Find a flaw
Find a flaw
>clown make-up
I honestly would hate fuck her so hard until her ovaries explode.
Those chairs look extremely uncomfortable.
Fuck off mods
Gonna ban us for critiquing your overlord?
i got you family
Not video games
she's unironically really good looking, at least in this pic
not on my dick
>Find a whore
she hates videogamers and videogames because she feels discrimated against by them, fortunately the entire world doesn’t revolve around her petty feelings.
Is she a lesbian or what?
She was totally fuckable (even slightly attractive) before she got fat.
>those eyebrows
Womanlet with inferiority complex
Not wifey material
she's a women
Idiot, she isn’t video games.
Thinks women can't enjoy being escorts and dressing sexy because they want to.
How is this video games?
Her nose is obscenely large.
>that pic
>she's a literal vagina.
Similar characters include
>Chaos witch Quelaag (Dark Souls)
>Ares (God of War)
>Suspicious beggar (Bloodborne)
>any character with an Abraham Lincoln beard
>any character with covered eyes
She's pretty attractive to be honest.
Would creampie her then gtfo ASAP
this picture is shopped to make her nose look larger than is it but it's fine because it's making fun of a picture where her nose is shopped to look smaller
This -> For some reason I find her so stupidly attractive. She's not even conventionally attractive.
Imagine impregnating her and giving birth to a healthy son that you two raise together
>people actually find this thing attractive
eat shit, she’s an outrage actress, anyone who agrees with her is pretty fucking stupid
No, no, no, women can be prostitutes and escorts and work as any type of job exhibiting their sexuality, its the men hiring and paying them that are wrong and should be jailed and ostracized.
she has no cybernetic augmentations or gene mods installed
fucking disgusting base neanderthal fleshie 0/10 would not breed
This, with obligatory punches to the neck.
She'd probably murder him in the delivery room for being part of the patriarchy.
Is it the same girl in all these ahegao reaction images? name?
Who is this?
Sorry to disappoint you bro, but I'm straight.
she's a not DSP she will never be /ourguy/
and she's a leaf
>Is feminist
>Hates vidya
>Is kike
>Is hambeast
>Is scammer
Only one of these things is true
well, then go jack off. You seem stressed you faggot
This bitch knows damn well she doesn't play any video games other than The Sims and Mario Kart.
that Nose Is Like A Natural Canopy
Her flaw is that she legitimately just straight up hates men. This was on her twitter.
Cry more
Who is this woman and why does half of the board want to fuck her while the other half hates her?
shes not naked
I thought hating entire genders was alright by Sup Forums, or is it a double standard?
So? I hate women. Would be pretty hypocritical of me to give her shit for hating men.
She's a woman and she has opinions on video games.
I don't hate women. I think people her actually are legitimately racist or sexist are wrong to do so. Like, it's okay to pretend to be racist or sexist, but not to actually be so.
Away jew. Always jews, every single fucking time.
You do know Anita is the biggest shitposter on Sup Forums, right? She's laughing her ass off at all you. She probably posted this thread. kek
>you need to find things attractive to have sex with them
Do you even know where you are right now?
She is THE feminist that started the whole SJW vidya thing.
And worst of all: Sup Forums made her famous.
In a way, we ruined vidya
What's the difference between pretending to be racist and sexist all the time, and actually being so? There is none. No one is going to care that you don't really mean it in your heart of hearts.
>half of Sup Forums wants to a fuck a woman more than complain about video games
>the other half of Sup Forums would rather complain about video games than fuck a woman
It works out
I met her irl at E3. No one talks about how short she is. Holy shit. She's so fucking short.
I do, but still. I was hoping Sup Forums has at least some dignity and self respect.
That she was/is a mouthpiece for Jonathan McIntosh
>worst Anita
>anita franklin is best Anita
bet she can't even sing like Anita franklin
If you don't understand the difference between pretending to be racist with your black and Latino friends why they whimsically also take the piss out of you, then you'll never understand the difference.
>In a way, we ruined vidya
Not the first time, won't be the last.
she doesn't play video games
other than that, no flaws. she found a way to monetize you retards that give her attention
The biggest obstacle for women age 35 or older may be getting pregnant in the first place. Fertility rates begin to decline gradually at age 30, more so at 35, and markedly at age 40. Even with fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization, women have more difficulty getting pregnant as they age.
Women 45 and older rarely get pregnant, even with fertility treatment. Fertility specialists routinely recommend oocyte donation (IVF with eggs donated by a young egg donor) for these women because pregnancies with their own eggs are so rare.
Women also have more trouble staying pregnant as they get older: The rates of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy go up substantially with age.
On the other hand, more women are having babies later in life in the United States than ever before. In 1970, the average age for a first-time mom was about 21. In 2008, the average age rose to 25.
Check my five
Isn't this the reasoning that pedophiles use when they fuck children?
I've seen worse. She has some fuckable qualities to her.
In 2008, when the number and rate of births fell in all other age groups, the pregnancy rate for women in their 40s rose about 3 percent (to the highest rate since 1967), and the rate for women age 45 and over rose 4 percent.
Infertility evaluation is generally recommended for women who have been trying for 12 months or longer. But if you're 35 or older, don't wait a whole year. Get an evaluation after six months, or sooner if you suspect that something may not be right – such as if your periods aren't regular, or if you've had previous abdominal surgery.
Once you conceive, and you get past the first trimester miscarriages, you face a higher risk of conceiving a baby with a chromosomal problem. This risk goes up every year. If you get pregnant at age 25, your risk of having a baby with Down syndrome, for example, is about 1 in 1,250, according to the National Institutes of Health. At age 40, the risk is 1 in 100.
If you'll be 35 or older on your due date, you'll be offered genetic counseling. This is normally done by your obstetrician after you show up pregnant, but increasingly, couples are opting for "pre-conceptual counseling" – an opportunity to plan ahead and get information before getting pregnant.
She bullied boogie
That was the line for a lot of people.
>black and Latino friends
>Sup Forums
Post her feet
Yeah, sorry to say I'm not a loser like most everyone here. I actually have friends.
only if they're not real genders.
Too much lipstick, but aside from that there are none
>able to make the big bucks by putting on a show for feminists and betas
>based as fugg
>Anita screamed in his face until he broke down into tears, apologizing for any slight he may have made against her during the panel
>boogie still defended her and called her critics assholes
You might want to mingle with people outside your race every once in a while. You would learn that there's a whole world out there outside of your tiny little racist bubble. Stop spreading hate.
I hate her but the gal has spunk and moxie. She scammed her way into Google and gets to parade about spewing her vile opinions for some important jews in the industry. She is unironically a powerful female now. Gamergate lost and she won. Good for her. I'd like to cum up her nose.
>boogie still defended her
This part is what removed any skepticism about it the incident.
I have 0 sympathy for boogie. You reap waht you sow.
>'m not a loser like most everyone here
>I actually have friends
yeah. thats why you are trying to get an ego boost out of Sup Forums?
This is pretty pathetic and funny.
you're acting as if most of Sup Forums isn't trying to engineer the crash.
Seems pretty obvious he was bullied into defending her.
Sup Forums is essentially powerless
Anita has many connections within the industry and has gained a lot of power of the last 6 years, becoming a part of twitter+google and a consultant on some AAA games.
She more power to influence change in the industry and demonstrably has already.
Games are suffering because of her politics, Sup Forums could only boycott these games but none of you have any sort of willpower.