Fall in love yet?
Then buy her new game you faggot.
Soul Calibur VI
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying I haven't been in love with her since the Dreamcast
lmaoing at u
You keep posting the only good girl SC6 has for these threads when SC has plenty of better girls to pick from
what a silly hat
Where the fuck is Yoshimitsu, you piece of shit? He's not on any of the new footage. Nor Voldo, or the chick with the whip and bobs (Ivy?). Who do you reckon we'll get as platform specific special characters?
I can't wait for stacked Talim.
Playing Ivy and Taki in 2 during middle school gave me a femdom fetish.
Is she wearing a thong?
I want to marry and impregnate Sophitia
>Tekken 7 with swords
Oh look he posted it again,.
When will ball busting goddess Seong Mi-Na be revealed?
Hopefully eventually.
game looks like playstation shit so far
atleast SC aint as autistic as tekken
They've revealed like 5, characters, and there's no way it's coming out before e3 so of course they'll be holding shit back for that
I will only fall in love with Lizardman/Aeon.
What if I told you... I like both of them
Why do the 3D models in Soul Calibur always have such shitty faces compared to the artwork?
Is it polygon-induced autism?
no preorder until husband confirmed
u get H W A N G bitch ass nigga
>shit skin
Nah, I'll stick with praising my Aryan Goddess
damn straight
How to spot a casual 101
She is a whore. I'm buying his game
Any release date or pre ordering yet?
Sadly we are in the darkest timeline and that will never happen.
Good taste.
[Lion roaring intensifies]
This shit made my dick diamonds.
Heard it in the fucking voice.
>her soul is the embodiment of Purity when her people's priestesses losing their virginity and being promiscuous are good things to become more powerful
What did Namco mean by this?
>still no fat fighter
Hopefully she'll still be showing off her underboob
Which of these two designs is better?
When will Namco announce new shit?
Taki when
Red. The subtle underboob is more delicious than the barely-in-place top.
I especially love it with his head and/or chest piece broken but I appreciate the webm, user.
I dunno how to make them. Could someone make one from this clip at 4:16?
When I get my foreskin back.
You guys think this leak might be true?
>ZWEI and Viola coming back
>No Cassandra, Setsuka, or Hilde
Fuck you
IF he didn't shut his mouth I'd say that looks just like Harry Kane
Z.W.E.I. is our guy
Shitty Jojo knock-off is not my guy, fuck off Sup Forums.
is it even confirmed hes still alive after V?
>Yuri guest character
>team tales ever pushing Vesperia
>when Velvet is their new lightning
>when velvet has a fucking nightmare arm
Time Travel or reboot?
Groth makes me think it's the former.
>Switch version
don't even have to read the rest to know its fake.
Why are they adding fancy super bullcrap, why can't we just have prettier and bigger sc2?
And why has nightmares design just kept getting worse since 2?
Something something soul edge/calibur evil seed time travel
can't even spell Yun Seong and Seong Mi-na right.
don't ever post this again.
Groth looks like the archetypical time traveler. I'm surprised he's not covered head to toe in clocks like a cogfop cosplayer considering how subtle japanese designers are.
Also the guests will be the Good Hunter and someone from Killer Instinct.
i call bullshit then why would they bring back Z.W.E.I.with time travel but not Cassandra?
I only got into SC due to 5 adding Ezio and I made the mistake of getting good with him even if hes never coming back.
What if they add another assassin?
There has been speculation over another Ubisoft character getting in
>used to play amy, siegfried and talim
so they finally got rid of the last character I had
I guess Talim will probably come back so it's something I guess
no, armorless nightmare doesn't count
it'd be nice if SCVI got something along the T6 Campaign or a better version of SCL
>FGC faggot posting bait.
You don't actually care about Soul Calibur. You just want a new FotM for your shitty tournaments.
Thanks for posting this every single day for the past week, really fresh and original content, same text AND same picture every time. Inspirational and creative.
And Im not gonna stop bitch. Eat my ass.
i had a horrible feeling it was going to be a mundane For honor character...
You think they'll fuck us in the ass again when it comes to singleplayer?
They already claimed they wouldn't but Im not preordering just yet
I'd rather eat her ass
Me too desu
Will we get Zasalamel?
Im amazed this exists
wtf is this shit.
Soul calibur 2 is peak soul calibur, after 3 everyone has got progressively work
I hope so.
That guy has years posting that same pic for years.
>expecting console exclusive guest characters
Has anons seen the gameplay where we have super moves like tekken 7 and clashes like injustice.
In a game that is about movement they have destroyed what the game is about as these clashes reposition the chars and super moves are gonna be the go to moves to spam.
Fucking soul calibur VI will be a mess
Do the supers have super armor like in Tekken 7?
I'm already gonna buy it OP, get off my damn back
>Fucking soul calibur VI will be a mess
not by the looks of it
but these clashes are cancer with a capital C
Wait I just realized, the characters have an alternate color instead of an alternate costume. Haven't characters had alternate costumes instead of colors in every SC? Pretty lazy if this is final
oh thank god
the armor on tekken's supers really ruined the flow of the game at the end of each round
ohh yeah, I have been saing it since tekken 7 was released, the game is dead, they destroyed the flow of the game. I have been playing both tekken and soul calibur/blade since the first games and it looks like booth T7 and SC6 are the worse entries to the series.
Those armoured moves in tekken are worse enough, but rage arts and drives are fucking shit. 1 move turns around all the work you have been doing all round.
Whoever are in charge of designing this shit needs to be fired.
>game is dead
well i wouldn't go that far but they do ruin the flow and reward losing players with a 50% damage attack.I dont mind powerful showy moves but these are too powerful and overly long attacks that aren't cool after the 50th time ive seen them
its called trolling, ese
>Fall in love yet?
Not until they reveal Aeon, Astaroth or Voldo
I'd like Hwang but people think of him as just a MitsuXiang clone with no originality and say Yun Seong is better. There's a rumor floating around that they won't add any of the Koreans due to lack of popularity.
I meant that the series is killed. They have ruined the flow of the game and made it into something else.
Even hardcore tekken fans hate TT2 because of all the tag crashes and shit, which is just accepted that it is a spin off tekken game, but now they added similar shit into a mainline tekken, with the new knockdown system, armour, rage shit, and then the online having shotguns and flying pizzas...they destroyed what made tekken, tekken.
looks like they are doing the same for soul calibur, though SC has been going more and more downhill since 3.
Even if they add Yun Seong fuck that I'll just play X instead.