What FPS game has the most satisfying shooting mechanics?

What FPS game has the most satisfying shooting mechanics?

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das rite white boi

Shadow of Chernobyl with AMK is the most satisfying shooter I've ever played.

Every gun sounds, feels and impacts like an actual gun. The puny makarov you start with will kill enemies with one shot to the head.

worth noting that vanilla stalker pistols feel like crap.

Killzone 2 and 3


Killzone would be extremely satisfying just due to the amazing animations if not for the retarded devs thinking it's a good idea to make the game feel like you are constantly underwater.

Black. Too bad it's otherwise such a generic game.

Literally any game without iron sights

How is this POSSIBLY playing without a ridiculous amount of stutters?

I know people loved the way 2 felt but I thought they hit it just right with 3.There was still that sense of weight but it wasn't like you were wearing lead clothing.

Rising Storm 2.

Gears of War. Say what you want about bullet sponges but every Gears weapon feels like it has immense heft to it.


BF3 and 4



>He's too fast!


I used to jam out on this solely for the great ragdoll physics

call of juarez gunslinger is up there
>that part where he starts singing "oh, death" and you have permanent focus and you're just cutting them down one by one in a trance

>tfw no Killzone HD collection on ps4


I found an M16 with 20 round mag and a cco. Stored it in the box at cordon starting village because I didn't have ammo for it just yet and when I finally did have about a hundred rounds I went to pick it up and it was gone. I then remembered that npcs will go around and take shit from stashes or bodies. I fucking murdered everyone at the village, but couldn't find the rifle. Since then I've put those deployable stashes on the roof where you can find the merc armor and haven't lost anymore gear. Amk is my first modded playthrough of CoP and I don't know if any other CoP mods will come close to it at all. /blog

>Still no Killzone game where you actually play as the good guys
It's literally never going to happen now because they're going to just make shitty robot dinosaur far cry now.

Killing Floor 2 is a standout for me. The guns sound and feel great, and it's accompanied by superb gun models and reload animations


>We can't stop him!
One of the best things about the replica is that they know that the point man is the scariest thing in the game

how did they fuck up every game after fear 1? like they're playable, but they lack the simple "i am a fucking menace" feeling that made those games so memorable. the horror jumpscare shit wasn't the meat of the game, that was just filler. fuck the ghosts and spooky pregnancies and "muh clones" writing, that's never what anyone talks about when they jerk off fear.

they decided to continue FEAR's storyline instead of making the series an anthology as originally planned

well that's what they get for ending it on a cliffhanger

you can't make a good game with a cliffhanger ending and expect people to be like "lol ok don't want to see that end"

Painkiller had some really fun shooting, especially the stake gun


>New Vegas (gun FEEL more than gun mechanics, there's a very strong feeling of gun identity in NV, every one feels like it's unique and has its place)
>killing floors
>payday 2 (sometimes)
>blacklight retribution
>fistful of frags kind of


Killing Floor 2


Rainbox Six Siege

>What FPS game has the most satisfying shooting mechanics?
because you can just ignore them and be a space wizard

FEAR, Halo games, HL2

>shooting a person shaped whole just so me and my friends can slip in and fuck up the other team

Feels good.

God I wish I wasn't complete shite at FPS games

Best fps mechanics, no iron sights either

Yep this. The sound that plays during multiplayer when you get a kill is so satisfying.

If it played at the speed of maybe Bad Company 2 it would be perfect.

The guy in that webm is doing a ridiculous amount of unnecessary crouching and jumping and "fast camera spins" to make it look like he's playing "pro"
When in reality you can achieve the same goal with playing like a normal human who's not trying to show off to people who havent played it, making them think he's some MLG faggot

It doesn't hold up that well, but the destruction is still on point.

I always like payday
going fast as fuck with my akimbo bernettis

Does Sony even care for the franchise anymore? Its pretty clear it didn't even come close to being what Sony wanted it to be. Although they definitely should have written the game better and had a campaign for Helgast side.

try kf2, it feels better
gunslinger also the fastest perk in the game

I mean they made like 7 games for it so it must have been profitable

>killzone 1 2 3
>psp game
>ps vita game
>ps4 game
wow yeah 7 whole main games, not like the PSP game is mobile tier

>Satisfying shooting
Literally everything feels like a flaccid peashooter

Yeah but each game only sold a few million at most. None were ever even close to on the level of a BF, COD, or Halo game. I'm pretty sure Sony did want this franchise to be at least closer to the success of those games but in reality its they are merely a fraction the success those games are. KZ2 I think is their best selling KZ game and I'm pretty sure I remember reading it didn't even sell 5 million. The problem the franchise as a whole has had is an identity crisis.

Blood still holds up.
