Sup Forums best turn based games? give me your top 3
Sup Forums best turn based games? give me your top 3
Homm 3
Disciples 2
Fallout 2
how hard is HoMM III for a brainlet?
solo easy, multi hard
Very easy.
Age of Wonders 3
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Master of Magic
Alpha Centauri
UFO: Enemy Unknown (aka XCOM)
Jagged Alliance 2
honorable mentions : Civ IV, Silent Storm, FFT
The AI cheats in brutal ways after a certain difficulty. Just settle at 100% or even 80% if you're not good at these games. Any higher than that, you're gonna get your shit pushed in.
It's basically always the exact same AI, except in the higher settings, it gets fed resources and more units. You're basically fucked against them.
Domimions 5
HoMM 5 ( do not listen to people who say 3 is better, its just nostalgiafags )
Jagged Alliance 2
Civ 5 BNW
Divinity OS
>Heroes of Might and Magic 3-7
>Disciples 2
>Endless Legend/Age of Wonder
imo 5 is more confusing
Xcom 2
Civ 5
Honorable mentions - Disciples 2, Darkest Dungeon, HoMM V
Similar to others here but it feels like I'm missing something.
I beg to differ. 3 is confusing to new players because of trap choices of skills/nations. Skills like eagle eye are completely useless in comparison to offense or earth magic. Similarily, there is no scenario that inferno wins over necropolis/conflux
Try out Dominions 5.
I play exclusively inferno and it's not always true(unless you mean a high lvl pvp cuz i don't play high lvl).
I found 5 very confusing visually, the computer was playing weird, and i'm pretty sure it could see the entire map from the start(going straight for my castle right as i leave into another direction despite not seeing it before).
The menu is very confusing too, and the lack of random map generator isn't making it any better.
But then again 4 is my favourite.
5 without expansions is lackluster, but with them is best entry in the series. I recommend doing a second take on it.
i played it with all expansions, and even the menu was confusing. it felt like it had very few maps, too.
But 5 with expansions has a random map generator and a fairly normal menu?
>V is better than III blanket statement
Fuck off. Both games have merits, but I find V just so tedious to play. So many unnecessary neutrals, and the square grid is cumbersome.
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
UFO: Enemy Unknown
> Disgaea 5
> XCOM 2
Unironically and not even memeing or a weeb: Go.
I can't.
Valkyria Chronicle
Fallout 2, XCOM, Wasteland 2
Legend of heroes, civilization series
I play with friend against 6 computers on 200% G maps, sometimes it's tough but we usualy manage with minor difficulties
pic related
>Jagged Alliance 2
HoMM 3.
Civilization 5.
And... Nothing more.
>played Heroes 3 my whole childhood
>play it today
>can't play more than one in-game week because I want to minmax like a faggot
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup.
Uhh, I guess Fallout 2? I mean, the combat in it is shit, but I like the game for other reasons.
Jagged Alliance 2 is probably the greatest tactical strategy game ever made.
The interface and such is hard to get into today but once you get the hang of it the mechanics are pretty deep.
I also really like the Xenonauts remake and Xenonauts 2 should be coming out soon from a small developer, Goldhawk Interactive.
Xenonauts is like if XCOM never left the 90s but instead people kept refining the base mechanics of the original formula.
Any strategy game that has Time Units is infinitely better than the new 2-phase systems.
>HoMM 5 is better than 3
Lmao end yourself
Luck ability enables undead to have luck bonus too
Op related, Deadly rooms of death for puzzles, and Slay
thats a painful image