Game redesign the whole cast

>Game redesign the whole cast
>is better than the original

What game?

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fuck no that is awful.

This is tumblr fan art right?

>change a girl character to black
For what fucking purpose? This is like changing a turtle to a fucking liazrd

>black April

I'm not even surprised anymore.

you know why

Why do tmnt designs keep getting progressively worse. They looked cool in the 80's now they look gay in every modern encarnation

World of gumball has changed a lot

Man that looks bad.

I don't know man, its totally a mystery. They keep doing this too, what are the odds?

Not that one

>Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
>it's real
fucking kill me

Nope. The next official TMNT cartoon

What happened with american animation?
It used to inspire the rest of the world and now it is stagnating making every other anime look solid despite being trash.

>nigger April
It was the only way.

According to the internet, is a new TMNT show by Nickelodeon, the thing here is that its being done to please the PETA group, focusing on topics like vegan pizzas and SJW stuff.

So yeah OP is trolling with the classic "lol I posted an image that is the very opposite of what I asked for, I'm so clever!! XDDD" kind of thread.

Here the rejected design of april


Anywho, someone thought these were good designs?
For fuck's sake, Raph doesn't even have Sai

They had a perfectly fine April last cartoon.
Why do they fuck things up on purpose?

wrong one

So why is she Casey James too? I thought having a weird vigilante friend was cool because they weren't the only crime fighters in all of NYC.

Why the fuck they didnt use the cute as fuck middle design?


Hey, they're all horrible

I fucking bet one of turtles is gay transgender or some shit or April is gay. Somebody has to be gay.

>giant Raph
It's Sonic Boom all over again.

Come on dude, It fucking 2018


But Kunckles redesign made more sense than Ralph


I only saw the first season of the Nickelodeon CGI show, does it stay good through the entire thing? How does it compare to TMNT 2003?

I am more pissed about this Splinter than April. What the fuck.

Why does each iteration of Mikey keep flipping between Nunchucks and a Yo-yo?

Why is april a nigger now?

>Donatello is the most intelligent one how do we convey this
>I know give him a fucking hydrocephalic head

he actually almost looks like a wojack

>It's a lets make a white character black episode.

(((pure coincidence))) again I see

>Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
oldfag here, love me some TOITULES
>each turtle is a different species of turtle
ok, I can dig with that
>Raph is a snapping turtle who uses two tonfas
>April is a lil black girl... a mix of april and irma
she can be asian, idc... but her design reads liberal lesbian feminist.
>splinter is short, fat, and old
....I guess he eats the pizza now.
>raph is the leader
fuck this shit

>smartest one has the biggest head
What a bunch of hacks

Did ou miss Mickey's mace/flail

>Raph is a snapping turtle who uses two tonfas
>changing Raph's weapons
Fuck me, I didn't even notice. That's some fucking blasphemy right there.

Holy FUCK those are god awful. I don't even want to see Shredder in that craptastic style.

How. How in the fuck do people mess up the goddamn Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!?

Wtf they did to tmnt????

>Three tumblr designs and one normal looking girl
Fucking hell western animation is dead.

>Raph has tonfas
>Mike has a flail
>Don has a mace with a really long handle
>and he also has a jetpack that he rides from the fucking bottom like a retard
>April is black for no reason
What in the actual fuck, man
Why do they keep ruining my childhood?

Ask Michael Bay.

I think the unique designs and species is cool, but taking away Raph's sais and Mikey's nunchucks again is downright dumb

>Too intelligent to enchant my weapon

Left is designed by Jhonen Vasquez. He does punk, not SJW.

"Black Inclusionism". I did a 32 page report on it back in 2012.

I don't mind the turtle's designs. Everything else is, well, "unfortunate" does't quite cut it.

It's a fucking yoyo

All of them were changed except for Leonardo, except hsi kaana is weirdly shaped.

>Raph has Tonfas instead of Sai
>Mikey has some kind of yoyo-flail thing instead of Nunchaku
>Donnie has a fucking Mace instead of a Bo staff
Also Blackpril has a bat

And they ca nmakee them glow with energy for reasons. I was atleast okay with the last show and having Mikey able to turn his nunchaku into a Kusarigama

Just saw the buzzed head and figured it was calarts shit. Didn't even know he was still creating content, thought he was pissed off by Invader Zim fans to the point of dropping off the earth.

Raph got the Boom Knuckles treatment.

Why does Leo have 1 sword? Christ this is awful.

D-.... Donatello looks so.... Stupid

Is Leonardo a girl now? I sorta want to fuck that.

The left one come from the creator of invader zim


more punk than SJW

It did but both are still ugly.

A yoyo on a stick?

Not just a bat, some kind of green lantern shit were it's a transparent green bat.

TMNT was always tumblr. Remember that time they made Hitler kill himself?

Yes it is THAT fucking retarded.

>thought he was pissed off by Invader Zim fans to the point of dropping off the earth.
Seemed to be the case, but I think he's come to terms with them, having recently worked on an IZ comic and an upcoming movie.

Dude, Disliking Hitler isnt an SJW thing, Its a pretty accepted fact of reality that hitler was a genocidal asshole

2012 one was unironically pretty dope.
>Super Shredder
>Leo kills Super Shredder
>extra season of dimensional and what-if shit where an apocalyptic bad end happens or Bebop and Rocksteady finally get a happy ending.

April was originally mulatto in the OG comic, although 80's cartoon April is unarguably the best and should be the default for the character.

She pronounces it ape-reel though. They call her Ape for short

Post it. Please.

Let me guess they're all energy weapons so they don't actually do any bashing or stabbing with them?

western animation was a mistake

Still the best.

Hitler lived in South America though.

Hitler killed himself in real life though, like a bitch

>Johnen Vasquez does punk
What? He does edgy 90s goth and without his influence on fat quirky “holds up spork” girls there would probably be no tumblr