what are some good games where the main protag loses their memory?
What are some good games where the main protag loses their memory?
Zero Escape, Danganronpa
Amnesia the Dark Descent
Though, technically, he never had those memories in the first place
Cave Story
KotOR 1.
E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy is the best
Guy Pierce has an odd mouth/jaw situation.
Tales of the Abyss
Mah man
kh chain of memories gba version
new vegas
Breath of the wild. (obvious answer)
Baldr Sky probably did the amnesia twist the best so far. You slowly get back your memories over multiple routes, and it keeps being a huge plot element.
It's in moon only right now, but Sekai is translating it.
PS:T by far
Name a better modern director than Christopher Nolan. Go ahead, I'll wait.
easy, peter jackson.
Just came here to say memento was a good ass movie
nice muppet sheeple """"opinion"""" you got there. i literally walked out of the 2nd lotr movie cuz it was so long and boring
>nice muppet sheeple """"opinion"""" you got there.
says the fag who likes nolan lel
TWEWY, surprised no one has said this already
Rodea the Sky Soldier is pretty fun.
Final Fantasy 7
Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl
The entirety of the Witcher videogames series
80% of all JRPGs
OP asked for good games.
how about games where you are constantly losing your memory?
Any fighting game
Radiant Historia
>34 posts
>not one mention of Silent Hill 2
Neo-Sup Forums is cancer.
Years have passed and I still don't understand why James was being punished for doing what his wife asked
He still feels guilty for having done it. Imagine someone you love with all your heart is dying a slow death, but they ask you to kill them so death is quick. You could do it and be happy knowing that they aren't suffering anymore, but you'd still feel like shit for killing them.
Did he fantasize the sexy version of his wife before or after killing her? Don't remember if they explain that
the world ends with you
I think the character still has their memory it's just the player doesn't know much about it. I remember there is a conversation in which you can talk about your parents
Nier Automata as 9S
remember sammy jankis
rune factory 3
There has never been a game or other piece of media that used the main character amnesia trope that has actually had good payoff.
not ghost trick unless you just want to wind up some useless cat
KOTOR, baby. The king of them all.
FF7... Cloud had false memories, so it doesn't count.
a shame a sequel won't happen
rune factory 4 is okay at the start but then turns into a fucking snooze fest.
What are some good games where you play as the antagonist
It's based on a French comic. They made two TV mini-series about it. There might be a French movie.
OP said good
what are some good games where the main protag loses their memory?
Mgs V
I think in System Shock 2 you're supposed to have lost your memory from being abruptly woken up from cryosleep
Zero Escape, Danganronpa
Amnesia the Dark Descent
He also feels guilty because as her disease progressed and her mental state deteriorated, he half-wished she'd die faster and release them both from the suffering.
Styx Master of Shadows.
Second Sight
Prey (2017)
came here to post this
remember me