Anybody still prefer consoles?

Anybody still prefer consoles?

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this thread needs more black males

I'd prefer her anybody consoles still if you know what I mean

breasts too big
thighs too fat
ass too fat
eyes too squinty
watch too big
hair too long
stomach too flat
Teeth too white

Also elbows not pointed enough

i came here just to call you a faggot. you're a faggot.

You forgot not getting blacked enough

No apparent bulge.

That's one way to make up for the goofy face.

goofy in a cute way though

Christ you're pathetic.

Fake tits are so offputting.


Having a lot of fun with the Xbone X

Shit's real bruh

Thanks for the input Phil Spencer.

House real big
Cars real big
Belly real big
Everything real big
Rims real big
Pockets real big
Rings real big
Let me tell you how I live

>elbows 2 pointy, would not fuck

No way in hell.



I prefer real hardware for 5th and 6th gen consoles since I don't believe in emulation. But I sold off my ps4 about 5 months ago and plan on making a PC because I feel I have truly converted.

That being said I'm getting a switch too

As a European, I have absolutely no problem with refugees if it means I get to meet women like these.

this. go back to facebook or reddit or something if you can't handle opinions, people

Grant us chocolate

You got taste

Why do 99% of black women have so ugly faces? They look like men.

as asian person i think black girl look disgusting. not human look

same with asians

You just need to go out more

As a black girl I think Asian guys look like Asian girls

this girl is waifu tier. I'm in love.

I agree. Fuck niggers.

haha still human look blacky

>preferring PC
>dead system with dead companies and no games besides FotM shitpiles and assfaggots

i want her to help me with my English homework. then maybe we can learn some game design and study... physics.


If you want to meet women like these you can alway fuck off to Africa, you filthy traitor.

white """"men""""" everyone

You are absolutely right, I need to sit exactly where I am and wait for more pictures

Stay mad lmao

Obviously hasn't met a black woman

shes not wrong though.
thats why so many asian trannies pass

This, such an ugly face


i would lick the sweat off her shitty asshole

seriously this thicc meme has really gotten out of hand, they literally look like fucking horses

Why do straight men have to constantly post about how straight they are?

>Fuck niggers.

when are we getting Sup Forums out of here?


You are basing this comparison off of men that aren't black.

Compare them to men of the same race.

Because they are secretly gay

I dont know with those squinty eyes and fucked teeth you guys look like aliens

to an point, yes.
I have a lot of good games on it, and while there's quite a few more things I can do on PC, a laptop can only go so far.

It depends on the part of Africa. Some parts of Africa look like chimps, but then other parts spawn chocolate goddesses.


The bigger question is how much of her is natural.

haha why offend? i can see offend. black garl look not human. you black person? sorry

Stay BLACKED user.



>when will we get sensible human beings that are honest with the world and themselves out of here?
FTFY. Is that what you really want?

would impregnate

im not offended, im just being honest

I seriously don't get why there's such a large difference in beauty on only one content in the first place, its quite interesting really.


Who wouldn't wanna breed with her?

>Let me tell you how I live

A gay life with Birdman

How to spot a soyboy 101

Good post

Fuck, not breed.



Ugly, give me white women any day.

>Lost virginity to a thicc black girl two weeks ago
>Told me how much she loved white boys

Was pretty cool.


Would only fuck but not breed.

I have an alliance with Adolf Hitler

I've met lots of niggers and they're all scum. Cherrypicking decent looking ones, which are rare as fuck anyway, isn't going to change anyone's mind.

Wait a minute
I hate women

It's amazing how quickly I went from erect to flaccid just by scrolling down the photos

White women probably aren't your type, they're not inflatable


I made an account on her just to call you a faggot.

Have a good day.

the irony is that the white girl in your picture is uglier than the black girl in the picture the other user posted

Can the nigger poster leave? Somebody post more chine girls

We have a winner

harsh truth, shes fake as fuck. pretty gross desu

>the irony is that the white girl in your picture is uglier than the black girl

Only difference my kids won't come out looking like little chimps with fucked up hair


What's your ideal gf like, Sup Forums?
e.g nationality, height, autism level, number of limbs, hip width, etc

not much

No one cares about your shit taste faggot

>wanting to sleep with real women
Where's that chunky sex doll that everyone loves

How dark you wanna go


t. untermensh

>Fuck niggers
Yes, that's kinda the plan

Why are people trying to convince themselves they like shit?
Black women are fat and ugly most of the time anyway and cherrypicking won't change that.

I'm sorry but have you seen an ugly asian girl?
I'd say that there is an equal difference of beauty just in east asia, but lots of girls fix it with plastic surgery.

his fingernails are real big too


Thanks for the chocolate, based user