Fuck this piece of shit
Dark Souls
get good
Just get a shield.
what does this boss have to do with skill? it's piss easy. run mid, aim with bow, throw 2 firebombs and you're done.
it's still an absolute piece of shit though you pleb
You newfags disgust me
get lucky
yes you must play the game at soul level 1 with a broken straight sword or you're not good
can you roll over the arm swipes?
what ps2 game is this?
Not at all what I said
But not fast rolling is horrible
You can mitigate the damage, if you time it correctly you can dodge them completely
>you are playing it wrong if you aren't playing like me even if you do good, take no damage and win flawlessly!
DS community in a nutshell.
Nobody likes that boss.
Lost Izalith was basically "we ran out of money but we already made half of it so here it is" the level.
You better be okay with shields at least
It's not though, by playing the game you learn that using a shield is bad
And mid rolling is a flaw on its own
>almost get swept into the pit
Lucky bastard
I can see it being used in certain areas
Ds1 probably has the most areas and enemies where shields are viable I'll give you that
You know that using one very specific tactic against one single boss does not mean one plays the entire game like that right?
You know that you can switch equipment around for every enounter and area, right?
Fucking imbecile, shit stain of the community.
can we just agree that shields are fine for riposte but shit for evading damage?
I fucking hope they do something about BoC and Izalith as a whole in the Remastered.
Demon Ruins, too.
In fact, the Izalith dome you see from DR doesn't even match the actual one.
First one is mostly intact and grown over, the other is nearly completely broken.
Using a shield and mid rolling against BoC is literally a bad tactic
I love how you say the community is bad but you're the one throwing those stupid swear words around instead of being able to talk
>Using a shield and mid rolling against BoC is literally a bad tactic
>works without taking any damage whatsoever
I don't think you understand what "bad tactic" means.
Go fuck yourself, I mean it, you're the kind of faggot that ruined Dark Souls.
>He almost got shoved into a hole
>Got lucky and didn't
As soon as he breaks the second seal he'll die using this tactic 100% guaranteed
Though it doesn't matter because fromsoft realised this was a mistake and saved your progress
Kek calm down you faggot
You're actually sad you get so worked up over a game, which I don't even influence by talking about it
>he'll die using this tactic 100% guaranteed
That's my wemb and no I didn't die once.
This worked on my 5 runs without a single death.
Give me proof and I'll believe you
do you need a heavy shield for this or will any type of shield work? gotta test this
>Not doing your first playthrough blind in suboptimal gear
I won't lose sleep over you not believing me.
How about getting good at using shileds?
You need a heavy one or guard will break.
>using a shield is bad
comfy perpetuated memes
Bow + homeward bound. Makes it piss easy since the weakspots don't respawn when you come back
>Beat the game
>It was shit user
How can you unironically think blocking is weak in dark souls when shields have absurd amounts of stability and where blocking was so good and so trivial to take advantage of they nerfed it with every release in the series afterwards?
it's not that it's bad per se, just worse than fastrolling through everything. of course blocking gets you through the game, but it's not the best option to evade dmg
mfw I havent blocked a single attack with a shield since my first 'no idea what Im doing' run. Why use a shield when you have iframes on a roll and take no damage or stagger?
I never got why everyone was mad about this. Just get naked and run to the far sides. I figured that out when I was like 16 guys, it's not hard.
Because the sound of attacks hitting your shield is satistying as fuck. Not to mention DS1 poise makes you feel beefy as fuck.
Aside from my first playthrough I have consistently beat this boss on my first try and never had any problems with it. I actually appreciate Bed of Chaos for being a puzzle boss and breaking the flow of normal combat bosses.
>using shields
Dark Souls games have always been meant to be played as SL1 with no shield nor armor
If you use that shit then your opinion is invalid, you don't know shit about the real dark souls
>Yfw it will be an actual boss fight in the remaster and Izalith is 100% finished and everyone's favorite lava level
You came late to the fishing pond, your bait is wasted.
So that bait is exactly why the game is "hard"? If you use shields and armor, then it is not hard at all?
>"Bed" of chaos
>It's not a bed
Dark Souls has some of the most retarded names for bosses in general.
You arrive almost 2 hours late to a Dark Souls thread and yet you figure you're still on time to cast your bait? Pathetic.
Would you prefer its original name ""the Nursery of Chaos"?
Urinonically yes
>SL1 with no shield nor armor
Lol the latter is true but not the first two conditions
BB = ds3 > ds1 > ds2 > demon souls
Once you grow out of the edgy contrarian phase, take off the nostalgia goggles and look at the games objectively, you’ll know in your heart this is true
BB = Demon Souls > DS1 > DS3 >DS2
some of the literal translation names are fucking hilarious
>Pinwheel - Three Guys in a Coat
>Ceaseless Discharge - the thing that keeps on being sore