Will you buy it Sup Forums?
Is it on Xbox one?
wait wat?
yes, Far Cry 3 Classic Edition will be released on PS4/X1 around the time Far Cry 5 comes out (you get a free digital copy if you buy the FC5 season pass)
Wow. Sounds cool. Idk if I'm really into far cry 5 but I'd love to play a remastered 3
you can buy it separately
Haha of course goyim, it'll look great next to my copy of "Far Cry 5: Collector's Edition".
Who else here /hype/?
so it'll be a far cry 3 with better graphics? literally the pc version?
also how much are you "supposed" to use those stealth takedowns? i'd been mostly clearing outposts with a silenced sniper, releasing animals when available and hope it goes well to get that 1500xp. but then they all get armor (or so it seems) and miss a headshot and you're fucked
also fuck plants can't see shit with them
These are almost always just ports for console owners who can't play the original anymore
>far cry 3 is now considered a classic
>literally the pc version
yeah. game ran at sub 720p at 20fps on consoles with fxaa back then. I'm not surprised the shiteating console only's want an upgrade to that
>also how much are you "supposed" to use those stealth takedowns? i'd been mostly clearing outposts with a silenced sniper, releasing animals when available
you're missing out on the only fun thing about far cry games, which is taking down outposts EXCLUSIVELY with stealth takedowns without setting off any alarms
>literally the pc version?
no, probably will not look that good but it'll be nice
>also how much are you "supposed" to use those stealth takedowns?
you play as you like, I usually stealth takedowned enemies or used a bow, sniper rifle in a similar way you do, but there were moments when I was like fuck it and wrecked them with a flamethrower or grenade launcher
>but then they all get armor
iirc they get armor after the part you obtained one of the soldiers' suit and armored mercenaries show up only a specific part of the island
thats how jewish company market their old shit
hurrr its a classic, look at this bought off game journalism that says it is so
we totally didnt just found a way to shovel our shit for extra shekels to dumb fucks
fucking marketing kikes
Is PS3 considered "retro" now?
These dlc looks better than the base game
These settings are all based on that survey that showed possible settings for a new Far Cry game.
Of course they'd pick the safest choice to attack the safest acceptable target for the main game.
According to dumbass millenials and idiots that works in games studios, yes.
>Vietnam and Mars
fuck, maybe I'll pirate it and only play the DLC
>literally the pc version?
You can't take the PS3 disc and put it into a PS4 and get better graphics. The only way PS4 owners can play it is if they re-release it. Why is this such a mystery?
>dumbass millenials
Odds are everyone on this website right now are millennials, save for the people who are actually younger than 18.
these look like some sort of spiritual successors to Blood Dragon
>being a consolecuck
consider suicide
That 3 looks just like pc version
>that dead space suit imitation
*block ur pass*
>Blood Dragon 3: Vietnam War 2 april joke
still mad
>Classic Edition
Is there another edition or something?
how is Monster Hunter World?
yes, the original from 2012
>The Trials Blood Dragon game was complete shit
I don't know since I don't care about shit weeb games and Souls clones.
I'll have to pick up the GOTY edition 6 months after launch when it's $30.
that wasn't the point nignog
Apparently it's included with 5's season pass right? I might get it that way, the BC version for Xbone looks a bit dated.
yes, it's like the free copy of Stick of Truth if you purchased the limited edition of Fractured But Whole