>remake game
>add extremely hard to find collective coins
>tell no one what they do
>tell no one how many there are
What the fuck do they do. No one has even found them all yet. And no it isn't a trophy.
>remake game
>add extremely hard to find collective coins
>tell no one what they do
>tell no one how many there are
What the fuck do they do. No one has even found them all yet. And no it isn't a trophy.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Remake game.
>Add collectibles.
>It's now objectively much worse.
My guess is something related to The Last Guardian or GenDESIGN's new game
And it's strange that no one has any idea what they are yet.
What could it possibly be? A hidden boss? They've already put random shoutouts to Last Guardian in the form of barrels, so it won't be that minor.
oh no there's something in a game that's not been exhaustively signposted for your convenience, what a drag. Let's hope they add a coin compass in the next patch.
This isn't about anger at a lack of handholding, just wondering what bluepoint could have put in the game that no one knows about yet.
new gendesign game trailer
screenshot this
I'm all for adding collectibles but why a fucking coin.
Does it fit with the world or atmosphere?
Fruits, lizards.. .and fucking coins?
I like to think they added some of the cut colossi, that would be a dream come true.