>Yfw Monster Hunter is finally free from the shackles of Nintendo
Yfw Monster Hunter is finally free from the shackles of Nintendo
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its a good start, consolefags
but im still waiting for the true freedom coming in september
>use PS4 Link on my Vita
Welcome home, Monster Hunter.
>first MonHun not shackled to Nintendo hardware
>the fastest selling record breaking title of the series
Hope more devs take note
>30fps with dips
hmm really activates my almonds
this, can't waitfor that 60 fps
>looks like a ps1 game
w..we did i-it bros, soy master race
i'm disappointed in the lack of crossover content so far at least MH4U had Link and Samus shits
also rip Kulu-ya-ku
You do realize that MH 1,2, Freedom unite and frontier are all on Playstation right?
The wii u version is especially bad because it has input lag with the pro controller and it runs below 30 sometimes
The 3ds version is better but the audio is worse
I don't give a shit because I have a 3DS and a PC. I have to wait until the end of the year, though
>first Monster Hunter to cut out gameplay mechanics from MH1
Event quests are coming fuckface
Sad cause now Sony doesn't have a reason to fund another Soul sacrifice or freedom wars.
SF:V and Mega Man seems nice but they're literally costumes only except the palico buster
Waiting for the PC version so it can be free from the shackles of the inferior PS4 and Xbox One.
Are we going to pretend that Monster Hunter FRONTIER doesn't exist?
That's been on PC and Xbox 360 for ages.
gen 1 & 2 were playstation exclusives (nobody cared)
gen 3 & 4 were nintendo exclusives (you fags throw a hissy fit)
Also mega man music.
But they didnt announce ALL crossover content for MH4U at launch. Just hold your horses
I'm replaying MH4U as I wait for MHW to come to PC. It's a painful wait, but it will be worth it.
I've never played a monster hunter but i don't think i was missing out on much having played vindictus and dragons dogma
Fucking shame that this series has been reduced to fuel the consolewarfags in their nevending quest to accomplish fuck all. Looking forward to PC since all of my friends are there.
Yes, most of us like that pretend that Frontier doesn't exist because it's garbage that barely classifies as a MH game.
>Bosses don't even target you, just sit in the middle of an arena spamming 5 minute long eye cancer AoE attacks
>Skills that are basically 5 other skills combined with extremely edgy descriptions
Monster Hunter was great on 3DS and Wii U, but my god, I'm loving how gorgeous it looks by comparison on PS4 and playing on a DS4 feels like a dream. I'm no graphics whore, but anyone who says graphics don't matter at all needs to see World side by side with the Nintendo MH games
Monster Hunter will never truly be free from the shackles of Nintendo because the series will always be held back in scope so it can work on their underpowered consoles :^)
Bros, is it finally time for me to buy a ps4?
>online worse
>framerate worse
>monster diversity worse
>recycled animations everywhere
>weapon design is now just sticking a few feathers on an iron or bone base
What happened? Where are the incredible leaps in gameplay? How do you even have worse online than a 3DS?
Don't forget no blood
wait for the dlc
Don't you have to use the touch pads behind it to use the triggers or something stupid like that?
Why the fuck would you WANT to use the retarded claw grip?
Im still waitin for vindi 2
>walks in
>observes the fight
>sneaky flashbang
>runs away
Based. Flash on, Tzitzi-bro
>shackles of Nintendo
Why are you acting like the 3DS games were shit?
4U was the tits.
Please stop talking about games you don't know anything about.
>tfw you hit the high rank grind
They've already got the Horizon Zero Dawn content for Palicos. Hell it's even pretty good, the weapon is great in early game and the armor looks awesome, the eye even changes colors depending on if you're in combat or not.
>need one measly common material like a fang
>get pelts and nosebones and tails and sacs for 12 hunts
Shit, has the grind still bad?
Also, can you alter armor to look different? What I mean is that can you get a G rank whatever and make it look like an earlier version? That was my gripe with past games, I didn't always like the look of the higher tiered armors.
>How do you even have worse online than a 3DS?
fucking this
Anyone went through World with HBG?
I can't seem to find a weapon to stick to this time around. and I've always really liked HBG, I mained it in g-rank in 4u and village etc in Gen, I didn't like it in Gen though, too easy.
How expensive is the ammo in the long run? Is there any ammo or abilities that are noteworthy in World? Are there any HBG weapon trees that I should be on the lookout for?
There is one coming to the switch as well, we're talking Capcom and they love to sell.
>Monster Hunter goes multiplat like everyone kept asking for
>immediately gets paid DLC and gets casualized to 'appeal to the western audience'
>its the most popular entry and the games will just keep 'appealing to the western audience' even harder because Capcom is greedy and stupid these days
Are weapon designs really gimped? No more rathalosheads or gunhammers?
>No more rathalosheads or gunhammers?
Thats too goofy user,
Western audiences don't like goofy
Fuck that was me yesterday
>need 2 anjanath fangs
>do investigations
>end up with 6 plates and no fangs
I gave up on two sets of Anjanath armor because of this, I've hunted that fucker 10 times and he didn't drop any fangs, on or offline, breaking his face every time.
It just isn't worth it on low rank
Sure thing, just keep telling yourself that, kiddo, while the rest of us enjoys a great game.
the people that like the new Starwars Battlefront games say the same thing when you say why they just aren't as good as the old ones
You can fun with it if you want dude, I don't really care, but long time fans of the franchise are right to be wary.
On the bright side, Capcom got halfway towards bringing the HH back to the FU style recitals, too bad they fucked it up.
>Capcom got halfway towards bringing the HH back to the FU style recitals, too bad they fucked it up
I've only been using the HH since 4U, was it good in FU or still just a support """"weapon"""" that takes 5 million years more than anyone else to kill just because it can provide earplugs?
Yes. And it fucked rapes face. Pick anything with Slicing Ammo, so the Bone line, Tobi line etc. Bring Slash Berries.
Choose your poison of Rambo gatling gun or sniper explosion cannon, and put the fucking hurt down on things. I am currently working on a weakness exploit set, as you pierce everything with the sniper shot, and the additional damage it does... Fuck one time it rounded off at 1000 damage for a single shot. Mental.
>ywn pin the handler against a tree and pound the fuck out of her
Why live?
What the fuck did they do to my hunting horn?
What do you mean "just a support """weapon""" "
It used to be just as fucking strong as the hammer but with buffs for the whole team, I've solo'd every game since FU with nothing but a Hunting Horn.
I'll be so fucking pissed if they made it shit in MHW
*pieces not sets
this, i'm interested as well. I'm Hammer main with HH as secondary. wtf did they do to it MHW?
Aww, don't be so shy shy shy
>MH on PSP
>daily Monhun sucks threads by Nintendos
>people slowly getting bored of MH, barely even discussed on Sup Forums
>it comes out on 3DS
>suddenly there is an army of Monster Hunter fans all praising the games as the best games ever made
>MHW comes out
>Nooo, Sony stole our exclusive franchise!
It's all so tiresome
>>MH on PSP
>>daily Monhun sucks threads by Nintendos
>>people slowly getting bored of MH, barely even discussed on Sup Forums
t.Faggot that clearly wasn't around at the time
It was a monster in FU and 3U but it got weaker with every successive 3DS title. It pretty much hit the bottom of the barrel in Gen/XX, it's a beast in early low rank but it quickly becomes obsolete by the end of it thanks to no good arts for it and significantly nerfed MVs for basically all its moveset. Soloing past low rank with HH is torturously bad, you will see 20+ minute single target hunts even with optimal play and no song downtime.
Yeah, sonnigers' whining is very tiresome indeed, the shit you are describing never happened, in fact I started playing MH on my PSP because of Sup Forums back in the day
t. own PC, ps4 & switch
>It pretty much hit the bottom of the barrel in Gen/XX
Shit, this probably has something to do with why Gen didn't 'click' with me
Something about that game felt off the entire time I was playing, but I couldn't put my finger on it.
I guess I didn't notice how weak the HH had gotten since I never tried a different weapon and just assumed the monsters took longer to kill in that game
You have that other image of her with her just in her bra friend
I'm going to platinum this game even if it kills me.
this was a lot of effort to go through for nothing
Those are big nipples
>tfw they instantly start selling microtransactions for things that used to be free
Based Capcom!
Nintendo was killing the franchise, no one gave a shit about monster hunter outside of Japan until now that it got released on actual hardware.
Almost all of them are just bone or iron weapons with some scales and feathers glued on.
RIP unique hunting horns
>Daily Monster Hunter sucks threads by nintendos
Are you fucking retarded m8?
Back in the freedom unite days Sup Forums had daily MH threads and they were comfy as fuck, everyone was happy to help each other out and talk about how much fun the games were while making fun of people that just blamed the game when they lost.
Freedom Unite was universally praised around here. Hell, by today's standards on Sup Forums I'd probably be considered a "nintenbro" just because I don't think the PS4 and Xbone are worth buying yet, but those Freedom Unite threads were enough to convince me that I needed to get a PSP alongside my DS back in the day.
Mind you, I don't think anyone can deny that the PSP was great, probably the last good system Sony has released since the PS2.
That shit had Freedom Unite, Patapon, Loco Roco, Portable 3rd, Peace Walker, Phantasy Star, Jeanne D'arc,PaRappa the Rapper, Echochrome, Megaman Powered Up, Half Minute Hero, Valkyria Chronicles II, Ys Seven, Crush, Gitaroo Man Lives, and a dick load more.
And even with all that shit to play, I think Sup Forums would have unanimously agreed that Freedom Unite was the best game on the platform and the biggest reason to own a PSP.
>no one gave a shit about monster hunter outside of Japan until now that it got released on actual hardware.
That would explain why no one ever played the PS2 games
Yeah everything is same-ish, hope this shit doesn't carry on in next installments
MH ain't exclusive though.
Though maybe now From Software can cut down their value and bed Sony for more projects at a cheaper price.
>implying Sony was ever going to make another Soul Sacrifice or Freedom Wars anyway
The analog stick controls for attacks sucked fucking dick and the games were nothing to write home about. It wasn't until the PSP installments that the games found their real niche and took off.
I swear the rares have gotten a bit more common, I've already picked a several gems from Pukei and Kulu from 2 or 3 hunts and a fuckload of plates from Anjanath and Legiana
But I thought being on handhelds made the games suck?
>he thinks the high sales are simply because of the game not being on Nintendo this time and that actually marketing the game to western audiences for once or the fact that this is the first actually HD monster hunter with a huge scale to match have absolutely nothing to do with the game's success outside Japan
Oh no wait this is yet another ez bait console war shitposting thread, why am I even bothering?
You actually made my day with this. Sana is perfection.
Really depends on the gun in question. Go through the bullets your gun specializes in and take note of at what point each mod improves performance. Two recoil mods isn't going to be a good idea if your Spread shotgun only gets a bonus to recoil on the first upgrade.
What's tiresome is trying to figure out which one of the three or so MHW threads is going to actually talk about the game instead of being a thinly veiled console war
Begone trash, 144fps or bust.
Post more of that semen demon.
If you've played 4U with it then it's not much different, arguably it's better because of the changes to encoring (any direction including forward and stationary, rolling out of it to use the first attack with a shockwave as a damage dealer, etc.) with the only thing worse I know being that it feels slower compared to other weapons movement speed wise when it should be the fastest, though I haven't really tested it. The weapon in general just felt to me like using it is gimping yourself when you'll almost always be doing more damage with another weapon because they gave it such low damage with no combo potential to speak of aside of encores, and half the time of those are spent dancing like an idiot. It never felt as strong as other weapons and sure as hell isn't a "hammer but with buffs" because a hammer played well will always do more damage.
Another "nerf" to note is that if you've ever used a horn with purple, cyan, red, now the earplugs song for that is no longer encored into HGE, it only extends the duration. You'll have to use a horn with another song set for that with a HGE song. Quite a disappointment since you'll lose the ability to have both earplugs and attack up on a single horn.
>Hope more devs take note
Take note of what? Which other high-profile, third-party series are confined to Nintendo platforms?
Flash on, Tzitzi-bro
Would if I had more.
I don't get why i'm not bothered about playing this, it just looks so boring and drab.
Say what you like but it's lost it's visual charm, plus playing handheld was the only way i was able to rack up the hours for these games, i can't imagine ever getting near end game if i need to be sat in my living room alone every time i want to play it
Flash on, Tzi-tzi bro. Be careful of the Rotting Wolves on your way home.
This desu. Can't tell if these are consolewar retards, or if they're baiting. This is the first MH that was actually advertised/they wanted to succeed worldwide. That why it's been so successful, and that's great for the. Has fucking nothing to do with what it released on
Flash on, Tzitzi-bro
Also, give more chicken screams
teach me how to play sns. and what are good skills bros
>Newfags knowing this
Of course not. They're bandwagon newfags. Monster Hunter has been ruined on this board forever because of them.
fuck me I want it to be 144fps
but who are we kidding, the japanese barely understand 60fps, let alone fucking 144
they used to be the cutting edge of gaming in the past but they somehow lost it over time
Flash on, Tzitzi-Bro.
>They're even desperately stealing BOTW memes
You can't make this shit up.