What vidya characters could beat SCP 173?

What vidya characters could beat SCP 173?

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Couldn't someone with a baseball bat beat it? I don't think it's meant to be especially strong, just deadly. Tipping it over would probably damage it enough.

Is this that new meme game with broken netcode?

Any character that doesn't have a blink animation



His ultimate hardcounter.



No. One of the shittier things about SCP is that every fucking time they have to explain why the foundation can't destroy it and it's usually as simple as seemingly being indestructible or able to regenerate.

Fuck off GOC. The foundation doesn't destroy SCPs because they fear that it will make everything worst. scp-wiki.net/scp-1609


I thought that was the point, the SCP try to contain anomalies, so will keep something like 173 alive and even expend human lives to recapture it in a breach. I mean, there are plenty of dangerous SCPs that they have locked up and could destroy but don't.

why, my peanus weenus of course


it's my weeeeeenus peanus! hahah

ITT: What vidya characters could beat SCP 173 - my answer, of course, my peanus weenus




It's made of stone so some well placed explosives could probably take it out

The foundation doesn't want to destroy all the SCPs, they want to research them. The S and C in SCP stand for Secure and Contain, not Slay and Crucify.

Any owl

Can anything defeat Waddle Doo with a Parasol?

A better example is scp-wiki.net/scp-2305

Destruction attempts can go horribly wrong.

>SCP related thread
Fuck it, this is on topic enough: What are some good SCPs for this shitty board/card game I'm working on?

nine fox tails operatives

I finally understand all of this

Anyone here actually look at the SCP website recently? It really went downhill after Generation III. Generation IV is full of really shitty memes.
Not even joke classified, it's official.
This is what happens when Gen Z fags find out about an open source project

55. Does nothing on the turn you get it, wasting a random amount of turns, and has a delayed effect depending on turns wasted to represent him giving ideas

You guys have no idea how fuckedly up strong 173 is. It's not made of common materials, it's pretty much indestructible, and the Foundation also also theorizes its static appearence is just its "outer shell" or some metaphysical illusion it puts up when someone is looking at it and that it's capable of much more than just snapping human necks.

They put it in the same room with 682, ordered a bunch of snipers to shoot 682's eyes and then interrupted any form of camera feed for a minute or so and 173 basically mangled up 682 badly and destroyed most of its body while 682 couldn' t even understand what was going on. Even 079, an all-knowing hyper intelligent AI that has the potential to undergo in the span of a second the mental evolution that organic beings take millions of years in order to reach, can't wrap its head around 173 and is scared as shit of it.

Don't take it lightly just because it's the SCP mascot.

>it's the SCP mascot.
no its isnt

thats lame as shit and sounds like a 5 year old made it up
"And its indestructible and is superfaster then light and even voldomort is scurred of it and and "

It pretty much is, everyone tgat is familiar with the SCP Foundation knows about it and has many cross references in other articles and stories. It's also the very first SCP object ever written.


no 682 is
its just a peanut

>while 682 couldn' t even understand what was going on.
If I recall correctly, when they put 682 in the same cell with 173, 682 was screeching badly and reached the oppsite side of the room fast and stared at 173 for 6 fucking hours straight without blinking. He basically was shitting itself with fear.
why they didn't go through the idea of attaching a photo of 096 on 173 to kill 682? Could have been fun

Excerpt for those too lazy to read
>SCP-3006 is a video titled "we are number one except every time you play it there are twice as many robbie rottens but the room is the same size[nsfw]" which was posted to the YouTube video hosting service on October 12th 2016. It features a musical clip from the show "Lazy Town" that, on repeated playbacks, causes a number of humanoids identical to Icelandic actor Stefán Karl Stefánsson to appear.


It also grew eyes all over it's body for more protection from 173.

Post worst/best scps


Fun fact, those big ass eyes are actually just sacs that hold the petrifying gas, the real eyes are the tiny dots below the sacs.

>meta fanwank

I like the idea but like most scp from 3000-3999 are nothing but heavy meta shit or oc crap like the first series

>The Foundation blows up 173.
>Now there are 2.385 individual concrete fragments, each with the same powers as 173, that will stone people to death if even a single one escape your eye sight
Good job.

>"And its indestructible and is superfaster then light and even voldomort is scurred of it and and "

Problem with SCPs is that going into more detail than your typical horror story seems to be part of the gimmick so things inevitably get shitty. A lot of scary stories have a supernatural force that you can't do shit about but the author is rarely compelled to say how invincibile the force is.

yes, we know you fucking sexy bitch. What's next? Are you gonna to tell us you can cut the drake's tail and get a shitty sword?

The log detailing this SCPs adventures is one of the best pages on the site, next to the expedition into SCP-1689

Oh my fucking christ

Pick a character from a game wich didn`t have a blink animation

Did you know that you can burn the windmill to drain the poison in the Earthen Peak boss room?

507 is one poor fucker.

>What vidya characters could beat SCP 173?

Vidya and SCP related scp-wiki.net/scp-2639

What the fuck. I always thought how unfitting those basilisks look for Dark Souls. Until now.

So where do you submit an SCP if you want to add one?
I have few ideas (and no, none of them are some super powerful shit able to destroy entire fucking universe) and I would like to at least get some feedback from people.

>Anyone here actually look at the SCP website recently
I think i dont go there by myself for at least 6 to 8 years.
I usually only read articles pinpointed as good by other anons


Did you know, after killing the boss at earthen peak, you catch an elevator that goes up, right into a volcano. I don't see any volcano in this pick on top of the windmill.

Did you know, Souls 2 is a subpar product compared to the rest of the Souls series and its spin offs?




There's still plenty of good newer SCPs.
For examples


I have a diagram for that but I don't want to derail this thread

To edit or create an article, all you need is an account, pretty easy to get.
But to avoid being downvoted to hell or simply have your contributions removed, you need to suck people dicks on the forums for months and months on end.

do it cunt

The foundation tried to kill 682 with 096. 682 mass was reduced to a pile of meat while 096 was "hurt" in some way

Nice quality control.

There are some bad articles but it's not as bad as it was a few years ago, they cleaned up the site from the most shitty SCPs, in particular the droves of Mary Sues inspired by Abel, and now they enforce higher standards.
Just stay away from anything involving Gamers Against Weed (basically a shittier version of Are We Cool Yet) and you'll be fine.

Another good example I love this one.

the flow of space in lordran is convoluted

No, the problem is that the "writing staff" is a teenage circlejerk and the quality went to shit super fast. Its no better than sonic oc site now.

post it

>while 682 couldn' t even understand what was going on.
But he could. He instantly, the very moment he saw it, knew to look at it and not blink. Then once that option was removed he simply evolved better looking at it powers. The only one I can remember actually seeming to confuse him at all is the chocolate fountain.


Lets be honest, the first list of SCP are terrible too. 1000-2999 is where it got far better


Judging by the moden SCPs I can see the current community is pretty shitty but is your stuff actually nuked and removed if you don't participate in some forum circle jerk? No matter the quality of the content?


Series two all have my favourite SCPs

I meant more in a "you cannot grasp the true form of giygas" sense of understanding.
173 is low key fucked up. There must also be a reason why it leaks liquid feces and blood.

>>I meant more in a "you cannot grasp the true form of giygas" sense of understanding.
You meant you pulled it out of your ass then. There's no evidence 682 doesn't understand it or that he ever tried to or cares at all in the tiniest bit about its existence when its not in a position to hurt him.

>Judging by the moden SCPs I can see the current community is pretty shitty but is your stuff actually nuked and removed if you don't participate in some forum circle jerk? No matter the quality of the content?


Alot of new ideas and creators for project Resurrection got kicked by the old writters because they "went against character"

Really want to see 507 and Connor going on some adventure together.

You guys misunderstand my point. I wasn't saying it's the foundations job to destroy things since obviously their goal is to understand things, to the contrary of another organization that wants to destroy everything paranormal.

I was saying that a flaw in a lot of SCP writings in the need to revoke destruction as an option; especially for excessively dangerous SCP where the main logical approach to them even by foundation standards is destruction.
Even then, it goes well beyond just keter types where the foundation pretty much wishes they could destroy it, it's something that traverses a lot of Euclid SCP as well.
A major trap a lot of the writers to fall into is that they design the fear factor of the SCP around situations where they'd be "in the wild" or encountered by everyday persons. In a normal horror situations the fear of the unknown is the biggest factor and so it's easy to write something as abstract as possible and dodge questions of logic all to attribute to the overall fear.
But SCP is a log of something unknown that is contained and has protocols and all this other shit; so in order to make something scary they have to actually explain how it still manages to capture classic horror tropes and the only way they can do that is to show you that it's indestructible so that everything YOU as a normal person would try against it would be completely useless.

TL;DR SCP authors make everything invincible to retain classic horror element of making a person completely helpless in an encounter with an SCP and/or to remove the option of destruction that would have likely happened in the event of a normal person dealing with the object (I.E the red rock took me into a mirror world I got spooked and destroyed it! Oh wait no it's invincible.)

The admins are to blame, they let too many faggots into their editor team.

Radical Larry is still the best.

I want someone to make a game were 106 looks proper disgusting. Like a real rotten old corpse with its guts hanging out, flesh peeling off, and maggots in the flesh.
Now that would be scary.

>location: Siena, Tuscany, Italy
It's kinda strange to see a city nearby your living one appear on unrelated sites

>Judging by the moden SCPs I can see the current community is pretty shitty but is your stuff actually nuked and removed if you don't participate in some forum circle jerk? No matter the quality of the content?
Eh, I actually crawled through the wiki and the forms last weekend when I was bored at work. And I'd like to give the the benefit of doubt.
The site in all its years went from spooky to silly to way too silly to way too serious and recently with Containment Breach as a final nail - popular.
So the staff and users in general deal with the flood of thirty "Heron who messes with your pots and pans" level SCPs per week the only way they can - if there's anything you even slightly dislike about it, downvote, delete and move on.
I don't really keep up with the recent ones, but I think you need to work on an article and talk to the users (and staff) for a looong time before they'd even consider letting it stay. Sucking some dick can't hurt, though.

Boo from Mario. If SCP 173 looks at him he goes invis, and when he's looking at 173 and touches him, Boo does dmg. Ezpz

The eternal stalemate
Neither side would ever win over the other



Is one 173 even sentient? Or is it just a really dangerous object?

>MTF Omega-9: The Scrubs
>that fucking logo for the task force

So what doyou guys think about this bunch?
For me SCP-8900-EX and SCP-1933-EX are examples of some betterSCPs on this site

Guess I should write an article on an instance of Aurora Borealis localized in a certain someone’s kitchen regardless of the time and place.

Why not just make an trans SCP who loves shit memes? scp-wiki.net/scp-2721

Master Chief
the Prince of Persia
And Cooking Mama

Could be worse, could be the homestuck tranny robot .

Stop copying me

Anyone smart enough to blink in turn

Has anyone ever actually tried communicating with the thing?
Like writing messages or something?

By itself it's not that great, but the stories here
are pretty neat.

Researcher Mary-Sue Potter. She's just 15 but looks like a voluptuous 25 year old and graduated SCP school faster than anyone every. Why wouldn't she when she was always correcting the teachers (who all loved her because she's a super nice and fun person)
She found out that SCP 173 is just lonely and now it's her BFF and protects her from other, meaner SCPs because it doesn't want its' friend to be hurt.
Also, she's half-dinosaur