Jason Miller
I don't guva fuck bout your gayass PS4 nigga
Ayden Gray
Why would I buy it on a switch? or a ps4? the pc ports are pretty darn good.
Connor Davis
>not buying the PC version
dumb sony drone
Oliver Ortiz
Now that is some hardcore shilling
Colton Davis
Buy it on PS4 if you don't want to play the sequels
Christian Williams
Doesn't the switch version also have Bayo2. Also its on PC already. Pretty sure most people can get them for "Free" or for way less on steam. If anything you should not buy these games on PS4 because chances are the disc will be 50-60$. You can get the same games on pc for 40$ even less on sales.
Angel Harris
If it's only Bayonetta one, then why are you even trying to hype this shit? Just get the Steam version, it's better. Bayo 2 (and 3) you still need a Wii U or Switch.
Christian Diaz
>bayonetta getting ported to literally every platform >still no good discussions surrounding the game
I know its old as fuck, but DMC still gets daily threads despite the series being dragged through mud and back.
Justin Cox
>Doesn't the switch version also have Bayo2
Yes. In fact it's being advertised primarily as Bayo 2 port in America with a Bayo 1 being a bonus digital download.
Justin Wright
Aaron Gonzalez
>playing Vanquish with a controller >playing a non portable version of Bayonetta
The PS4 is such a waste of time.
Evan James
Meanwhile, the dude behind the games blew the fuck off someone who was asking whether a PS4 version was coming.
It'd be nice if Bayonetta were in PS4
If Sony gave a rat's ass about it
for the time being, it's under Nintendo's leash, so don't think about it, bub
Andrew Hill
Because its bundled with 2 and its portable.
Easton Hill
I already played both these games on 360.
why would I wanna play Bayonetta on a sony console at 15fps
Aiden Young
>(and 3) Nintendo's name is listed nowhere on the copyright, unlike Bayo 2. Sega finally realised Bayo is a valuable IP, and they may be completely bankrolling it this time.
Easton Sanders
Vanquish is designed to play with a controller though. The significantly more precise aiming of KB+M would trivialize the game since it wasn't designed to account for those aspects.
Blake Bailey
Sup Forums still hasn't gotten over the fact that Bayonetta is a Nintendo IP now, so they pretend it doesn't exist, this is normal considering the board is 80% sony niggers
Nathan Williams
>Sony still doesn't have proper version of Bayonetta after all these years
Christian Bailey
I doubt it, honestly. They may have no put as much skin in, but you can bet Nintendo has this locked down in some kind of way.
Jason Gray
also damage is tied to the framerate for some dumb reason.
playing on a decent rig is basically playing suicide mode
Jace Moore
Asked Kamiya, told me to fuck off and ask ninty as he did to other 1000000 idiots.
Angel Harris
it was revealed during a switch presentation, user, it's a switch exclusive
Brayden Long
the game was never really intended to run on a pc when they were first developing the engine
Jason Campbell
Oh wow, I that almost reminds of some other game... HMMMMMM
Mason Johnson
Kamiya already said ask Nintendo if you want Bayonetta 3 on anything other than Switch.
Nathan Allen
Alright bought them on PC.
Luis Taylor
Those were all about Bayonetta 2.
Luis Powell
>people who never played bayo get the game on ps4/pc >if they want to play 2 and 3 they still have to buy a switch (or emulate it when emulation is ready) It looks like free advertising for the switch to me anyway.
Ethan Rogers
Gonna buy a switch just so I can get it now.
Charles Ramirez
I haven't bought Wii U for only two good exclusives: Bayo2 and W101, I'm not buying Switch for remakes I already own.
Camden Gomez
>the city of sonyfucks
Xavier Butler
Sebastian Peterson
replied to the wrong person
Blake Morales
They fixed it long time how. How come these things are remembered for so long? Even Valkyria Chronicles. Firerate was fixed within 3 months after release, yet people to this day pretend the game is bugged on PC.
Elijah Cox
>took 3months before the game you payed for was actually playable
people defend this shit
Chase Nelson
>people defend this shit People unironically praised it because it made VC more balanced and countered scout rushing.
Brayden Lopez
Bayo 2 plays better on pc.
Nathaniel Brown
Vanquish at 120 fps is kino, you should get it on PC.
Nicholas Carter
>buying another console version when a PC version exists
Adrian Smith
CEMU can't even bayo2 properly, why would you lie like this?
Tyler Murphy
>phone filename >posting a reply to a Bayo Switch threa as a new thread >reposting a fake leak from months ago dum dum
Jacob King
Don't buy bayo, buy wonderful 101 instead
Jaxon Peterson
Twitch shiiters are terrible on consoles. Playing Vanquish now feels like playing warframe, but with better mobility.
Thomas Jones
>feels like playing warframe But warframe is shit
John Turner
>Platinum still refuse to port Bayonetta 2 and 3 to other platforms
Platinum is officially Nintendo's obedient bitch. What a fucking shame.
Michael Fisher
Just buy a switch you mong.
Jesus! Its almost as if you hate video games or something...
Colton Green
Plays like a better version of it. Without the bullshit kids and shitty gunplay.
John Baker
you are so stupid it's unbelieveable
James Peterson
I would like Scalebound on the Switch.
Nolan Phillips
Sup Forums used to have good discussions about bayo until Nintendo decided to steal and horde the IP and the drones on here began using it as fodder for their console war shitposting
Dominic Barnes
Andrew Collins
It's almost a year until ys8 will be playable but they STILL defend that shit
Julian Watson
The Dark Souls remaster was also revealed during a Switch presentation.
I think Bayo 3 will be Switch exclusive for what it's worth, but you're using poor logic.
Andrew James
Sup Forums used to have good discussions about monhun until Sony decided to steal and hoard the IP in Japan and the ponies on here began using it as fodder for their console war shitposting
Jaxon Long
it was revealed for the other platforms on the same day
Ian Johnson
>Bayonetta sells like shit >most publishers don't want to touch it >Nintendo offers to fund Bayo 2 when no one else would >"NINTENTARDS REEEEEEEEEE"
Parker Bailey
It was still first shown in a Switch presentation. You'd be right in saying "there's no proof that Bayo 3 is coming to anything but Switch right now". Outright calling it a confirmed exclusive, though, is inaccurate.
Ian Martinez
Why would i buy 2 garbage games to begin with?
Jose Murphy
Lol, I can't believe you fckers are still salty about Bayonetta.
It HAS to be the biggest collective butthurt in the history of videogames. It has lasted YEARS.
I have never played one, and I already want Bayonetta 4 exclusive for the Switch U just to see you guys bitch about it for another 8 years.
Christopher Perez
>playing video games on typewriters
Fuck out of here gramps
Elijah Thomas
Damn, you are one triggered and desperate sonytard.
Nicholas Johnson
>every game is a potential multiplat Any day now and they'll reveal Super Mario Bros for PS4 and Xbone Any day now!
Kevin Baker
nigga what
I own a Switch. I don't own a PS4. I already said Bayo 3 will probably be a Switch exclusive. I'm just trying to encourage proper logic. The fact of the matter is we don't know right now.
Luke Collins
Watch salty sonybaloneys come in and claim more people were salty about Bloodborne.
Benjamin Johnson
Wow, this is straight up denial. The sheer mental gymnastics is nothing short of astounding.
Thomas Kelly
fuck off, I want to play Bayonetta in bed, when I shit and on my work travels.
I'm glad Nintendo made a console thinking about the conveniences needed for an adult.
Yeah guys, there will be a time on your life that you won't be insecure enough to fight about framerates and graphic textures on the internet and you just want to play videogames in a convenient way.
Asher Scott
>The fact of the matter is we don't know right now. Kamiya himself confirms that Bayo 2 and 3 won't be on PS4
Joseph Sanders
Do you have a source?
Joseph Foster
Unless his tweets are all trolling then it's a given, no logic crap or fact of the matter shit
Cameron Brooks
>people are still salty about bayonetta
Aiden Lopez
>What a fucking shame. yeah cause fuck laws and contracts amirite? row row fight the powa.
Andrew Perez
>A Nintendo franchise is coming to the PS4 Yes and I'm sure Subway will start to Big Macs.
Jonathan Ramirez
>muh portable I never understood this meme. I'm not a child that needs to bring his games with him when my parents decide to go somewhere. I'm an adult male. I also have the choice between using a controller of choice on a screen of choice. Do you think I'd settle for a shitty 720p ips screen? Why would I leave a comfy chair just to play under the glare of the sun?
Easton Cook
>Options are bad simply cause i do not care about or use them!!!!
yeah ok sure but you know maybe other are not you ya self centered gaylord
Angel Lopez
That's not what I said at all. You're trading options for portability. But thanks for proving you're a child to me at least. I won't tell the jannies.
Sebastian Scott
>I'm not a child that needs to bring his games with him when my parents decide to go somewhere. I'm an adult male. every time
Christian Nguyen
Can't help it that I'm an adult now can I?
Eli Rogers
>Lunch breaks >Play in bed before sleep >Play in the couch while my wife watches some Netflix shit >Play during work trips, both on the plane and on free times on the hotel >Play during commutes on metro or bus >Play during a long bank line
inb4 "only autists play in public": fuck off, when you grow up, you stop giving a shit about random strangers' opinions.
Lincoln Gutierrez
>PC version
Some of us are collectors and prefer not to steal our games, thank you very much.
Luis Sanchez
if you can't find any value on portability, I bet you're either >single >unemployed >both
Brody Martinez
>>Lunch breaks Eat lunch. >Play in bed before sleep Not healthy. You should probably want to visit a doctor about that. But it's your life. You shouldn't call it a pro though. >>Play in the couch When I own monitors? Do you realize how stupid that sounds? >play during work trips Don't understand this one. Why not just do anything else? I can play video games at home. Much more comfortable. Much more choice. Much better experience in general. >metro bus See above. Just doesn't seem like a good investment of your time. >Play during a long bank line What did he mean by this?
>ad hominem I bet you're wrong. Christ. That was easy.
Justin Reed
Spotted the 12 year old
Asher Parker
What a mature way of responding to the argument presented.
Aiden Taylor
Options are bad when they impact on other more important aspects of a product. I think the switch would probably be more powerful without the portable gimmick.
Eli Harris
What argument? "I don't do thing so thing is meaningless and you're stupid if you do thing"? That argument?
Jeremiah Brooks
>can buy Bayo 1 and 2 seperately on the eshop nea- >Bayo 1 is $30 and Bayo 2 is $50 >there's no option to buy them together like retail
Alexander Brown
>what argument? The one presented in the post you replied to. Which then I complimented you for handling so professionally.
Xavier King
And it'd be another flop.
Nathan Clark
So yeah, that one.
Jace Sullivan
I already have devil may cry and revengance. What does this do that's better?
Robert Gomez
you didn't really presented any arguments, you just are dissing his list because those situations don't SPECIFICALLY applies for you and you are trying to sound all mighty.
all of his situations are legit situations when a Switch is handy.
and that's how you look like a 12 years old bitch who is still salty about a really stupid looking game.
Asher Russell
I've already given you my answer. You don't have to pretend I said anything else.
Owen Richardson
>dude I totally need the entire hour to eat my lunch >dude you can use monitors at a desk that means....something >dude just watch netflix on trips instead of what you actually want to do
Charles Fisher
Buying one gives a discount for the other.
Juan Young
If you've already bought one, the other is $20 off, so the total of the two is always $60.
Lucas Scott
But I want all three on the same platform.
Eli Cox
Read it again. Respond to the contents of the post. Try it.
Whoms'tve are you quoting?
Carson Lopez
Does it include Bayonetta 2? I can already play Bayonetta 1 on PC for cheap.
Ian Morales
I know, you did answer. Your answer is "I don't do thing so thing is meaningless and you're stupid if you do thing"