Voting for A Hero Rises has begun. Who is /v’s pick, and why should it not be Oliver, to grace his beauty among us all?
Voting for A Hero Rises has begun. Who is /v’s pick, and why should it not be Oliver, to grace his beauty among us all?
Is that Carl?
Post some more images of Carl
You guys ready for 50 orbs what are you gonna save or spend them?
Spend on the frivolous hope of me getting a unit I want on the SS banner.
I still have about 100 or so orbs before the 50. Think I'll try my luck on that Hero Fest banner before hoarding for the off-chance I'll have to spend something on that CYL banner.
I’ll say that I will save them, then immediately spend them most likely
Used them. Got a -spd +res Nephenee
>12% on b8
>ruined by -Spd +Def Mysterious Dancer
I'm voting for Bartre.
>Camus votes were split into 3
>He was robbed of his 62nd
Tried to get an Ike, got my third Sanaki this banner.
>finally rolled another Myrrh with slightly less awful IVs
I was going to use my first one for Hone Dragons but now I'm thinking of just keeping both of them for the hell of it
Fuck me!
Not even a pity Hinata. This has been the worst luck I've ever had in a banner.
Is this official? did Oliver win?
No, he didn't win, the voting is still ongoing.
She's the best dancer in the whole game. Her weapon is absolutely broken.
Be glad you didn't get pity broken by infantry pulse fodder.
>13% pity rate
>get cucked by a -SPD Snacky
Tried my luck with my free summon Hero fest 3
Saving them until CYL 2 banner. I don't know who else they could add to make me want to spend them
>still rolling on the SS banner, don't know when to call it quits apparently
>3 off banner units, but muh 50 orbs is another chance at Myrrh, or at least Eirika
>(lol Ike
I elected to spend them, and recieved Gunnthra and Brave Lucina.
Very pleased.
B-but I wanted LIke
Infantry Pulse fodder would have actually been better since I basically end up never using dancers even in AA
I actually like Water a lot, but I wish she had an alt that wasn't a dancer.
>-atk Summer Corrin
I really fucking that hate to get a seasonal unit you want you have to roll on these shit banners.
Plan on rolling for another one. In case I do get another one, who wants wrath
>specifically avoided collecting the anniversary orbs in case it would jinx me
>spend around 15 orbs
>finally got the last fodder I needed for my dragons
Fae will finally get to join her sisters by the end of the month!
pluck your feathers
Someday I will. The max HM limit to 4k isn't making it any sooner.
does anyone actually use brave ike
I get the feeling people dislike him here
>double EXP
When will they stop jewing us with this bullshit?
>spend all my anniversary orbs on b8% for Ike
>get no 5*
He's awesome fodder, if you count that. I use my live one from time to time in Arena Assault though.
He's good. There's little point in using his base kit when you could just use an armor/dragon, and Distant Counter squanders Urban in a lot of matchups, but he's solid. Dorcas with Steady Breath might be better though.
I don't think fodder counts, that means more of the skill usability than the character.
The Quick Riposte seal seem to be a good fit for the actual unit himself if you want to put it on him. He's pretty good at running through chain maps and staying alive.
They aren't Jewing shit, this is excellent for getting 3* units ready for 5*.
It takes like one kill per level between 1 and 20, so it doesn't make a difference.
I just grinded my Marisa to 40 with sword valor and she still needs loads of SP because they jewed me into killing less enemies per level.
He's outclassed on my end, but I have Dragons so that's not surprising. I use him as a fill-in Axe whenever Anna won't cut it for a map at least.
You can get like 12 sp a kill the TT.
>more clone seals
Really nigger?
Just make a better system where seals are assigned to a unit and auto-equip.
It would be nice if we don't have to swap seals just for the defense team.
idk I thought he was supposed to be a good unit (got +def -res) but apparently he's pretty shitty by himself and I'm supposed to feed him to another unit to make the most of him
dunno what I should do
I have a 5* nowi too, but my only 5* axe is anna
Brave Ike isn't shitty at all, he's just got Steady Breath and other, more useful units are constantly wanting it.
+DEF -RES is one of his best IVs. I'd keep him if I were you, and if you want Steady Breath fodder enough, this banner is the best chance for him so far.
If you want to put Steady Breath on a dragon, you have to be fully willing to invest in them.
>-atk +def Brave Ike
Chop him up.
Salvageable inside a dragon/BK/Lukas, sure
Usable, but definitely one of the worst spreads for him.
so good ivs but everyone wants his skill
I do like ike himself but should I invest him into nowi
she's going well enough with just def+3, puts her at 40 def
I also got myrrh, fae, and the common tiki at 5* so I do have a dragon team kind of, just not really using them much except nowi because she's powerful as fuck
Or better yet, just limit the seal to 1 per team and let any unit have it, just can't use duplicate seals on the same team.
yeah I guess
before I got him I used life and death anna
just feels kind of dumb because I'm out of date on what's good and what's not, I thought he was the best axe or something but he's just skill fodder from every mention I see of him
>I do like ike himself but should I invest him into nowi
>I also got myrrh, fae, and the common tiki at 5*
Do you have/want to have a Dragon team in the works, as in, everyone has Lightning Breath + (preferably forged as well) and Myrrh has her Distant Counter inherited, along with at least one Fortify Dragons floating around for someone to inherit? If not, don't bother killing that BIke, at least not yet. Steady Breath is only really required for endgame (Tier 20 camping) Dragon meme teams, otherwise Fury will suffice to get you to do the T20-19-20 shuffle. If you're actually planning on using her, then Adult Tiki needs the skill, however she's mildly inferior to a properly built Young Tiki and worse for the BST side of things.
Kill me Pete
I haven't even done much in arena at all
just enough to get the end of week orbs or whatever it is
Then don't worry about killing off Brave Ike just yet, you might want to get it on someone else instead in the future, and if you don't it'll still be there for you to inherit.
Jesus, what do?
ok thanks
I hope I don't come to the need for that but you never know
+atk for brave bow cancer, +spd for firesweep cancer
+Spd, hope you have Firesweep and Cancel Affinity.
Her meme skills don't need too much speed.
+Spd puts her at a 38 base, 44 when buffed and 48 if you keep Swift Sparrow on her. Given the Speed inflation in the Arena, even that might not be enough to get the really fast targets doubled, though admittedly you're probably not seeing those really fast units in the first place without a high scoring team, and if you're running BLyn, you're probably not running a high score team in the first place.
what pleb do people think their voting for? My bet is Like because fuck yea and also one of the most unique skills in the game rn due to how rare he personally is.
also do you goys reccomend the skills banner i would absolutely spend all my 300 orbs on it over anything else to get 20 hinatas
It's either LIke or Hector, though the fact that characters are sorted by taps for some retarded reason might change some of the results.
>sorted by taps
nani the fuck
does that mean will get brave lyn 2: electric boogaloo
>also do you goys reccomend the skills banner i would absolutely spend all my 300 orbs on it over anything else to get 20 hinatas
Do you absolutely need the skills right now? There's your answer.
dude i have 3 accounts and still only have about 12 hinatas split between them. that entire banner has so much good skills than most other banners this entire game
That doesn't answer my question, my man. Do you have builds that need the skills in question ASAP to be Arena ready? If not, then I'd have a hard time suggesting the banner unless you're not looking for any of the upcoming units anytime soon.
yes, 80% of my soyboys need fury 3 to get their sets. very little heroes would do anything, its little shit like FS bow inf pulse DC from kektor SS over fury, SB for lancers and swords, DB for everyone QR for the party.
Same desu
I spent 60 in the Hero Fest. Got Sigurd, BIke, Nephenee and Micaiah.