Whats are your hopes for Remake 2, what new areas/content will they add? also resident evil thread

whats are your hopes for Remake 2, what new areas/content will they add? also resident evil thread

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I hope to have claire gf

They better keep Claire's ass jiggle

they added jill jiggle, im sure they will add Claire jiggle

Claire getting ass raped by zombies and William Birkin tentacle raping her and impregnating with baby tentacle monsters.

Maybe stick in some of those other areas from the Outbreak games?

Never ever

They don't need to add or change anything to make me happy. I can't speak for everyone else but I literally just want RE2 with updated graphics, animations, and voice acting. Its already a near perfect game, don't fix what aint broke. Beyond it just being a faithful remake I hope extreme battle makes it in. That shit is my jam.

Is it "a near perfect game" because you started with RE2?

I hope it exists.

RE2 is the most boring one.

they do it

When will people learn the difference between wiggle and jiggle? Claire's ass never jiggled in RE2, but it wiggled like hell (just like Leon's ass BTW as their models shared the same animations).

My first RE was actually 4. Then I played REmake, then 2.

pic related

ah, so in other words
>I only played the Sup Forumscore RE games, Sup Forums says they're good therefore they are the best RE games

i like the way Claire walks. i need to get a better quality of this cutscene

RE2 is pretty good, it's a very good addition to the series. That said, RE2 is flawed as all fuck, the moment you hit the sewers it becomes linear as shit and you get a boss fight every 5th or 6th screen.

Meanwhile in RE1..
Explore house
Fight snake
Explore house
Explore 2 more unique areas
Fight Plant
Explore additional areas
Fight new round of unique enemies
Fight Snake again
Explore house
Explore unique area
Fight tarantula
Explore house
Explore unique area
Fight Final boss

There is a very gradual process that helps even things out, meanwhile in RE2 you fight Boss, move forward, Boss, move forward, Boss, Move forward. RE1 by comparison is much, much larger and I wonder what kind of Crimson head-tier mechanic they will add.

RE4 gameplay of course.


Looking at this, I can tell for sure her ass has gotten fatter in Resident Evil Revelations 2.

It's cancelled.

yea shes a wideload now

That it comes out soon so they can get started on Remake 3 aka the best game out of the first 3.


I know there's a pic with her rodeo outfit where you can see a couple of flabby ass cheeks literally hanging out from her shorts.

They already have Factory and Lab entrance from RE0, so will see how they go from it.


>tfw no RE3 remake

its coming after 2, just make sure you buy at least 2 copies

>tfw no jill gf

I'm playing REmake right. They don't make games like this anymore and THAT'S A GOOD THING.
>horrible camera system
>inventory's fucked up beyond repair, a key weights as much as a rocket launcher; can't through away items
>that means you constantly need to run back to chests to remove some items in order to pick up a quest ones

>being this bad at videogames
go play RE4, its made for brainlets like urself

He does that, and I'm alone forever.

Is this modded?

>implying any RE game is challenging

No. You can unlock her RE2 outfit.

I am fine if it was a little bit more polished control wise and next gen graphics. The second one was my favorite out of the entire series. Just felt right.

Oh I just never realized her hips were that wide.

no, shes just a big fat out of shape pig

No... I was only listing the games I played leading up to 2. Ive played pretty much all of them except 6 and the lightgun games.

I hope they add las plagas and bullet time and zombies dropping gold+ammo and you solve puzzles by shooting switches and they change all the voice actors and add an anime-tier villain with an annoying gimmick and it's constantly referencing itself and the series as a whole so it constantly takes you out of the experience

Stop projecting this, now.

Would play

i just want claire to get unJUSTed. what did she ever do to deserve this? leon's managed to go relatively unJUSTed by comparison, i don't know why they chose to put it all on claire alone.

sorry, but Claire is fat cow who deserves to be bullied

would you bully Claire for $10,000?

They didn't seem to have been in her early years, so maybe she secretly gave birth?

t. virgin

I hope there will be the run-down mommy look costume for Claire from Rev2.
I am also fine with the "mommy has to go to work" cowgirl costume.

That's not fat, c'mon now. Bully correctly.

I hope the backgrounds are prerendered.
I want to see crazy polygons on the character models.
I want to see how photorealistic they can make it this time.


Female pelvis reshapes more commonly during childbirth, if she got wider hips but no kid, then it's cause she accumulated fat on them and those hips don't look fat.

I'd do it for free 2bqh

>"Hi, I am Julia Voth, a famous actress!"
>no reaction
>"... that girl who was the face model for a video game character nearly 20 years ago...?"
>instant spaghetti spill

lickers are cool, but hunters were so much more dangerous

hey i can agree with that
i remember getting beheaded in caution offscreen
TPS players wont know about the blindness though

Damn she is attractve, have never realised that

Reminder that nobody knows and cares who Julia Voth is until she puts on her Jill costume.

*shoots you*

I'd be fine with it.

Jill is best girl

Post more best girl webms

>black hair
abs. disg.

How about actually posting Jill instead of some washed out hoe

>that gap between her toes
I threw up.

I can assist with that.


original > redesign
julia voth = airhead bimbo

No, REmake Jill is the cutest. Btw, is RE5 Jill a Voth Jill?


RE5 Jill is a cute too. I like the hat.

>not posting the superior blonde Jill

I want them to expand the zapping system. It always felt incredibly underwhelming and underutilized to me.

Also spend some more time in the city-wide zombie apocalypse before being locked in the RCPD and underground for the rest of the game.

>Also spend some more time in the city-wide zombie apocalypse
RE3 does this well enough, to be fair.

I think it should be third person over the shoulder but even closer camera and slower than RE4 and take multiple headshots to down a zombie with a 9mm

I would like to explore more of the city at the beginning of the game

Make it anything like the Revelations games and I'm fucking sold

My only hope is for it to exist.

Retcon Leon to end up with Claire instead of spending the next two decades going "muh ada"

I stopped playing Rev2 after I finished chapter 1. Is it worth continuing?

bandersnatch bully

I always thought turning Brad Vickers into a tyrant optional boss / Lisa Trevor type character would be cooler than the zombie you can find

Anyone else worried theyll change it to be more modern day? I like the 90s aesthetic and am gonna be bummed if high tech computers and smart phones are in it

Doubt about it, the story is set in an ordinary american town in the 90s, they kinda have to keep close to that, less they look stupid.

name 5 good gameplay related things about RE2. you can't.

Resi 4 leons outfit

Post some thicc Jill

Everyone and everything want to rape you in this game except maybe dog MAYBE

This was one hell of a game, music gave some good trips in the second half. Fiona alone worth playing it

Capcom siting on a goldmine which are screaming for HD remasters
What is wrong with them?

RE2 is my favourite game and I'm not looking forward to this at all. I mean unless it's the same team who worked on REmake I can't see it living up to the original.


They are doing it only for successful games

i'm just hoping they won't go too overboard with dlc, like making hunk and such part of the season pass rather than in the game itself