Is it time for a late night 3x3 thread?

Is it time for a late night 3x3 thread?

2/2 Terraria, Dark Souls

3/3 However I've been meaning to play Hotline Miami, Dark Souls and Animal Crossing.

Stupid question, what do the numbers mean that you post?

wtf are these ratings?

liked / played

I played 3 of the games OP posted and I enjoyed all 3.

If I played 3 games and didn't like one, it would be 2/3.

that's the 3x3 rating system.

Just random numbers

I was actually just trolling, this guy is serious/dumb though: If you're smart you'd understand the rating system without an explanation.




3/4, I don't like Resi games, sue me.

6/6, I was iffy to give bamham a 6, but I guess I enjoyed what I got out of it since I beat it 100%

>I don't get it
>Oh now I get it, look how elite I am I fit in too

>the adventure of link
why though

It's a great game. Really fun, very satisfying. You have to legit yourself through every encounter. It's not for everyone. Hell, I used to not like it because I thought it was a weird game until I made an actual effort to play it and found myself really enjoying it.

I've never really liked the OG Zelda game for nes but Zelda 2 was even worse, I don't know. Tastes differ


All good, user. You like what you like, it's whatever. I like what the first two Zeldas set out to do and I like how they do it.

plebeians, all of you.




LOL this is a joke right?

>Dark Souls
My man.

