What do you think of the s/v/itch?


I would swallow someone’s cum for a new pikmin.

>tfw chubby with square thick-rimmed glasses and patchy beard before it became a meme in 2013
I fucking hate this timeline.

How the fuck can people open their mouth that wide wtf?

These people are acting over the top because they know they will be mocked, but are trying to be so over the top that they co-opt it so people stop making fun of it, aren't they?

Don't own one, but it seems like a neat little device. Feels like it is going the direction of the Vita 2.0, which I don't mind. I'm waiting for a few more games to come out before I even considering getting one.

pic is ridiculous. being self-aware of your soyboy status does not excuse you.

is a regular old smile for the camera really that hard

Is there a explanation on why people likes to make that face? Is it supposed to show extreme surprise or something like that?

I can't tell if you faggots are batting or you're all really to stupid to notice he has a guiness world record in his hand, likely for worlds largest mouth.

Dear god I hate all of you

*sips soylent*

retards overreacting to get clicks and likes and faves and shit

has anyone tried measuring the open jaw length of every single person who did a picture like this? I think this guy would win.

So... basically the same reason people eat tide pods?

Eventually you realize these are all just synonyms for white male.

But he has a Switch in his other hand. Did you miss that part?

That's his orgasm face.

>Eventually you realize these are all just synonyms for white male.
Eventually you will realize that no amount of race baiting will ever change the length of your tiny Asian penisu. Sorry Yoshi.

holy shit you are actually right

Yes I noticed the very obviously shopped switch in the picture.



>tfw fat
>tfw full beard
>tfw wears glasses
fuck these cucks appropriating my culture baka

that framed thing in OP is a Guinness world record, what is it for?

But it's pretty fitting, isn't it?

Everyone knows white """"men"""" are a joke. That's why half of them try to be women now.

>Everyone knows white """"men"""" are a joke. That's why half of them try to be women now.
Lmao imagine being so insecure that you have to tell yourself this. I bet you're an effeminate Asian with a micro penis that wishes he was white.

>how dare these people ruin being an obese slob for me!

nigga, being fat has been comfy for so long you don't even know. this shit has made me want to get in shape

La creatura de 56%.....

Appearantly Sup Forums now advocates fat acceptance for men. Will wonders ever cease.

Bob Kelly?

The Soytendo Soytch is not a console. It is a consoy.

That's why he has a World record certificate.

wh*Tes are a joke, praise KARA BOGA

its shopped you retard

Largest mouth gape, kinda obvious don't you think?

>tfw every other race is so jealous of you being the tallest, smartest, strongest, best looking and most successful race and are eternally assblasted over it