>that kid who never gave you back the game you lent him
ITT that kid
is that semen
are you semen
I am that kid unfortunately. In like elementary school, a friend let me borrow MM Battle Network 2. I legitimately kept forgetting to bring it back to school with me to return it. He ended up moving away before I could give it back to him.
Char got me into Shogi
At least it wasn't your intention. The kid that never gave me back my game had every intention to steal it from me. I told the school principal but she didn't believe me because when she asked the kid he replied saying that it was his game. I thought of telling my parents but ultimately didn't tell them. I didn't want to involve them because they would have hurt if they knew that someone had stolen something from their son.
You just want an excuse to post cute anime clips don't you?
I'm not complaining, by all means.
>that kid you had a budding gay crush on but moved away so you never saw him again
AI and other AI suck but Char is amazing. She will surpass them all.
Uhh... p-post your name
Is that you Scott?
No, just another gay romantic ; ;
Don't do this you fucking shitstains
OwO what's this?
It's been 20 years Kasper, just give me back my vigilante 8!
Is this Sangatsu no Pedophilia?
>tfw I was that kid
thanks for the free games, buddy.
3-gatsu is not pedophilia you shitposting dimwit
Yeah no fucking shit.
>that kid that rubbed your dick and you came inside your pants with once
>loan friend wow gold
>he takes it and runs
>threaten to kill his baby daughter
>moves away a month later
fucking KILL YOUSELF or shut THE FUCK up fuckwit imbecile
Not funny, rainbow dick.
It was not a joke.
>ever lending anyone anything on an online game
>that kid who would invite you round to play his N64 while he would just suck your dick
Maybe he just enjoyed dick more than games I don't know
>I go and play mmos like if they were single player games
Thanks for letting us know, now kill yourself.
>Meet that kid again 10 years later
>"Thanks for trading me Earthbound for my copy of NBA Jam, I sold it for $100"
It wasn't a trade it was us lending each other games at the same time you fuck.
So, that's where you were over the weekend.
And like the beta fuck you are you didn't tell him this, you probably said "eh no problem" right.
This "Never" implies, that you gave him another game at least once, when he didnt return the previous one.
Even as a kid I wasnt that dumb
No I beat the shit out of him and got my first police warning
Never fuck with me
>Beat the shit out of him
>on Sup Forums
He beat the shit out of you.
>Friend borrowed Ratchet and Clank for four years
>Four years without Ratchet and Clank
Also friend borrowed game but left it back broken
No more friends
>let a friend borrow some GBA game
>he moves away a week or so later
At least you had games stolen faggots
I didn't have anything they could steal
best shogi loli
>Never fuck with me
Was his name Cosmo? Did he play a lot of Zelda?
uhhhh... yes? this is scott? are you ciaran or something?
it's perry, sorry dude.
>that kid who died before you guys could finally finish your couch co-op session of resistance
>same kid whose mom came to school and gave you all his cds because you were the one he would most want to have them
>that kid was the nicest kid youve ever met and honestly just believed him when he said he didnt have it
i still believe him, he probaly forgot he had it
What the hell, do you know why he died?
>that kid who liked to do couch co-op sessions with you
>that kid made real progress in his life and doesn't have the time to play video games anymore
>that kid was your best friend
For me is inversed, that kid is a loser wage slave, doesn't even have college degree and I have nearly a million usd in assets now.