Cindy or Cidney?
Cindy or Cidney?
Cidney because it's technically "correct" because that's the Japanese name.
Also, Cidney works with Cid and Cindy doesn't.
Didn't understand the name change, Cidney sounds like a girls name anyway
How much do fake tits cost in final fantasy's universe?
Why do you assume they're face?
Why did they even change it? Sidney is a valid english name and replacing the S with a C doesn't change the phonetics.
That's such a shit design for a mechanic
I really don't get it:
>Doesn't work
Is it hard for her voice actress to pronounce or something? Then again, they changed Tina to Terra for some reason too.
They look fake, also she seems like the type to buy fake tits
Awful game, awful characters, awful story, mediocre (not completely awful) gameplay.
nothing, it's fucking magic
Why are you assuming these things about her?
Magic cost money m8
I know, she should be a fat whiskered-out man in overalls covered with grease, any other portrayal of mechanics is an insult.
I hate this character so goddamn much. I also want to fuck her really really hard.
Doesn't matter what I call her, she'll be a mother after I'm done with her.
Don't be dumb, she looks like one of those sluts that play dress up and poses next to cars or pretending to wrench
She's damn cute. The only real flaw other than the stereotypical southern personality, is the Lightning-grade, Japanese manufactured negative ass that no true corn-fed southern girl would ever have.
Exactly, this disgustingly unrealistic of both mechanics and women is an abomination to good taste and intelligence.
>Then again, they changed Tina to Terra for some reason too.
Tina didn't sound exotic and the point was to have her name sound exotic.
Always called her Cidney. Just seemed more appropriate.
I always thought it said cidney until i actually looked at the name
Thankfully we have cosplayers.
>ass is just as flat as the character's in-game render
Reminder that this is from the Duscae demo, and lighting looks nowhere near as good in the final game.
>why isn't she a fat negress!?
>complain about the ass of an in-game render
>some cosplay whore is immune to criticism on the same aspect, though, at the penalty of some user going full slippery slope and thinking that liking a nice bubble butt equals an SSBBW fetish
You need to see an eye doctor.
you can make screenshots of the benchmark from other angles with nvidia ansel
According to the ass fetishists on Sup Forums, an ass needs to be badonakdonk or else it doesn't exist.
>ywn have her on top of you with those tits bouncing in your face
Why even live?
Can't wait for all the FFXV girls to get blacked in 4k 60fps.
Disgusting face.