Can we have a Parasite Eve thread? I rarely see it get talked about here. I literally just got to the top of the Chrysler building only for my save states to suddenly become corrupted and crash the emulator. RIP all my progress.
Can we have a Parasite Eve thread? I rarely see it get talked about here...
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Sucks to be you mate.
Wish there were new tank-control-ish PE games with modern graphics.
I'd kill for PE2 remake. Sadly, never ever.
>PE1 = Strong Female Protagonist
>PE2 = Strong FEMALE Protagonist
>3BD = "Strong" Female "Protagonist"
Sell me on the game OP
I love Parasite Eve II.
I enjoyed PE. 2 and 3BD worth playing, lads?
Post more of this cutie
3rd Birthday is a fucking shit show and is made by that same faggot that made FF13.
You can see how he changes Aya from an actually interesting and at least somewhat deep character into a chick whose clothes get destroyed as she takes damage and is constantly afraid of everything and everyone.
I can understand why the book writer took away the license after how fucking shit PE2 was but thank fuck 3rd Birthday is not canon in anyway.
I adore both 1 and 2. They're really, really different, though.
3rd Birthday, however... Just don't expect too much from it.
I only played 1 and 3 of parasite eve should I play 2 ?
Third birthday is fun if you ignore the story and characters.
2 is just plain and and a cheap RE clone.
The GAME is fine, but the story is pants on head retarded and shits all over the lore.
Yeah too bad FF13 hack turned Aya into some submissive skank who mumbles and moans her way throughout the game. Fuck 3rd Birthday.
that picture has always fucking irked me. who sits like that, it can't be comfortable
No, you were correct the first time.
>I can understand why the book writer took away the license after how fucking shit PE2
This never happened.
>CTheory: I’m curious about all of the different media versions of Parasite Eve: book, game, TV movie, now possibly feature film. How did it happen that your novel was transformed into a PlayStation game? Have you seen or played the game? If you have, how would you say it relates to the book? Are there any other current or pending versions of the story?
>Hideaki Sena: There are several different media versions of Parasite Eve: a movie (not a TV movie, but a Big Screen film), a comic (manga), PlayStation game (part 1 and part 2), and a manga version of the PlayStation game story (the title is “Parasite Eve DIVA”). The manga version is the most faithful version to my novel.
>The story of the Play-Station game (part 1) is the sequel to my novel. But none of characters is identical to my story. The story was written by game designers, so I did not know the game story until it was sold. The project of the PlayStation game was between Square Company and my publisher. So far, there is no other pending version of the story.
As you can see. Sena's publisher(Kadokawa) is the one who sold the rights to Squaresoft, the rights were just for two games, then in 2003 Sena changed publishers and this new publisher probably increased the price of the license and Square Enix is obviously not interested.
Sena seems very disconnected about this whole video game thing, i don't think he realized Parasite Eve could actually become a major game series.
They're both good. 3rd Birthday is the worst, but it's really not by much. The story is the worst part, you can safely ignore it. As far as gameplay is concerned it's an alright lock-on shooter. Just play the game once on normal, higher difficulties are all grindfests for autists.
3rd Birthday wasn't toriyamas' doing, it was the doing of tabata who made Type-0 and FFXV. Tabata isn't actually responsible for the writing though, the one responsible is the girl that he's fucking. She's written for every one of his games if I remember correctly. The only hand toriyama had in 3rd Birthday was adding in the lightning outfit and weapon.
2 is amazing, faggot.
We want the RE audience is far from amazing, turbo faggot.
I'm glad it did poorly.
No it isn't, it jumped into the fad of trying to be Resident Evil, and like many others it failed to atract enough attention.
Sorry, I didn't know RE encouraged to kill every fucking zombie in the game and gave you plenty of ammo for this purpose.
I must've missed that while I dodged everything.
Me too. I wasn't wild about II back in the day but now I find myself replaying it every once in a while. Firearms have a nice kick, and combat gets more fun once you gain more powers. My only major gripes are the music (not as catchy as the first game's OST), a bit too much backtracking and some really dumb puzzles.
Toriyama was also a writer for T3B.
I guess that why it flopped. It was not a good re clone.
>2 is just plain and and a cheap RE clone.
Because it's the team who made RE2 made it. And no it's not cheap, hipster.
>I must've missed that while I dodged everything
So you played like a RE game, got it.
It's still a better game than PE1. There is absolutely nothing good or unique about the first games gameplay aside from silly weapon customization.
>Sorry, I didn't know RE encouraged to kill every fucking zombie in the game and gave you plenty of ammo for this purpose.
And magic.
So the only good Parasite Evil game is the first game, that's not even up to discussion.
>>We want the RE audience is far from amazing, turbo faggot.
>Director: Kenichi Iwao (writer and planner of the first Resident Evil game)
>Satoru Nishikawa (Art Director and chief background designer of RE2 and PE2)
>Mitsuru Kuwahata (background creator and setting animator of RE2 and PE2)
>Yoshiaki Teshima (Effects animator of RE1, RE2 and PE2)
>Isao Oishi (RE1 character designer, Resident Evil 1.5 scenario writer and character designer, RE2 character designer, PE2 character designer)
>Takashi Hama (Background modeler of RE2 and PE2)
>Naoshi Mizuta (Composer of RE2 and PE2)
>>I'm glad it did poorly.
>The game sold over 220,000 copies in Japan during 1999.[17] It broke the one million unit sales mark by February 2004, with 0.43 million sold in Japan and 0.66 million sold in the rest of the world.[18] In late 2000, the game was re-released as part of the Square Millennium Collection along with a figure of Aya and a portrait of her character model, Yumiko Shaku.[19] The game was re-released as part of the PSone Books best-seller line by Sony in 2002.[20]
>it failed to atract enough attention
It got my attention, that's all that matters as far as I'm concerned.
>It's still a better game than PE1
Holy shit, sometimes the only good thing about the series being dead is that faggots who say shit like that are always on the wrong, trying to be anything else other than what PE1 was killed the series.
>Parasite Evil
Funny Freudian slip.
Now compare it to PE sales.
As far as you are concerned the series died, so what is your favorite doesn't really matter.
where did she have that gun during the opera???
The same place she kept her badge.
After playing all three games in the series for the first time a few years ago i've asked multiple times on Sup Forums why people liked the gameplay of PE1 and I couldn't get a single answer aside from the weapon customization being fun. Which I can agree with being a good thing. If you can answer my question with anything else at all I would be quite interested in hearing it.
>the series died, so what is your favorite doesn't really matter
Only on Sup Forums can a sentence like this be written in earnest.
Found out the other day that there is an illicit weight loss drug that does sort same thing to mitchocandria as in the game , you dont catch on fire but it is possible to die of a heat stroke even if you are in snow if you take too much of it.
>Nomura can't pull a design like this anymore.
Hell, KH shit killed his art.
>only one zipper
I bet he starts seizing up and foaming at the mouth if he looks at that pic.
PE1 was just an experiment, it was never intended to have any sequels. It was just a tech demo for Final Fantasy 8.
>draw cloud
>give him 90s clothes
Not that hard desu.
>using saved states to get to the top of the chrystler bldg
heh you're like a little baby
It's because the Chrysler building causes Stockholm syndrome on autists, so they end up loving it without understanding why.
Crazy. You don't happen to remember the name of it do you?
>tech demo sells twice as much as the 'polished' sequel
she has a big coat when she gets out of the limo. it was prob in her coat.
I liked the experimental mix of action and turn-based combat.
It was different and unique unlike pe2.
While it causes an insane amount of fat loss, even if you survive without boiling your insides it causes you to develop early onset cataracts for some reason.
Not that guy, but I’ve heard of that stuff took. You pretty much gotta lay in a tub of ice when it takes affect to avoid fucking dying
3rd Birthday looks fun. But the story seems to be very stupid.
Toriyama was the writer. You can feel his DNA all over the waifu faggotry cancer in this this game.
A translation from page 569 of the FFVII Ultimania Omega, in response to a question asking the developers about ideas theyd had that werent implemented in the game, highlights this disagreement:
>Nojima: What I remember is the Honey Bee Inn. Toriyama (Motomu Toriyama, the director of FFX-2) was in charge of the Honey Bee Inns events, but at first what took place there was more extreme, and everyone was saying Thats going too far.
>Kitase: Was it really that bad?
>Nojima: Yeah for example, Palmer would emerge from the inn saying Well, that was refreshing~! *laughing*
>Kitase: Toriyama was always making weird, tricky little events like that that kept getting edited. For instance, there was once a scene on the station platform where Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie from AVALANCHE would face each other and try to combine into one.
>Naoyoshi: Yeah, thats right.
>Kitase: When an event begins in FFVII, the other 2 party members separate themselves from Clouds avatar. Once the event finishes, the party recombines and Cloud is alone once more. Its just the way the games set up, but Toriyama parodied that. The 3 members of AVALANCHE were like Lets do that too! and do their best to combine together, but they just ended up running into each other and muttering I guess we still dont have enough practice. *laughing*
Not only do we get proof that Motomu Toriyama was the most perverted of the bunch, but his desire to joke and break the fourth wall also resonates with the unused We apologize, but the following contains material unsuitable for the general public line from ONNA_4. Elements like the Mystery Panties and the stronger adult showgirl tones of the lobby are clearly aspects that Toriyama would have greenlit while others might not have been so keen.
Tifa's granny panties that were actually Marlene's... Fucking Toriyama is even a low key pedo.
The story is full retard. It literally killed any chances of having a proper Parasite Eve sequel.
Damn, shit sounds awful. Thanks dudes.
3rd Birthday isn't even fun. It's full of the exact same damage sponge enemies and "break" mechanics as every shitty Square game now. Fucking throw that piece of shit game in acid
I get the feeling that by law you have to be pedo to be a Japanese citizen.
I read somewhere that not saving the game gives you bonus BP at the end of a day, so I spent my whole EX game using only save states. Pretty bummed too, just got past the lvl38 speedbump, had farmed hours worth of squirrels and junk, got the AK and super tool kit. All for naught. I think I have to watch the last bossfight on youtube but I just know it won't be the same...
the final boss is a puzzle boss anyway. you wont be missing much. basically you have to shoot once with energy shot and wait for her to attack then shoot again. if you try to keep shooting maya comes and heals her a bunch of times. eventually it becomes impossible to beat her if you dont catch on, and even when you do catch on if you make more than 3 mistakes its impossible. i used the 300 junk item USP-TU because high damage and tons of attachment slots.
If you are gonna cheat by using save states you might as well use cheat engine to edit your bps and save yourself the trouble.
Can I just say that the guy in charge of weapons in the police station was a huge dick? I mean he can bitch about guns all he wants but you shouldn't be holding out when there are supernatural beings on the loose.
I wish modern games were more like paradise eve
great character that is also super cute and hot, interesting premise, great mix of mystery, horror and action
>paradise eve
>parasite evil
What's next?
It's okay though. His anti-gun mentality is what ultimately gets him killed.
resident eve, duh
Uh, PE2 is also a tech demo for FF9, that's why it has Resident Evil, Dino Crisis and Final Fantasy staff working on it. They just allowed the RE1 guys to direct it because they had experience and Sakaguchi wanted to see their vision come to fruition, as soon PE2 was finished, they went to work on FF9, the RE1/RE2 guys included.
Square mainline PSX devs worked in these projects: FF7>PE1>FF8>PE2>FF9 and then they moved to the PS2 era.
This is why the art of the characters models in PE2 are so similar to FF8, the PE2 models were made the same team and they started modeling them as soon they finished FF8.
>those comfy childhood memory watching my father and my brother playing it
>being scared by the women transforming inside the restaurant
>all those cool weapons
>Aya being cute
My brother is addicted to this game, he probably did it a 12 times in all the differents difficulty mods
There is something special about this game, it's hard to explain. I think it might be the atmosphere.
>remake by yoko taro and platinum games
>never ever
we can only dream.
That would be the worst thing ever.
Well it'd be nice to see platinum do something different, bringing up yoko taro makes his post obvious bait though.
Aya being an edgy turbo slut makes a weewee tingle.
What's her leg resting on?
The fuck? No fucking thank you. Parasite Eve doesn't need to have a revival dragged through the mud of tedious button mashing wed to edgy storytelling.