FFXV hits 7 million, probably 8 or 9 million thanks to the upcoming PC port

>FFXV hits 7 million, probably 8 or 9 million thanks to the upcoming PC port
>Monster Hunter World hits 5 million
>Persona 5 hits 2 million
>Nier Automata hits 2 million
>Xenoblade 2 hits over a million

I'm glad that JRPG are thriving this gen

Nier Automata is not JRPG. it's ass simulator with dialogue for 15 year old steam users

>monster hunter

fpbp as always.

MH and Nier aren't JRPGs. FFXV is carried by brand name and is more of a Western open world game (think Ubisoft) than JRPG.

Japan is saving videogames

>FFXV, Monster Hunter World, and Nier Automata are JRPGs

>Monster Hunter

Ironic weebs are so retarded.

How come they aren't JRPG?

Imagine being so autistic to suggest a JRPG isn't just an RPG developed by a Japanese team.

OP you faggot, you only posted 2 JRPGs

They don't make up of MY VERY SPECIFIC definition of an RPG!

Because they're retards who unironically believe that not all Japanese roleplaying games are Japanese roleplaying games.

They're the same kind of people who call Dark Souls a WRPG with a straight face.

Are DMC and Metal Gear Rising JRPGs?

What about Zelda?

Nier is absolutely a JRPG, what kind of asspull answer do you have for what Nier is?

holy shit how do you function.

No, they're JARPGs

Nier Automata is a JRPG
Yes it is

>JRPG is a genre

Monster Hunter is an action game
The rest is debatable

>Say something completely retarded
>Act like the other person is a retard for calling you out

>XCOM is an SRPG

it's a voyeur simulator masquerading as a jrpg

Is Metal Gear Solid Peacewalker a JRPG?

Xcom gameplay is pretty much Valkyria Chronicles without the third person shooter elements

It's an RPG from japan you fucking weeb nerd

Monster Hunter is not an RPG in any sense of the word
Monster Hunter is....more of a pure action game, except instead of getting new combos, you just get new equipment and different weapons.


You can make a case for the other games, but Monster is 100% not a JRPG. Even MGR is more of a JRPG than MH is. MH has your character stat wise remain exactly the same throughout the entire game.

>Action RPG
>Action game
>Action game
>Singleplayer MMO

Nice JRPGs.

The only game there that isn't a JRPG is Monster Hunter

>ass simulator
>when most of the game is spent playing as a dude

Character action, a la DMC, Bayo, NG, GoW

Shut the fuck up, Clyde.

Kingdom Hearts will never EVER be a JRPG.

what surprises me the most is how you bring up peacewalker as opposed to the slightly more convincing bait of MGSV. regardless.

sorry, didn't think I'd need to hold user's hand and explain point by point why hack n slash games even being considered rpgs is beyond negroid.

It's not an RPG

By your definition, every single game in the world is an RPG.

>jrpg cannot be an action rpg.

Retard. Also xeno 2 is most definitely a fucking jrpg.

Its been a JRPG since 2002

How about Berseria?

I've got a few jrpgs on backlog. Which should I play?
>kh ddd
>chrono trigger

>hack n slash games even being considered rpgs is beyond negroid

>Hack and Slash aren't JRPG games
>Monster Hunter somehow is


CT is shorter than XBC2 by quite a large margin, so I'd go with that first.

Xeno 2 is shit anyway, it shouldn't be on that list.

Monster Hunter has no system by which you gain and adjust new skills, nor does it have any sort of level up or EXP. Instead, your stats are simply equipment based. Monster Hunter is its own subgenre of action games, a hunting game.
It is not an RPG.
FFXV, Persona 5, Nier Automata, and Xenoblade 2 all have these equipment systems, a leveling up/EXP system, a system by which you gain and adjust new skills, and so forth. They are JRPGs.
Monster Hunter is not.

cool, I'm just past getting frog the sword right now. and I'm really early in ddd. ddd isn't very fun tbqh

Chrono trigger is a classic and also probably the shortest out of your list so start with that then move on to Xenoblade 2. KH DDD and Setsuna are shit.


>thread devolves into nitpicking what is and isn't a JRPG
It's almost like most genres don't have a concrete definition and change drastically over time.

Monster Hunter has never been and will never be a JRPG.

never played, but don't you create a character, loot gear, and put it on.

more of an rpg than controlling a set character and choosing what weapons you use.

why was birth by sleep so damn good while ddd is so shit. goddammit

what is a jrpg? like what is the definition, because i've seen lots of action games referred to as jrpgs

>you can change your appearance so that means it's an rpg

imagine being so brainlet that you can only comprehend a fifth of a persons argument

Many Japanese action games are not JRPGs. Containing a few RPG elements in any game doesn't classify it as an RPG. This is why DMC is not a JRPG, neither is Vanquish or MGR. ARPGs can be JRPGs, but are not just action games. They contain most elements from RPGs, like Dark Souls, Xenoblade, or Tales Of games.

I agree with this, though I'd also add that, what is typical of an RPG is something like an EXP and leveling system, an equipment system, and a skill/magic system. (all adjustable)

I know it's subjective but I'd say any game with some form of stat progression on your character that's independent from your gear is a fair definition of an RPG

>not masturbate to 9S's ass

That's what I keep telling people. JRPGs were criticized as far back because they failed to adapt to the times back few years ago, hell in around 2006 or somwhere near that they were dying.

Why? Because they refused to change.
Look at JRPGs now. Look at the gameplay of Demon and Dark Souls. Look at how Japan has openly embraced the "open world meme". Look at how they're copying from the west again and making it into their own. I mean, that's what they're bast at anyways, copying the west.

And lo and behold, 2017 was their year. Literally most GOTY contenders last year weren't AAA western titles, it was Japanese games.

I thought it was a hack'n'slash game with RPG characteristics. Maybe I'm just retarded, otherwise


>everyone nitpicking over what a JRPG is and not that OP is celebrating trash like FFXV and P5 selling well


>being glad that FFXV is selling

happy for the others though

I heard this game was shallow trash even by some veteran final fantasy fans although probably not as bad as 13..

>Monster Hunter is not an RPG in any sense of the word
Nor are most jrpgs.

its worse