch.

well, you're always going to be wrong eventually. the only way to never be wrong is to never do an analysis. it's just you have to be willing to take criticism and also be ready to say "i was wrong before, but here's what I think now that I've been proven wrong," if you're going to go the write of breaking down a game's content or commenting on the industry side of things.

>tfw watching nuwars videos from the guy at the bottom
I don't care about half of the shit he's mentioned and I'm still stunned at how awful Last Jedi was


i hope watching all this doesnt put me on the spectrum nor turns me gay

can confirm user, it gave me a lust for dicks, dont do it

ANONS DARK SOULS SERIES CRITIQUE: anything with a number at the end it entirely skippable.

thanks to my patreons


>unplugged mouse
>no computer

I laughed.

I like long-form analysis of comic strips.

30 minutes to 1 hour is more than enough to make a critique of any game without sounding like a pretentious faggot, while at the same time covering all topics from presentation, sotry and characters, gameplay and all that shit

yes, but also


That is a very long joke.

I checked out those Anderson and Matt guys out of curiosity, they are both pretentious pseudointellectuals, especially Matt. You want to talk game design, fine, just don't pretend that what you are doing takes more brains than it does. And don't use words you don't understand. Antichamber being "non-euclidean", jesus fuck.

dont know hbomberguy's vidya opinions but hes pretty based for shitting on Sargon of Fatkad

I also dont understand the autistic meltdowns people are having about TLJ, it's a movie about magic laser swords ninjas in outer space guys calm down

Fuck shartgon of sackad


>he disagreed with me about muh star wars, time to post an ebin hat meme

>liking a guy worse than another guy because he hates that guy

I want Communism to leave.

It would be perfect if it was a white monitor,

i agree, there's no reason to ever listen to a 3-hour podcast about why SJWs are bad when you already know they are, why the fuck do people watch that garbage

White monitors are for soyboys

Yeah so both videos kinda miss the points because they assume something that isnt measureable great, 7 hours down the drain

>THICK 90's aesthetic is bad

Low T detected.

>mandalore a normie
He's autistic enough to play Aurora and EYE so that auto disqualifies him. I also think hbomberguy makes good points in his vidya videos, he's just compelled to be a smug cunt too often for my liking.

>virgins post isn't in dark theme

>implying Tomorrow isnt the objectively correct way to browse Sup Forums

We all know it is. That's why the virgin post should be in tommarow

>virgin tier
Matthew, Shammy etc

>chad tier
multiple hours long critiques made by literally who because they cared about a specific game and then made nothing notable ever again

Why in the actual fuck are these videos always about Bethesda games, Nintendo games or Dark Souls?

>I'm just now noticing that Chad's head is literally the shape of Chad.

>7 hour analysis of a Pokemon game
Holy shit my dude

Souls fags are fucking insane.

There is actually a picture based off it
>Never takes his eye of niger
Love this shit lmao

Mandalore himself isn't really a normie. His content just leans towards mass-market.

Only games worth talking about.
Also only communities autistic enough to sit around for 7 hour long videos.


Hamsterson is a faggot, he spends 90% of his videos talking about the story and the rest outing himself as a retarded casual, also he only talks about the most basic AAA games.