Why do girls like zelda so much?

why do girls like zelda so much?

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Because it's a soy series.

>why do girls like zelda so much?

Everyone likes zelda

why is she crying, nothing in botw warrants even a watery eye. is she just crying for the views?

Thank god I'm not the only one who cried at that scene.

Shit man, even I shed a tear at that trailer.

Not girls, normies

Have you ever had extended contact with a girl?

Because literally everybody who plays games has at least one Zelda game they like


y i k e s

Easy "lol i'm such a GAMERRR" cred

That's very true. Very rarely do I see people who like every single Zelda game though.

can a normie explain the crying? I liked botw but there was _NOTHING_ in the game that warranted such a strong emotional reaction. there's hardly a story, nobody really dies and everything is just very upbeat and fun.

girls love the "good looking hero rescuing the heroine" trope.

Also the games have a surprising amount of Romance and Drama


Because it's brainlet friendly

maybe Hitler really was in the right

hey these SOYBOYS
would like to have a word with you

why are you asking retarded questions? she got emotional because of the trailer

t. soylet

I don't think it warrants a cry but the entire backstory of BotW is about how Zelda spends most of her young life studying just to realize she has no fucking clue what she's doing and is largely a failure, while also secretly having a mild disdain for Link for seemingly having his whole life figured out.

It's not the most depressing thing ever since all that shit is subtext that can easily be missed and ignored, but I can see how this sort of thing can hit people close to home.

I'm more concerned by the fact that >girl has a massive pair of tits.
How are straight men supposed to know?

Because it's the new Portal. They think that by playing Zelda games they'll get more attention for being "lol I'm such a nerd xD".
Only millennial soyboys know or care about Zelda anyway so who cares.

It's because of soy. Women naturally have more soy in their blood. This sounds attracts them to soy games like Zelda.

>why do girls like zelda so much?

Because girls and women love Link.

They're not getting any aryan heroes in real life

le nerd cred geek is chic core.


Because Link is cute.


Theyre faggots

What does that have to do with what he asked?

can confirm, a friend of mine is a lesbian and she self inserts AS Link rescuing the princess, so it works both ways

Link is cute

Because zelda's ocarina is an ovary.

Prove me wrong.

10% of console owners are female, 10% is still 10%. Frankly I'm surprised there aren't more female game channels.

I like every Zelda game because I'm not a retard who sees any underwhelming Zelda as a pile of shit.

Its one of the most more known games so they dont even have to research and just use that to claim they play vidya

Not true i find them entirely overrated and boring as shit. Everything nintendo puts out is literally for children

Because women always want the most recognition for doing the least amount of work, which is exactly what the Zelda series is all about. Piss easy gameplay, you dont need to do any research to find out about it, and basically everyone knows what Zelda is. It also helps a lot that Link is cute.

Because Link is a prettyboy, and in BoTW a prettyboy you can customize what he wears

>girls love the "good looking hero rescuing the heroine" trope
Fem Freq proves you otherwise and all the girl power shit, strong independent wymen etc

Damn! Cosmo looks like that?

>white blonde blue-eyed cis-male saves damsel in distress
What the fuck is this thread?

You do know it's possible to not like a game that's objectively good, right? I know that's difficult for some of you Zelda fans to accept.

Girls cry a lot over stupid crap.

>Not true i find them entirely overrated and boring as shit.
Well you're nobody

Sup Forums now loves shitty games made by trans.
what happened

Link is hot


damn she is hot

Your father never loved you, gayboy.

Zelda is entry-level babby shit.