Was there any reason for Samus to be a girl?
Was there any reason for Samus to be a girl?
Was there any reason for you to be a fag?
Alien did well and aliens came out around the same time.
low quality bait
Was there any reason for Mario to be a boy?
It's a reference to Alien
This there's literal xenomorph copies in metroid 2. Also just look at the hair for OG samus, literally Ripley
Your question is the reason we have feminism.
Who the fuck cares and why has there to be a meaning behind which gender was chosen?
>Hahaha so funny, I'll pretend he doesn't know how to reply to shitty bait without giving it an OP
ITT: Everyone either misses or ignores the irony in OP's question.
This is either high quality bait or you're retarded.
With people being as retarded as they are, you can never know anymore.
yea haha le sjw joke so funny
You've missed the cool new meta of avoiding to give someone else a (you) when you think it's bait. Really epic, I know.
i believe its something to with chromozones
That's a woman.
sex appeal
>new meta
Holy shit, trying hard are we
Was there any reason for your parents not to choose abortion?
You don't get a (you) from someone responding to the original post, you fucking retard, it still counts towards the thread count
I'm being serious, dude. People didn't use to do that.
It's pretty fun when you get used to it, reminds me of the good old days before these new fancy addons and shit.
Also it pisses off the baiters fishing for (you)'s, which is always a plus.
A man that flexible would spend the whole game sucking it's own dick.
He still gets and (OP)
Exactly why I do it.
>There are literal underage faggots on this site now posting here today renaming snapshots from SNES games from the 1980s as sjw pandering
yeah. So we can shut down SJW today
Sex sells.
No, which is ironically why her being a girl feels genuine. No pandering or politics or anything, she's a girl just because the developer wanted it.
GIVE ME (You)s
Why dont you make a good post and I'll think about it?
it's sort of a reward, in those days finishing a game was not like now when you finish most games you play. so not only do you get to know samus is a girl, while your friends don't, you get to see a couple of cheesecake shots of her.
How did you turn those around?
the developer was horny and so samus was born, EZ
Is this a microaggression?
Chill dude, I just asked.
No it is just a way so shitposters aren't rewarded, user
You could take it as a mere joke, or you could take it as an argument. The argument being that there was *obviously* nothing wrong with Samus being a girl back then. It was a fun twist that plays on people's expectations.
But now, everyone wants to bitch about female leads being part of a feminist's agenda. Demanding "reasons" for why a female lead should exist.
So what's your point? I am tired of agendas and politics myself, but they are forced everywhere.
My point, is to understand OP's point.
But if I were to champion OP's point, I would say that the idea of "forced" agendas, are being misused all the time. When they made Samus a girl. They intentionally played on the expectations of the player, in order to impress them with the reveal. You could say their idea was "forced" by the loose definition of forced.
But back then, no one demanded a reason for it. It was just tolerated, or enjoyed by the audience. So what exactly makes Samus's gender not forced, compared to others?