Just don't do it, Sup Forums. I know you're not stupid enough to fall for the meme

Just don't do it, Sup Forums. I know you're not stupid enough to fall for the meme.

The only game I ever preordered was Monster Hunter World, because I wanted to make sure my backwater GameStop has it on release and was to autistic to just ask them, if they would have it on release date. I dont go to GameStop ever, but it was inevitable this time.

Fuck off retard I'm preording it now.

No shit, I haven’t bought a bioware game since the second mass effect.

gonna preorder copies for each platform to piss off reddit lmao

>pre-ordering any game at all

I preordered it just to reward your reverse psychology shilling strategy.
no, not really, fuck off.


>Pre order game
>game a game published by EA

I have no intention to. Bioware have been dead to me for a decade. Their last good game was Dragon Age Origins.

tachibanachan wa totemo kawaii~

I saved all of these, and nobody talks about this shit.

I want to preorder now just to be able to see this game up close and personal. We're looking at levels of PRIDE AND ACCOMPLISHMENT that shouldn't even be possible.

Is this a third person shooter or a 1st? Depending on the answer will depend on my preorder.

There was a huge disinfo campaign to paint it as fake, that's why. No matter where you posted it there would instantly be several posters jumping in to call it fake within minutes of being posted.

Also oddly enough I once got a DMCA error during upload when I tried to post one slide, doesn't seem to be active anymore but that was mighty suspicious, had to re-hash the image to post it. why did it get DMCA'd if it's supposedly fake?


what do you mean? what image?

It was just one of the slides from the batch that was leaked here, Sup Forums is being fucky with upload though so I can't post it, but it was one of the ones about using wi-fi to map user's homes.

lol wtf

>being weeb scum

The gist was that they can use the user's wifi signal to effectively echolocate and create a rough 3D map of the user's home, which helps them gain insight into the user's income level (based on size of the home + whatever's inside of it), where they spend most of their time while at home, etc.

Honestly not even the creepiest thing in that presentation, some of that shit was downright dystopian.

What is the context of these supposed slides? They're supposed to have come from a developer interview or something?

Board room meeting, I should say, not an interview.


More like "do not pre-order any game". Fucking idiots.

I'll be waiting for reviews and a sale before I buy it. I don't trust Bioware anymore.

we're talking about for Anthem?

Seems to be a sales pitch from an analytics firm for their services to interested game development parties.

Anthem screenshot being used seems like it was just picked by whoever authored it.

Sadly the unredacted version never surfaced that would have shed more light on who exactly is offering these services and to whom, as well as had a number of other potentially more damning slides. Seems like whoever these belonged to decided to pay up to keep the unredacted documents from being posted, because otherwise I imagine the dead man switch process that posted the first ones would have posted the second batch.

Is... is that even possible? Those pics look fake as fuck but at this point I'm believing anything coming from EA

>I really don't want this to succeed so I will talk about it every single fucking day and advertise it for free :)

I can't tell if OP is just a shill who is trying to use reverse psychology like a child or the kind of retard that made Anita Sarkeesian internationally famous and live very successfully as a professional victim for the rest of her life. Either way, it's sad.

Literal WiFi house mapping
Fuck that

It seems likely from what the slides showed that they serve a lot of clients, not just in the vidya industry either. There's a particularly nice one about how they operate billboards with cameras that can sync up with nearby CCTV systems (assuming the operators of said CCTV are partnered) to get real-time reaction data from people looking at the billboard.

Yes, the tech existed for a while before this surfaced, there are papers on this if you care to look around for them.

Also it's not authored by EA (as far as we know), but a third party analytics firm.

People skeptical of that leak seem to forget how absolutely morally bankrupt and unethically corrupt the art of modern advertising is. why spend money making a good product when you can socially engineer them to buy it regardless of quality and psychologically profile them at the same time so you can figure out exactly what triggers to use to get them to spend, spend, spend effectively on command?
Marketing has embraced tech in the worst possible way, all the warnings about tech being abused and perverted? Yeah they were warning you about shit like this but people simply aren't listening.