Name a better ARPG

Name a better ARPG
You know you can't

Diablo 1
Diablo 2


Path of Exile?


Have fun playing one of the two good builds for the whole leauge

D2 is the unbeaten heavyweight champion.
D3 is barely just ok.

I bet you haven't even played it and are just parroting bullshit


I heard Grim Dawn is better than PoE or D3.

Your bet is another kind of parroting. Ive played both. I only didn't mention D1 since im not 40

>no action
snooze fest central, its a nice lootcave but that's it

It is

Diablo 1-2, Grim Dawn, Titan Quest

I only play it to finish all the acts so any build is good. After I finish it with my third build I'm done.

it isn't

Alirght then, tell me how D3 is barely just ok

Nah, the game is fucked balance-wise. I have no idea how they managed to make a game that is even more unbalanced than PoE

Grim Dawn.
Well, that was easy.

You have clearly never played GD to the endgame if you think it's better than D3.

Gameplay-wise, yes very.
However, even though Grim Dawn features online, it's still a single player driven experience. So I can see this being a deal breaker when it comes to PoE vs Grim Dawn.

It's an ARPG, user. No such thing as a balanced RPG of any kind. And the ones that are "balanced" are boring.

Its just more boring.Not to mention the auction house and nu-blizzard doing what they always do best. Reaper of Souls is great ,i give it that.

I know you're baiting hard to start a shitfest so i suggest you acquire better taste. If want to resell me D3 feel free to give me useless (You)s

And being forced to play one of the three good builds or completely skip endgame content is fun?

>unironically using nu

Not him but i didn't. Can it really be worse ? Diablo 3 Endgame just consists of grabbing the OP set of gear while using the OP build or you will just do jack shit.

Dog shit glorified by their own community. Everything is decided or doomed by a streamer who figures out shit for the community. Everything is thrown into 'if it doesn't clear waves of monsters, throw the build in the trash bin.' Nothing smart or unique is actually meta because they're so niche that you need three thousand uniques to do the shit you do with a simple gem setup in a meta build.

If you watch any stream, all they play is the same shit over and over. Build uniqueness my ass. Everything niche that's actually viable gets nerfed to death by GGG.

I have news for you user, "end game" is a meme.
In reality, literally all end game is god awful to any game. At least Grim Dawn has super bosses to fight off to see if your build is decent. D3 and PoE have endless maps that literally go no where and share the same terrain as the previous acts you played.

I honestly have no idea how this "end game" shit even started. And when people say "X has better endgame", it's literally the worst shit in the world.

>(You) acquired

That's just the meta of games now. If D2 came out now streamers and youtubers would dictate how the community plays because that is how a generation has learned to play games.


GD endgame is play one of the three good builds or don't play at all until you have perfect gear (which could very well take you 1k hors to farm up since you can't focus farm and there is no trading). Not to mention that actually getting a full set is pretty much impossible.
Doesn't make my point any less valid. The number of builds that can do Super Bosses or Gladiator Crucible is laughable.

>Only look at item stats, fuck everything else
>Holy fuck look at this stuff, it gives all kinds of shit. I can be a wurrwolf as a barb. This wand gives bonuses to literally every skeltal spell.

It certainly is an interesting take on ARPGs. It was a pain in the ass though to configure it and getting it running. If you just download it on origin it wont launch,it crashes instantly.

What troubles do you have in GD?
I've beaten the game several times with all kinds of builds and never had as much trouble as you have with super bosses. Can you share your build?

Can you reliably beat Lokarr and Gladiator to 200? If the answer is no, then you haven't beaten the game.

The idea of the game in itself is to create whatever build you wish. Unique, niche, whatever. Though, the game itself is pretty dog shit unless you play a meta build because GGG always nerfs the niche-ness of the game. Be it Shockwave Totems or even worm flask.

Diablo 2

so fucking easy

mowing my lawn is a better arpg

Diablo on switch when?

>Be me buy it on the ps3

Whats so good about the game. Its just the same shit over and ever again
Delete the 20gb game



>Name a better ARPG
Diablo 2:LoD, you fucking cunt


Champions of Norrath

Any cheap arpg with auto attack? Tried some games that wants you to click for every time you want to hit, don't want to break my mouse.
The diablo 3 demo was pretty neat but the game is still expensive somehow after all these years.

Better qestion is. What ARPG is worse than Diablo 3?

D3: RoS > D2 > D1 >>> D3 release

wait for a sale, it goes on a sale for like 20$ with the expansion, the necromancer is still expensive though so it depends whether you want to pay 10$ for a single class. Also try retail shops, I have seen the battlechest even cheaper than on in retail.

Patrician taste

>addressing the form the argument takes and not the argument itself

Opinion discarded.

A few reasons:
>D3 ruined the story of the 2 previous games. Deckard gets killed by an evil moth lady? Tyrael is now human because he had an autistic shitfit? The weird kid following you around in the sewers was evil? The Witch from D1 was a bad guy the whole time and turns your companion into Diablo with tits? Malthael left because he was also turning evil? Fucking Metzen.
>Itemization was reaaaally bad before RoS
>Everyone knows about the RMAH but I'm adding it because they dicked with drop-rates to support it
>Running grifts over and over and over is the new end game, killing a bunch of literally whos instead of comfy boss/unique runs
>So many uniques are just flatout useless in general. Like they were intentionally made as filler.
>Ancient armor/weapons instead of more content
But those are the negatives. Combat is fun, and graphics are pretty good even now. RoS did a good job bringing more of the dark atmosphere of the previous games back into D3. But it will never be the best in the series. An HD version of D2 would destroy it.

The Division

Well... Diablo 1, Diablo 2 and Sacred 1 are better. But still DIablo 3 is good game. No memes. PoE, TQ and GD can fuck off.

Ys shits on this western trash

How does diablo control on Ps4, I'd hope it would be twin stick controls, but I also doubt that.

This hasn't been an issue since 2016. The build diversity is insanely good now

Weebs need not apply.

i could swear that i've seen the op AND the first ten replies before, EXACTLY the same

shit's fucking spooky

Can I play Necromancer?