>Oh hey user, you get Monster Hunter World yet?
>I wanted to wait for PC but after playing the betas on PS4 I got it on console.
>No worries man, I'll play 4U with you if you want. Cross Cross if you've still got it too.
>I'll keep a second character on PS4 if you ever get into it, I'll make the co-op file a male because the male armor is usually fantastic looking in past MonHun's.
>If you're going to wait for PC, sure dude. I'm willing to double dip if you've got no other homies to play with.
Oh hey user, you get Monster Hunter World yet?
Nice fantasy, basement dweller.
When a real Chad wants to hunt, he literally goes out hunting with a real gun.
I'm 99% sure this guy was in my science class at school
He bullied the fuck out of me
I do both, what am I?
You're a... please fucking marry me holy shit I'm dripping.
did you go to greensboro?
Hunting is for lame old men
Wtf how did you know?
>buy game
>get hyped
>hate every weapon
what now?
How women react to an actual alpha Chad.
I knew a guy like that in high school. Was a total bro and we'd cuddle in his truck. God I miss those days
>Oh hey user, you get Monster Hunter World yet?
>I wanted to wait for PC but after playing the betas on PS4 I got it on console.
>No worries man, I'll play 4U with you if you want. Cross Cross if you've still got it too.
>I'll keep a second character on PS4 if you ever get into it, I'll make the co-op file a male because the male armor is usually fantastic looking in past MonHun's.
>If you're going to wait for PC, sure dude. I'm willing to double dip if you've got no other homies to play with.
Chads are pretty chill if you can curb your own autism a bit to talk to someone like a regular human being.
yet you can't even in an anonymous setting resist classifying a group of human beings by a gay nickname
take your own advice faggot
This, two of my friends are chads and they play video games with me from time to time.
t. numale
Thanks Chad.
>we'd cuddle in his truck.
>the Chad bro Chad
>the virgin bully Chad
>that one chadbro who protected you in school from the bullies
what was his name again
He never existed, user. He never was there.
>tfw you were too chad to hang with the nerds so hung out with the jocks and played sports even tho you just wanted to play video games
i know there are more like me
>tfw never had a chadbro
I eventually managed to get over the worst of my autism near the end.
chad bros were the best bros
You return it you fucking retard.
>reading a light novel on my phone during a lecture
>some chad sits down next to me and asks what I'm reading
>drop my phone in panic
>just blurt out "book" without making eye contact
>he looks visibly perturbed
I chose this path
>tfw no chad bro best friend
some dudes were making fun of my fat belly in the locker room when masonchad walked in and told them they’re all fags for staring at another dude so intensely and to fuck off
Ok but I'm still on Low Rank lol
i would bully kids, but i would also protect them if someone else tried to bully them. only i was allowed to beat them up desu
My only experience with light novels is Danganronpa Zero and it was awful.
>Was a chad in highschool(wasn't short,wasn't fat or skinny,wasn't ugly and wasn't shy)
>Had the ability to talk with everyone and be chill with everyone(students to janitors)
>People liked to talk to me
>Since I liked vidya(and others nerd things) and was pretty good at sports(and also liked some others sports and also cars) I used to hang out with both chads and nerds
>Never gave a flying fuck about what others thought
Why people restrict themselfs to just one group? Having friends with different tastes can open new "doors" to you and teach you something new.
I thought bullies were Brad? Wasn't Chad always the cool guy?
You sound like a tremendous faggot
A real Chad respects the sanctity of life.
I was no chad but I protected others from bullies; I even pulled a big boss and made the bullies my friends after beating them. I miss being allowed to fight people.
i had none
also, defending yourself against bullies is a meme. i defended myself, and because I was a manlet, they simply bullied me harder and ganged up and me and beat the ever loving shit out of me. i should have stayed quiet.
it's the best when you're that one big kid who is bigger than all the other kids for a while, and you can just kick the shit out of anyone you want and they are too scared to say anything.
school was awesome
>tfw never got to experience any cool high school stories of friendship and rivalry
That sounds like the worst, but at least you don't have any embarrassing memories though.
Thing could be way worse user.
I still do, but they're just centered around store clerks instead of cute schoolgirls
>tfw you lost most of your childhood memories due to temporal lobe malfunctions
There wasn't a Chad....but there was a Stacy
jesus christ
>let me kill lesser animals because its """"fun""""
Humans are assholes, even to our own species
>tfw no Chad bf (best friend) to help me get swole and wingman hard as fuck for me
I wasn't even the type of guy who hated football players and they weren't complete douches at my school either.
I'm thinking about going gay purely just because I can't get a gf and I'm in my late 20s.
You fuckers mad i got blond gf millions of dollars and im married and in good shape
>it’s a “deluded anti-social virgins make up an ideal version of Chad to make up for their bullied high school life” episode again
Gregchad :3
He was so cute and strong and handsome. God I felt so safe in his arms.
Fuck off stacy
Might is right you pussy faggot
Yer blind Harry
I was never bullied by chads. But a few girls used to pick on me by giving me silly nicknames.
>tfw was inadvertently the alpha chad of a grade 5 school (was in grade 5) and the queen stacy of the school who everyone loved and admired had a crush on me of all ppl which subsequently made every other girl in the school want me too
cant make this shit up
Was it a group led by Stacy?
At least you got to purify the land.
Chad wanabe subhuman nigger
Fuck off faggot, where do your burgers come from? Thats right, mass produced cows who exist only to be killed. How did civilizations live in early times? That's right you stupid soyboy cuck, through hunting and fishing.
>b-b-but muh berries
>b-b-but muh paleo diet
The paleo life expectancy was like 29, that diet isnt fit for modern ages so go fuck yourself with your wife's didlo and already and fuck off.
Balls didn't touch
No. They were all totally separate girls who didn't hang around together. One girl used to tickle me all the time and another used to call me a silly name based on a food i was allergic to
Why do some Chads talk in a faux-black accent and talk about weed so much? It’s even stranger when you consider they’re in a majority white school and they don’t have any black friends. What kind of mental trauma could have happened to make them act this way?
Usually sexual abuse by their coach
>Why do some Chads talk in a faux-black accent and talk about weed so much?
Those aren't Chads, those are Brads. Totally different specimens.
No joking here. In my high school the coach used to always get the guys to take off our shirts during gym class. He obviously never asked the girls to do this because he wouldn't have got away with it.
Why do people on this site care so much about what thise "Chad" persona you've crated does or think? Every fucking thread is "This is chadlike" or "no no, Chad wouldnt do that".
Sup Forums wants to fuck Chad.
I remember one Chad in high school who used to bully me until one day we started talking about vidya and he lent me The Getaway CD for PS2. After that day he stopped being mean to me
Because Chad is popular and I want to be like him
d'awwww :3c
I remember one chad who used to bully me and then towards the end if high school I was just talking to him one day and he opened up to me about how his dad used to beat him. was kinda weird.
>The huge guys in the gym just talk about Dragonball Super all the time
Pretty neato
>Oh hey user, you busy? Let's play some Monster Hunter World.
>Sup dude, cool looking character, man.
>What? Why did I make a girl hunter?
>Because I wanted to? Look how cute she looks with this set on.
f-f-fag !!
>Ey man why did you call me a fag yesterday? Not cool dude. You shouldn't use that kind of language.
>Had to go play multiplayer with some randoms too, and it wasn't as fun.
Don't hurt me chad. I was just kidding around.
Chad, I'm a broke neet can you just buy the thing for me?
why are so many of you gay?
op guy looks pretty gay
That is one frightening man
Care to repeat that, bro?
Chad is sexy as fuck, a being of pure sexual energy, everyone is attracted to him, girls to want to fuck him, boys want to be girls to fuck him, trannies became girls just to fuck him
ha just joking chad.
>Nah brah, I'd never hurt you, violence never solves anything, we're cool.
fairly certain he's about 97% photoshop
Chads didn’t bully me they just generally accepted me cuz I was funny in middle school
Whats the sperg story
yeah if you had a good sense of humor and were entertaining you we didnt beat u up
should i get 4u or xx?
i was that chad
There were never any bullies at my school. Or chads. We just had shitty mexicans.
Gay from laziness is the worst reason to go gay man.
W-what happened to you user?
well what else am I supposed to do? I'm 27 and never had a gf. I'm not even fat so telling me to exercise won't help.
same, it truly is the best way to live
How the fuck do you just talk to people? Every time I try to, my voice gets much quieter than normal. I also forget things easier, it’s so fucking stressful.
Have you actually tried dating websites and apps?
My cousin used match.com for a month for free and went on her first date and everything.
You should just stop fearing rejection and quit feeling so inadequate.