So, is it true that the Switch is only as powerful as the PS2?

So, is it true that the Switch is only as powerful as the PS2?


ffs no, it's a little bit more powerful than ps3

>a little bit more powerful
try a lot more powerful, the ps3 cannot run doom at all. Neither can the xbox 360.


The Switch is just two GameBoys taped together. Couldn't even run Baldur's Gate.

you heard wrong. the switch is less powerful than the nes, it can't even run castlevania 3

It can only run Pong in 10 fps


Neither can the Switch. It runs a heavily modified version of it and doesn't even have snapmap.

Neither can the switch. It's running on settings lower than the lowest possible settings on PC at sub-720p resolution and still can't hit 30 fps reliably.

the switch is on par with the sega saturn

Wot kind of twoll is that?


Dream on. The Switch version of DOOM is the full version and its solid.

Digital Foundry built a PC based on Switch's specs and it couldn't run Doom for shit.

just popping in to say you don't even play the videogames you defend consoles on

if you played and liked FPS games to any hobbyist level extent you would be able to admit this, because it's really not okay. stick to your marios or whatever the fuck this console actually runs.

I'm running the PC version on a Phenom II and a 750 ti, so their claim is misleading at best. It looks better than the Switch version with little effort. I get between 50 and 60 fps.

>having this much Nintendo cock in your mouth

>Digital Foundry built a PC based on Switch's specs and it couldn't run Doom for shit.
No shit, they say in that same video that the lowest settings on PC are still higher than what's found on the Switch.

>switch has no CORN COBS

Ooh shit that's pathetic. Why do Nin-chicken-tendies even try to defend their soytoys anymore?

>neither can the switch
>post pictures clearly showing the switch running doom

ok, call me when they get doom running on the x360/ps3.

Great argument Nintensoy

If they wanted it there, it would run there. Not much of an argument.

Doom on switch is doom cut into tiny shit peices held together with sheet metal. Switch can't handle real doom.

Except they can't, the 360 and the ps3 are both way too weak to run doom.

So is the Switch. What's your point?

>switch has doom
>ps3/360 do not

>switch has a botched, watered down version of doom
>ps3/360 could probably run Doom better than switch but the devs didn't want to bother making 2 more watered down versions of the game when they're putting the real version of it on Xb1 and PS4 anyways.


Sup Forums being tech illiterates as usual, I see

ps3/360 are both weaker than the switch and this is a fact.

The latest ipad is more powerful than both of them.

cause my pc isnt portable

phones today are more powerful than the PS360

>using last gen consoles as an argument when the switch is a brand new fucking console
You just don't want to admit it's weak as shit, so use last gen consoles, for which all game production has effectively ceased, as proof the Switch is somehow powerful. Why are you like this?

>didnt bother to read the reply chain from the beginning

Its the only 9th gen console right now so...

>muh 3 hour battery life while looking like a perma-virgin loser in public
Cool. That's so worth sacrificing the game looking decent while you play it.

>playing splatoon 2 while i shit
>playing mario kart 8 with family at family events
>playing breath of the wild on road trips
>playing mario odyssey when I visit friends

who the fuck actually plays games in public spaces, it's still convenient in literally the most appropriate scenarios

lol no, its like between the power of a ps3 and ps4.

>Decide to visit a friend who lives few cities over
>Can afford only bus down there, a 3 hour drive there and back a week later
>Have switch
>Fucking LOVE mario kart 8
>Bus has USB ports. They do not charge the switch while playing but slow down the power drain
>Can also keep phone charging
>Tether phone
>Test online
>Play 200cc online for 2 hours out of my 3 hour drive
>Same when coming back

Fuck I may be THAT guy but at least my 3 hours of sitting was fucking fun.

This has been thus far ONLY "Switch Dreams" moment of owning switch. Otherwise the thing is docked unless I decide I wanna play something in bed.
I do not even usually take a shit with it or anything since my internet to the dock is wired, so if I am playing mario kart 8 online and trying to undock the console for a bathroom run, I am just disconnecting from the internet anyway.

One downside to wired connection setup with switch people, but worth it for splatoon.