Is it realistic to have female operators?
Is it realistic to have female operators?
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no, any women in combat will be worse than even the most out of shape fuckwit who shows up to basic.
Women are only in the military cause it's "unethical" to have official military brothels
Female operators in general? Sure why not.
The way they are portrayed is incredibly unrealistic / unimmersive. They are wearing hoodies, jeans, i think one of them has dyed hair. Same with some of the men if im being honest.
All the german ops wear hoodies and jeans you dork
>Same with some of the men if im being honest
>Female operators in general? Sure why not
It's not particularly realistic, which fits perfectly really.
Yes. But not in the retarded way ubisoft has them with dyed hairstyles and lipstick
>Is it realistic to have female operators?
Yes it's realistic
There is no female navy seal, there is no way Valkyrie could exist
The game isn't set in real life, maybe in that earth womyn can actually do stuff
yoga pants are unironically a very utilitarian piece of clothing to go on ops
> no snag
> light
> quite
> full range of movement
you literally cannot argue against this.
No. But they're restructuring the development team to be more diverse and equal (a flaw pointed out by ubisoft on the dev team at the start on reddit), so nothing surprises me anymore with ubisoft.
Frost is ok, but that's as far of a stretch as you can go.
Ela running around in yoga pants and tumblr hair is beyond retarded.
Dokka being weeb bait and running around with a shotgun is how you lose wars
Most importantly
>shows off ass
> Ela running around in yoga pants and tumblr hair is beyond retarded.
please refer to on why you are wrong.
I don't give a fuck honestly.
The girls are cute and the game is fun. That's as far as it should go.
>will tear if they touch anything sharp/rough while you are moving
this is bad unless you're a PERV
The only thing that's shit about the female ops is how broken they were last time I played. I heard Ela got nerfed recently, thank god. Played against some guy who thought he was hot shit because he was getting kills with Ela. Bullied him into a corner with Montagne and held him there while my team murdered his. Fucking faggot.
Not nerfed enough, her gun is still WAY to powerful and has a massive clip.
no there are no female operators in real life its not physically possible for them probably not mentally either
Go back to facebook
The Germans wearing casual gear is because they are based on the Spezialeinsatzkommandos, do it's not totally unrealistic.
Problem is GSG9 roll in with uniforms instead of slapping stuff on their civvies.
>SWAT: Yes (Highly likely)
>Navy SEAL: No (Stupid on Ubisofts part)
>JTF2: No (Possible, but unlikely)
>GSG9: Yes (Likely)
>SAS: No (Possible, but unlikely)
>GIGN: Yes (Likely)
>Spetsnaz: Hahaha NO, fuck No (Russia is very traditional)
>GEO: No (Possible, but unlikely)
>GROM: No (Possible, but FUCKING TWO OPS???!?? god damn Ubi y u so rong/ Highly unlikely)
SDU: Yes? (Females have their own unit iirc)
>707th SMB and SAT: I have no idea
Essentially Ops classed in police tactical units are likely to have woman, but military ops are EXTREMELY unlikely.
I read somewhere the lack of tac design for GSG9 was to improve response time, like FBI showing up to a raid in a suit and slapping on a bullet proof vest. So you can thank that sentiment for Thicc IQ in jeans. However, the yoga pants we've seen recently (Ela/Dokkaebi) are insulting to the forces the R6 ops claim to represent.
Yes, for one or two. However, aren't like 50% of the ops in this game female?
neither of them wear yoga pants, Dokkaebi wears a wetsuit and Ela basically wears a splinter cell/metal gear solid stealth suit with a big jacket over it
The female ops would bother me less if their bios didn't get keep getting increasingly retarded and verbose.
Not really, but it wasn't too big of a deal until they started going all meme special snowflake with the designs.
I remember people shitposted Valkarie to death when she came out, but I'd take a million of her or Frost or Mira over an Ela or Dokki.
>People complain about year 2 females
>Everyone forgets about Ying
Fuck you Ela
Because her guns are shit. OPs in the game are ranked by their ability or guns, Ying sadly has both horrible guns and a mediocre ability
>Ubisoft is only bring back England and Russia just so their countries could have a female operator represent them
If you read Valkyrie's operator profile it never says she's actually a SEAL, just that she's in the Navy as an intelligence operator
No but the game is fun so I don't give a fuck
Ying is dogshit so nobody plays/cares about her
Who the fuck reads the bios?
Retards on /vg/
I don't understand why the fuck we don't have Australians. Before this upcoming season I would have said because we've already got the UK and Australians are just drunker Brits and Ubi might not want to double up on the same country but now we're going back.
I want my Aussie shitposter Ops
Is Vigil any good? He seems useless considering his gadget announces his presence to drones anyway.
Someone who wanted to see if Valk was actually a SEAL? Up until Dokkaebi, Ela, and Zofia they were only like a paragraph.
I think Sledge's was like "Dude was big and played a lot of rugby then joined the army"
but /r6g/ is full of retards
If you're going to sneeze, do it now.
He could be anywhere in the room you are droning, in the room above or the neighbouring rooms. He is not useless.
the game doesnt try to be realistic in any way, so why should it matter?
Probably depends on how good is gun is. The slug shotgun is a bit of a meme and no idea how good his smg is
It's pretty good really, not as good as Ela's but she has the best gun so that's not a fair comparison. However it's not shit like the MP5K or the MPX, not by a long shot.
Ash is realistic in the sense that there are Female FBI agents who go into the field, though they'd never purposely be frontline in a combat situation.
She's also Israeli and has probably had some level of military training.
This is now a operator waifu thread. Post your operator waifu.
y no mention of MARSOC?
MARSOC isn't in Rainbow Six: Siege
>developers get asked why they didn't have many girls in the original line up
>we were less focused on diversity back then!
>valkyrie gets good gadget, passively resists concussion grenades and HAS THE ABILITY TO GET HERSELF OUT OF DBNO
>not capitao who's whole lore is he got captured and tortured for ages
>not montagne who's whole thing is his durability
>or rook who has crazy armour
>fucking valkyrie
Can we just gas the devs of this game and move on?
And launch siege was actually one of the most realistic shooters out there. not having a bunch of retarded meme gadgets everywhere also contributed to this
You mean Zofia right?
Unless I missed something on Valkyrie, but I'm pretty sure she just has goofy little camera balls...
>>fucking valkyrie
I get where you're coming from but it's Zofia who has all that. It's dumb that she gets a second ability like that. It's rare to have happen (i've never played as her and gone DBNO and had time to pick myself up) but with her main gadget being pretty nice she didn't need extra.
That's the one. Sorry it's like 3:30 in the morning and I'm nackered.
>>Navy SEAL: No (Stupid on Ubisofts part)
Realistic as it is, they do accept females into SEAL school.
Will they ever pass? Fuck no.
Someone is tracking you
Oh there were plenty of retarded meme gadgets in the original operators.
I would be highly surprised if more than 1 or maybe 2 units in the game have any female members. Probably none of them. The physical standards for all of them are extremely high.
It's almost like they had to branch out to appeal to the general audience and not realistic NO WOMEN IN MY GAMES faggots like you.
Oh yeah and their game is successful now because of that.
this, where's our TAG East / SASR lads at?
>he thinks R6:S is realistic
Every time I think Sup Forums can't get any dumber, it goes and proves I'm the dumbest one of all.
Game is successful cause its a solid shooter and there's literally nothing like it on the market, it was also recently released on steam which gave it a shot in the arm it needed.
Diversity shit had nothing to do with it.
Pulse and jager were the only dumb ones.
Siege is successful now because they added anticheat and cleaned up their servers. Not because they added women where they realistically wouldn't be. Faggot.
It's not like they're going for long stretches of marching with tons of weight on their back or doing hand to hand combat a ton: they're specialists that just have to work under duress for an hour at most, so it's sort of realistic
>Operators are soldiers
This is true.
But at least besides the goofy gadgets it was mostly plausible, in terms of weaponry and operator design. Now they’ve gone full-retard and the operators are fucking anime-tier nonsense using shit like desert eagles and double barrels.
I like Frost's bear trap gadget. I have no idea why the FUCK she is using an SMG from WW2
This is entirely false.
They have to do incredibly difficult tests of endurance to get into these types of units. SAS candidates for instance have to do an incredibly difficult timed march up a mountain, SEALs have to carry around boats and logs for hours, etc.
Is it realistic? Fuck no. Even GSG9 has never had female members ffs. That being said, they're not gonna change it. Too many Tumblirites are in their dev team now and the community has this pathetic Overwatch like waifu obsession.
The Sterling isn’t really a WWII weapon, it was introduced right after the war.
However the Canadian military retired their version in like the 90s at the latest. Anybody still using SMGs in the Forces uses an MP5.
JTF2 wouldn’t be using the ancient, trash-tier Hi-Powers everybody else does either, they get P226s.
At least Tachanka's LMG choice is based on him being an antique gun collector. Some of these older gun choices are just stupid
It honestly doesn't bother me, its a little out of place, yes, but nothing that breaks the art style of the game itself, and during a match I'll be more focused on killing my opponents and not getting killed than looking at the other players' asses to see who is wearing proper pants and who isn't.
As long as the art style is still prevalent I don't mind it. Something like TF2 for example completely and utterly broke its style in favor of loot boxes and that's not ok.
I highly doubt a top-tier CTU would let him use an obsolete WWII machine gun just because he likes antique weapons.
He should realistically have a PKM or RPK or something
What are they then? Paintballers?
realistic: yes
accurate: no
> SAS actually forbids women from joining.
Tfw trans
Tfw get to be a cute girl but get to keep male biological advantage
Best of both worlds
>every dude in seige is a hard ass mofo, usually obscuring their face in some manner too.
>every female op is wearing makeup and only one of them is even full balacava
To be honest this bothers me more than there just being female ops. It's like, if you wanna go waifu-bait, go all the way and stick them in bikinis. This half-measure shit just irritates me.
Show butt
This is not like your japanese animes
Frost and IQ both wear balaclavas or at least something that covers the bottom half of their face. You're overreacting.
Operators with gadgets that definitely existed at launch and who might reasonably expected to have same:
Operators whose gadgets strain credibility or exist but don't function the same way they do in real life, or ones who would not use what they were presented with:
Operators who gadgets are entirely fantasy, nothing about them is realistic or no CTU organization on the planet would sanction their use:
tl;dr take that dick out of your mouth. The game was pretty much raw fantasy from the getgo.
Frost is the cutest leaf
ITT: People who don't even play or support the game complain about things that are overall good for the longevity of the game.
My favorite Halo 3 song.
Team Rainbow really is the international warcrimes division, especially when you include the DLC ops
Mostly accurate, but
>Entirely fantasy
Shields with mounted lights do exist, and I am fairly certain that there are one configured to flash or strobe to disorient people
>fuck the geneva conventions, we've got tangos to frag
Some of the gadgets are hilarious to me in the context of being used by counter-terrorist professionals
>Fragmentation grenades
>Indiscriminate, lethal explosive traps
>Crossbow bolts that suffocate people near the target
>Device that blindly fires grenades into a room
>Fucking poison gas
>>Fragmentation grenades
these are a common russian counter-terrorist weapon though
SDU is not likely to have any woman as the training and test requirement are too difficult for women, they are literally best of the best, only 500 SDU units in Hong Kong. Beside the SDU, every unit in HK police force has women as the force lower the requirement for women.
SDU training is really similar to military training
True, I mean Russia doesn’t really play by the rules of anybody else. They use shit like BTR cannons.
Though to be fair we’re talking about operations against Chechen insurgent groups and shit.
Don't most armies use fragmentation grenades of some kind?
>Female operators
Soldiers maybe, operators not really. There has been a few women in the American army rangers but... I wouldn't call the rangers operators
500 SDU ops*
In the regular army? Yes
In a tactical unit responding to hostage situations and such? Hell no
I presume he means counter-terror operators that are in charge of disarming bombs and saving hostages don't usually use weapons like that because they could hurt the hostage/detonate the weapons
Unless you're russian, in which case you bust down the door and toss in the grenades hostages be damned.
Yeah, in that context it makes sense. Rainbow Six is not a series that puts realism above gameplay, though. I think it's always featured frags. Most servers in Vegas had them disabled, though.