Street fighter v or Dragon ball Fighterz from an esport stand point for those of you who have played it?
Street fighter V vs Dragon ball figherz
Tekken 7
Disgusting, user.
were talking about good fighting games sweetie
DBFZ and SFV are zero skill garbage
Okay m8s, triggers away now lets get down to business.
FightersZ is way more entertaining to watch, which is important for an esport.
Definitely noticed this, do you think it will have enough staying power to overtake street fighter's positions as the defacto fighting esport?
No Capcom would never let that happen.
SF will always be the stable for the FGC even if people hate it. Look at MKX, IJ2, and T7. All game that exceeded SF5 by a landslide, but still get pushed to the side.
Very good point, to someone new to the FGC which one would you guys recommend? I'd probably stick with SFV as well
SF5 is the best bet if you want a game that will be relevant in the next coming years, but I say stick to fighting games you enjoy and try not to skip on the FGC kool-aid.
play what you want honestly sf5 going to be around for a while no matter how it turns out because too many people in the fgc rely on it being around
Yeah but LoL and DotA look like shit and that shit makes bank.
Maybe? I feel like SFV has been really propped up by the pro tour. If you took away the money, SFV probably wouldn't remain on top for very long.
Sales wise, DBFZ is also doing many times better than SFV did on launch. If Namco puts its weight behind the game like it did with Tekken, I could see this game overtaking Smash and maybe even SFV by EVO.
Yeah because other fighting games nowadays require skill...
Dragon Ball.
It looks way better than SFV, is funnier for both casuals and advanced players, is simply more entertaining.
Street Fighter only rely on it's waifu fanbase, it reallly saddens me to see whta Capcom has done to the franchise. Now I can only hope they'll never try to revive the Vampire IP.
honestly money or not SF will still be top dog mainly because competition is too high for some of the better street fighter players to transition to,like you probably aren't going to see jwong playing kof because he would have to go against korea,south america,china and japan
This but I also like DBFZ more. SFV is just kind of boring to me
Cool we got an evo winner in this topic
I just want a fighting game that can't be played using cheap tactics.
The only games I can think of is Skullgirls when it very first came out and Third Strike
>It sold well, so I must play it.
Your mother should have swallowed.
>can't be played using cheap tactics.
>plays Skullgirls and 3rd Strike
You guys, man.
You can in skullgirls now, but when it was first released for the xbox you fucking couldn't. It was the first fighting game I ever felt was truly balanced.
That's because it hadn't been explored yet. Every fighting game features some sort of cheese to some degree.
I use to think that way until I played it.
esports fucking sucks
dbfz matches are watchable because the game is actually functional and has a neutral. that could change in the coming months but i trust arcsys to make a good game
sf5 is just single buttons being hammered at the speed of light and occasionally someone pops v-trigger and does a jillion damage. it's been that way for years and AE did not save it
>opposite day
did dbfz outsell V yet
DBFZ is a party game, it's not an esport.
not totally but it outsold capcom's week 1 sales in like 3 days, it took sf5 like a year and a half to hit 2 million i think
I'm interested to hear your definition of "cheap".