Would the game make much of a difference for you if Mishima had a palace? What would his palace look like?

Would the game make much of a difference for you if Mishima had a palace? What would his palace look like?

He would've made a good Envy if Sae didn't already fulfill that role

I don't think he would have one. If anything I feel he probably be someone who have the "potential," to be an actual Phantom Thief, especially when you consider concept art of him, that shows that was a possibility.

I kinda wish he was a party member actually, considering he's a total misfit outcast and him being so pathetic makes for a nice dynamic between him and Joker

This. I hope he is in Crimson but realistically it'll be Akechi joining permanently.

why can't best girl join the phantom thieves, is she too old?

No soyboys allowed in the Phantom Thieves

Exactly that.

Yusuke is probably the biggest soyboy in the game.

but... she's still considered to be in the young demographic...