Fix this game. Go:
Fix this game. Go:
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dedicated servers + server list
close the servers
That made me chuckle. Thanks.
Doing good by banning shitters, but they could step it up by not listening to whiners who're purposely trying to ruin fun. They fucked Quick Play and are attacking Arcade next.
Read a thread on the OW forums earlier that got a lot of backing about people playing the same hero in arcade.
Remove ultimates.
There is already a server list my fucking guy. Come on. I mean, if you meant 'dedicated community servers', then yes you can argue that, but in the current Overwatch you are able to host your own server off the Blizzard servers.
>remove/rework braindead heroes ie. Winston DVA mercy symmetra
>increase movement speed by a flat 10%
>no more 2cp maps
>doing good by banning shitters
this wouldn't change a thing, what would dedicated servers introduce to the game that we don't already have
If he means community servers, it would literally fix every problem with the game. The literal reason why I didn't buy overwatch is because of the lack of community servers.
>you are able to host your own server off the Blizzard servers.
that's not quite the same
>what would dedicated servers introduce to the game that we don't already have
better tickrates for one, and you'll know what map/mode you're getting into at the very least
remove lootboxes
more heroes
make it free
>people playing the same hero in arcade
Fuck the community. You're absolutely right about them ruining quick play with that. How much a faggot do you have to be to not play ranked because it's too "toxic" but then meme teams in quick play or arcade make you whine about how the game isn't serious enough and how other plays are devastating your ass so hard they should be banned. Those people puss me off.
Just play ranked if you wanna be serious. Let other people have fun if you don't.
custom maps
custom games
Everyone who plays it gets APEXed.
If you don't know what that means, it's because you don't have good taste in games and will continue being a faggot, like clockwork.
Those exist now, but I still don't see the point. Overwatch isn't exactly conductive to the TF2 style of server where people will drop in and out of games at will.
There's a reason nobody uses the community servers to play regular gametypes.
make ults harder to obtain, through actual skill or something. As it is now, the game is literally based around ults and it's fucking annoying. every play of the game is just 'x pressed the button'. The game could actually be great if it weren't for this shit
Fix Overwatch
>Fire Kaplan
He's good for nothing, his main focus is E-Sports and Toxicity prevention, something that is going to occur in most multiplayer games focused around PvP
>Dedicated Servers
Pretty straight Foward
>Modding Toolkits
Give it the same reason to exist as long as TF2 has, let the community make better maps than Chokepoint Map #2456, let them actually make fun gamemodes and possibly fix CTF. Just let the community run wild.
>Stop Focusing on E-Sports
Seriously wish they would just stop focusing on it so much. If they didn't have Blizzard's name and reputation to swing their weight around the game would have never taken off as a competitive FPS. Its overly casual with a low skill ceiling that doesn't really reward anyone trying to master a Hero. Only way for a Competitive community to grow would to let it happen naturally.
>remove lootboxes
>make it free
Literally 0 income from their game they put years into?
>more heroes
Even less balance? Holy fuck kid, the literal brainlet state of Overwatch players. Go back to TF2, it's where you belong.
Remove ults
Remove stuns
Remove RHs hook.
Give tracer skill based movement instead of a blink
Remove genji from the game
Add strafe acceleration and some sort of bunnyhopping mechanic
Remove symmetra moira , winston.
Severly nerf tanks or turn them into dpses.
Wait.. this is too much, i have a better idea.
>Remove this game from existance and make a tf3 instead.
time machine + bomb blizzard HQ
Honestly slowing down ult charge wouldn't change a thing. It would play exactly like OW does now (idling taking potshots until you get a free cap with 6 ults) except slower. The only reasonable solution to ults is to remove them entirely and rework characters that are picked for their ult alone. (genji, zenyatta, mercy)
increase team sizes to 8v8, if not 9v9
open up/alter all maps to have more flanking routes and alternate paths
increase all movement speed by 10-15%
increase all base damage of characters by 10-15%
yeah you're probably right.
Don't let Sup Forums anywhere near it.
This shit is lame.
This game is shitty.
Bigger teams is always worse.
>literally 0 income
What the fuck are you talking about? The base game costs $40
>make it free
>Zenyatta is picked for his ult alone
Christ, have you ever actually played Overwatch?
Blizzard is notoriously bad at balancing so remove them.
>community servers
>custom maps
>12v12 instead of 6v6
Wouldn't fix everything making the game shit, but at least it'd be playable.
small teams cripple this game and force every character choice to be extremely important, if one player is bad or their character choice is an underpowered/shit one, they drain 1/6th of your team's potential, which makes far more of an impact than if they were just 1/9th.
example: in TF2 it's common to have players afk in spawn, you hardly notice this in games because it hardly matters
in overwatch, if one player on your team is afk, your team will be immediately pushed back to spawn and have no chance of escaping
to test this, try playing games of overwatch and go afk in all of them, see if your team is ever able to win.
>remove\redesign 2cp maps
>add 10 more maps
>add 10 more characters
>reduce ult charge rate for every character by 20%
>reduce all healing by 10-15%
>increase walking speed of all characters by 10%
Something I would really like is to lock skins behind actual progression rather than lootboxes. Obviously Blizz isn't going to let go of lootboxes, but knowing that every single skin has the same rarity and value as the next kinda defeats the point of cosmetics in an online game. Especially when some of them look really good and some of them look really shitty.
Instead you should get skins for "Kill 250 players with a headshot" "Run 1000 km" "get 100 environmental kills".
The devs considered this and said they didn't want to make it so people would change their playstyle and compromise their game just for skins, but there's a lot of harmless progression you could attach these to, like straight up healing or dealing damage.
3 terrible ideas back to back congrats.
Good. Every person on a team should be impactful. If you want to be a useless sack of shit play battlefield or something.
He's a shit healer, discord orb is very good but you'd be mental to play Zen without the oh shit button.
How is custom maps a bad idea. It's totally optional/for people who are normal functioning people and dont want to hang themselves over SR/Can't stand the autism of QP. How fat are you to be that much of a negative bitch?
That's ridiculous. Zen's power comes from the fact that he has a very consistent heal combined with his crazy DPS (he has a 'deal +30% damage to the entire enemy team' button and can 2-dink all 200 HP heroes). Your average ult will only heal for 500-750 anyways, although the edge case of 'the enemy team decided to use all 6 ults at once' does also make his ult pretty strong, but that's very rare.
All forms of healing needs to be nerfed to make them more about sustain than making players able to tank through most damage other than focus fire from the enemy team. To make up for it add more utility like the already existing Speed boost, Sleep Dart, Discord and Zaryas bubbles.
Oh and make it less about ultimates. Every game boils down to who gets Genji ult first and manages to kill their Zen before they ult so they get the point for free.
Delete it and send a skaven horde to kill blizzard
This game seriously needs some more non-meme and viable DPS characters. Only two of them are actually consistent, the rest are niche and likely to get you flamed.
I don't get what they were doing releasing Doomfist, just another character with an actual gun please.
?small teams cripple this game and force every character choice to be extremely important, if one player is bad or their character choice is an underpowered/shit one, they drain 1/6th of your team's potential
How is this bad? Why should the two power classes 2/6th of the team do 85% of the work because of casual players wanting to fuck around with meme picks.
>example: in TF2 it's common to have players afk in spawn, you hardly notice this in games because it hardly matters
Horrendous specific situation scenario. Here's a more likely scenario for that game: 5 man premade dominates and entire server, and because there's so many heads 9 players, the 2 or 3 good players on the losing team have absolutely no chance of overcoming all 9. Bigger is worse. The people who like big scale teams are people who don't like playing games. They can't handle the pressure of their input mattering and their deaths having consequences.
>if your team goes afk you lose
No exclusive to Overwatch you fucking retard.
It's actually easier to be impactful as a single player in 12v12, but I wouldn't expect you to understand that, being a retarded bitch who actually thinks OW is good in any way.
Drop any pretenses that it's going to be a big time esport
Work on adding small nuances to characters to make them more interesting and have depth
Redesign the majority of the maps to change from the chokepoint heavy design that most of them suffer from
There'd be some balance changes but that's the general idea of what I'd want
>It's actually easier to be impactful as a single player in 12v12,
Under what assumption? That out of the 12 players there's going to be actual fucking retards playing your dead furry hat game? You cannot make arguments about Overwatch having TF2 as an example. And if you could? It would be from a strictly competitive mindset talking high level 6s play from TF2 and Overwatch competitive.
I know a lot of fags are butthurt about TF2 and Overwatch not being what it was, but can't make Overwatch some bastard version of an already bastard game.
Role select + hero ban
Release 3 non-DPS heroes all at once.
Once more heros HAVE to be used the real balance problems between them will surface and they will have to be fixed and a middle ground found or the game will die. This is exactly the reason it will never happen though.
Less players always makes it easier to be more impactful you moron. 4v4 would be even better than 6v6.
Waste of dev time on something no one would use. Custom games already exist and no one plays them.
>plays over
Remove heals/shield from the game or nerf it by like 90%
>talks about competitive
>has nothing of value to say, resorts to randomly bashing tf2 for some reason
>actually thinks community servers and custom maps are "terrible ideas," doesn't explain why
have you considered just not posting this retarded ass shit?
>Less players always makes it easier to be more impactful you moron. 4v4 would be even better than 6v6.
Overwatch is also pretty brutal. Your mistake is thinking TF2 is good.
And 1v1 is the best of all. But go ahead play 64vs64 so that your failure has no effect on the overall scene.
Winston was top notch before his buff, all other heroes were OP and needed a nerf instead of his buff.
My take:
>incrase movement speed by ~10%-25% or so.
>Nerf. Nerf everything until balanced, instead of buff everything until balanced. Nerf some more. Besides movement stuff and some defensive CDs. (Nerf them just a little)
>Add complexity to D.VA, Mercy etc.. remove symmetra.
>Add turrets and minions.
>Change to a top down point and click view.
.... the last two were a joke.
But adding a permanent PVE mode would be nice.
It's a Nu-Blizzard game. There's no fixing it.
mod tools. just port over all the fun tf2 maps like 2fort, dustbowl, steel, thundermountain, etc
Mercy is no longer mandatory. It's already fixed.
How could Blizzard allow such a toxic individual be in charge of Overwatch?
Overwatch has a big fuckin' problem that no one wants to address.
Healing is boring
Tanks are boring
In a game of overwatch you have 4 people playing FUN classes that do cool shit like kill people and push points. Then you have 8 people playing boring healer/tank classes that hold down right or left mouse button. Why log into overwatch to maybe play a fun DPS class when I can play some other multiplayer game where it's guaranteed?
Shit game, can't be fixed
Now make Reinhardt not mandatory in most maps, and there we go.
Why is it that I exclusively get triple snipers, Genjis, 5 dpses, it's just qp xD faggots while the enemy is always 100% meta comp? Yeah it's fucking QP I get it, but I don't have a fetish for losing, how do these people even live with themselves? Purposely going into every game to lose? Fuck man. Yes, I'm triggered.
The game has changed, Reinhardt is now a throw pick.
So I'm guessing you just haven't touched the game in about a year then.
You're right except redditors really like playing support. I don't question it as long as they do their mindless job while I have a good time.
I dunno. Moira is pretty fun for a healer. Tanks are pretty boring though, yeah.
Delete mercy, nerf all healing/shielding by 70%
Re-design all the maps. Making every map based around bottlenecks is the most dumb fucking idea ever. Every game feels the same, every map feels the same. Re-design characters that are made for these types of maps. Reinhardt for example. Literally the way they made maps is the biggest problem in the game right now. All characters are based around this concept of bottlenecks on every map. Thats why the KOTH doesnt really feel like overwatch, more like a deathmatch, its a clusterfuck every time.
And one thing that would make it better for me (a lot of people might disagree with me on this one) is remove all the dumb fucking hehexd skins. Every game that features skins/customization should have content policy similar to DOTA 2, people just go fucking nuts on the custom items there but they dont cross the border of the game world.
Also add at least one good zarya skin.
roll 2 characters together halving the roster increasing available skills per character vastly increasing combat depth.
Hog + Reaper
76 + McRee
Junk + Torb
Zen + Sym
Genji + Hanzo
etc etc etc
Draft picking. One team randomly gets first pick and picks a hero. Once picked that hero is locked down no one else can play them. Continue until ALL hero's are picked. Players can only play as hero's that they have picked and may not always have the perfect hero to switch to to counter.
Can't. You'd have to make a sequel in order to address its most vital issues
>have an acceptable core selection of maps
>have ammo limits and pickups
>have resource-based rather than cool-down based abilities
>remove ultimates
>have sophisticated movement mechanics involving acceleration and physical momentum
>have actual next-gen graphics
>have clear visual design rather than the current mess of rainbow light show vomit
>have casual play not be crippled by competitive game design and vice versa
>remove lootboxes
>have good, ass-kicking music rather than syrupy Hollywood pissvomit
>remove characters that kill the pacing of the game and fuck up everything for shooter-based characters with MOBA POWER button-press shutdowns
I got caught. What's my punishment?
But seriously, dive meta is only a little bit better than boring tank meta.
I thought 35 MILLION PEOPLE had already payed for it?
>makes post criticizing someones argument
>ahahahahaaha as counter argument to a different post
What did you mean by this?
I agree with you in regards to the map designed... I disagree with everything else. Especially on the skins. I would love to see even more skins from other IPs!
But the maps.. yeah, totally on your side on that one and I've been saying that since the first week I played it.
Ults were a mistake...
You can't remove both. Even now people are still buying Overwatch for the first time or wasting their shekels on lootcrates. Blizzard or any company for that matter would never take a game they are making money on an make it 100% income free.
But... that's exactly what they fucking did with everything they developed prior to WoW including Warcraft III, a AAA game.
can't be fixed
it's fundamentally flawed, so any "fixing" would involve rebuilding the game from scratch
The most important thing is to give Junkrat his self-damage back. That's the only way I will ever even consider going back to this pile of shit.
>implying the response wasn't about the servers
Smurfs in ranked would be a gigantic pain in the ass if the game were free. I don't think the game would be the same
Expect Blizzard to keep balancing and re-balancing and tweaking over and over. The game will never be good because the fundamentals are flawed
I gave up Overwatch for good a month ago and I can tell you how much of a motherfucker Discord is. It's one of the reason I fucking mained Zen in that otherwise trashpile.
Worst idea ever.
It's already way past the point of redemption, let it die a swift death at the very least.
revert roadhog back to one shot kill damage
remove mercy
remove poo in loo and nigger heroes
give genji a gun
Wouldn't it be literally impossible to play the character then? Absolutely no one in their right mind would pick Junkrat if that happened.
This is such a bad idea that I actually love it. How in the world you'd combine their kits and make it all fit on a gamepad I do not know.
Ban roadhog from FFA
Nerf that stupid piece of shit Junkrat into the ground
Nerf that stupid piece of shit Mercy into the ground (You already did that, good job Blizzard)
Give Reaper and Mei a slight buff
Give every non-ugly female hero a bikini skin like Widow has
Stop fucking banning people and whining about toxicity, just let the crybabies deal with it.
There, I fixed it
Dedicated server list
Create a baseline set of class mechanics so that every character is good 1v1 except supports
Improve role synergy
Create new modes that is 9v9 and 12v12 with multiple map objectives
Remove all development support for esports, create dedicated server support and in game community managed ladders for competitive scenes to manage themselves.
Improve TTK by 50-100%
this desu
Alternating pick phase.
Hero pool is shared between both teams.
9v9 as the core mode and a full rebalancing of stats and damage values to cater to it, as well as revamping of maps to have more viable hotspots other than one shitty choke.
Wow! Now consistent execution is more important than single swing situations, and you won't win/lose over one single death!
The game is no longer an esports joke where any stupid Mercy main can still hop onto Genji and do decently by pressing Q!
I cannot fucking believe something THIS FUCKING STUPID could be said on Sup Forums and that's already taken into fucking account the insane fucking shit you Overwatch apologist REFUCKINGTARDS have already spewed like fecal vomit.
Nope it would fix all the problems because at that point every hero would have to be viable. They would be forced to actually balance the heros so that "first picks" are only marginally better and not game breakingly better.
Roadhog fucking sucks anus in DM right now, though, which is just an avenue for Mei and Junk and D.Va to hold down left mouse and instalock MVP.
Mainly nerf down damage a bit. And then add some level of difficulty back to sniping with Widow. Currently my only real issue with the game is ttk.. feel like damage being just 15% or so lower would put the game in a solid place and open up the viability of more of the roster. Only caveat to this is I'd keep the current player damage the same, but only against barriers to prevent another tank meta.