Cheers love!

Cheers love!

This game's not fucking balanced!

well yeah you have been top meta every season

If my mercy pistol was just slightly better, id kill you every single time instead of just half the time.

Wasn't mercy nerfed recently?

If I recall correctly, yes

>not fooking balanced

It's difficult to balance a game with 30 heroes. Even in it's current state, it's still fun game at its core

you can BUFF one hero and NERF one hero
choose wisely Sup Forums

Give Genji 600 HP
Roadhog's whole body is a head shot

Tracer will be unbalanced after I ejaculate inside her

This is true

didn’t fortnite kill this game

Buff Hanzo
Nerf Mercy again
Because fuck you and fuck everyone who plays overwatch

how do we fucking save Overwatch guys

This shouldn't be happening


>Pick a hero that exists in the game
>Get banned

>fortnite has double the players of overwatch as seen in




Buff Symmetra
Nerf Tracer

>twitch viewers = players


What is the best Tracer cosplay porn?

No but they do equal people that are more interested.

Buff Doomfist to make him a better option to deal with 20+ barriers
Nerf Mei for not reason other than because fuck her

Tracer nerf when?

It's literally been hanging between 30k and 15k for the past year and a half.

Are you out of your fucking mind

No, they equal people that are interested in WATCHING

Overwatch is boring as fuck to watch but fun to play.

Doomfist's abilities are fine as is, IMO. It's just that his hitbox is so massive that he's pretty easy to deal with despite his mobility. Too many heroes counter him

I really don't get the appeal of CS and never will.

All they have to do is revert Mercy's toolkit to where her ult revived teammates, I never understood why they reworked her in the first place.

>fun to play.

Because that ult is cancer as fuck and was the problem in the first place to where Mercy's just wouldn't even play and wait to group raise and reset the fight. It's not enjoyable for anyone involved.

Buff Tracer
Nerf Moira, her abilities no longer self heal

Tracer now has 2 recalls and can dash through walls
Reaper can no longer use stairs

But it actually requires some semblance of skill to pull off a five man revive. Now Mercy pops her Q and gets a bunch of cancerous buffs.

Buff Reaper

Nerf Tracer

I main mercy. It never required skill outside of the ability to press shift and then Q. Her current Ult requires at least some sense of three dimensions and being able to travel throughout it while still maintaing tthe ability to track where your teammates are and how their health is.

I don't think Blizzard went the right direction with Mercy Nerfs, but you cannot really justify having a character being able to reset an entire fucking team wipe after hiding from the fight and not healing anybody, then dashing in and Q'ing.

>hide in spawn
>wait until team dies
>fly to corpse, noclipping through any enemy in your way
>press Q, be invincible while doing so
>epic high skill 5man rez

Symmetra is already good. Nigga git gud



Ay yo hold up!
Can I still camp the enemy spawn with roadhog and rape anyone who dares step out?

Any team that's not full of retards knows to target the healers in team fights. Her ult makes her considerably more difficult to hit, especially when coupled with her dash, and increases her self heal to the point that shooting her doesn't really accomplish anything unless you can land multiple head shots in a row while she's zooming around the map.

I mained Mercy until her rework at which point she became easy mode and simply wasn't any fun to play. It's gotten to the point where your team requires a Mercy otherwise you're almost certainly going to lose even after the most recent nerf. Being able to revive a downed teammate on the fly without burning an ult erases mistakes too easily. That's the definition of a broken champ.

In Quick Play, maybe.

Buff Zarya's primary.
Nerf Moira's everything.

There, everything is fixed now.

If you're too stupid to prioritize eliminating their healers then you deserve this.

now that mercy has finally been nerfed the game is pretty okay

junkrat is still cancer though, and moiras fucking orb does way too much damage

>hide till everyone dies
>hope flanker doesn't get to you
>kill flankers if they're bad
>press shift, then Q

buff ana's damage back to 80 and add speed bonus back to nano

nerf mercy even more because fuck mercy

Can mei do it too? As well

The problem I find is that it tilts your team if no one runs her.

>"Uhh, Zen can you go Mercy?"
>"Wow, we would have been fine if we had Mercy."

I also notice that when the other team has Mercy and you get a pick and she burns her res, teams start getting skittish and play very defensively while it's down, especially the person who just died. Usually when her res is off cooldown, a chance for an aggressive play to pay off goes up a lot because their team is on edge.

wouldn't making mercy's rez ult los and adding a cast time fix everything

and also get rid of that invincibility they added

Maybe? QP is dumb.


I honestly miss the original roadhog gameplay design.

Buff Torbjorn
Nerf Hanzo's scatter arrow

>buff Lucio
I pray to fucking god every night. Buff the most fun supp pls

Junkrat because fuck everyone. Maybe double his explosion size and remove the damage drop off.
Mercy because why not

buff reaper or mei
nerf dva or orisa

the prediction of triple/quad tank meta returning sure sounds anti-fun

Torbjorn isn't even hard to buff
just tighten up the arc on his rive gun to make it easier to aim at longer ranges and reduce the size of his head hurtbox so he isn't a walking crit box

I know, but I just want people's perception of her as being "useless" to change.

Can I just delete Junkrat from the game?

nerf genji
buff everyone but genji

Nerf Pharah because I main Pharah and I want to win.

Nerf Soldier because I main Pharah and I want to win.

>blizzard nerfs the best anti tank character right before the tank meta returns
not even mad but come on

Buff* Pharah

Sry Im at work and wasnt paying attention

>This game's not fucking balanced!
A blizzard game being unbalanced? Shit, that's a new one.

Something being hard doesn't excuse a complete lack of effort. It doesn't take a 150 IQ to figure out why 1/3 of the roster completely fucking dominates at any given point.

Buff Doomfist
Nerf Roadhog
Him being able to move and heal was a mistake like Bastions.

>waaah imba imba!!! fix nao!!!

Don't worry, the season after that will be a new meta. And then another meta after that after more complete character reworks

Nerf Genji's Deflect hitbox so that his back is vulnerable

Buff Orisa's walking speed during Fortify state

BUFF Reaper
NERF Tracer
How do I fucking deal with her

this is where we learn Sup Forums should never be in charge of balancing games

You can try playing as Tracer for a while to learn what they like to do.

seems good to me user

As reaper?
Don't bother, tracer can solo reaper every single time

It's always the same. Blink twice, recall if you don't kill your target, kill the target. I feel like I am the only one that ever targets her.
Playing without a mic is a mistake

muh dick

Ah fuck, are you telling me that the Tracers I go against are the bad ones?

cree/soldier/hog are fairly safe bets if you are confident in your shooting abilities

or else you can just zarya/dva and just try to cuck her out of picking off your supports with your shield/matrix while also dealing damage to her at the same time

Thank fuck for new seasons, the game and the meta already gets stale like three weeks into every season. I just want blizzard to actually shake things up, totally rework several champs. I want a fun game, not this low effort, high reward, "everyone is equal!" tragic attempt at a serious esport game

Also, buff reaper, vertical movement during shift would be fun
Delete junkrat

I'm not good enough with Roadhog's hook to reliably get Tracer, but I'm decent at Soldier and McCree. I'll try them out. Exclusively playing Reaper on for DPS probably isn't the best for my aim

reminder that sym is only used sometimes on defense point a because of torbjorn, nothing else

perfect balance will never be achieved, so they should just megabuff and meganerf random heroes so that the meta gets tipped on it's head

its a similar situation with symmetra

except that the tracer will only die if one of her teammates is stupid enough to let her charge up her beam/tracer is dumb enough to get it by the slowest projectile in the entire game

That's probably what I get for being in platinum. I can 1v1 Tracers with Reaper, but they usually succeed in killing our support

Are they so creatively bankrupt now that they named a character "wisely?"

Buff Mei so she can skate on her icebeam and gain increased movement speed.

Nerf Dva removing the damage from her boop.