Other urls found in this thread:
this browser website dueling network i think
forbidden memories
Duel links burn deck to troll shitters
fuck off dubfag
subway exodia
World of Darkness is honestly a really bad name though
Not him but, I never really cared about yugioh, how's it called?
Probably YGO Pro is a good one.
Oh shit, nvm.
Forbidden Memories and Duelist of the Roses for bullshittery, World Championship 2008 for real game play, Tag Force 1-6 for waifus, and Over the Nexus for Speed Duels.
2011 over the nexus. Now receive the burn damge from your own ability you hack!
>you will never tame yandere Aki in TF4 ever again
>you will never mindbreak Aki in TF6 ever again
>TF as a series is dead because they half assed Special like they half assed ARC-V
There is literally nothing wrong with that song.
>everyone in the schoolyard is dead
>would have lost to Mai jif he didn't bullshit her with EGYPTIAN text
>would have lost to Joey if it wasn't for Yami game shenanigans
>would have lost to fucking Bakura if the writers didn't change his playstyle to aggressive instead of the patient style he had against Yugi
Is Marik the most pathetic villian in Yu-Gi-Oh history?
>steals technology from one dimension to take over ONE CITY in another dimension
>builds a masochistic cyborg that malfunctions because his pleasure receptors overload from being damaged
>tries to use a girl that kicks his ass as a bargaining chip
>uses VR technology to try and appear unstoppable but literally gets LOOPED to death infinitely by superior Kaiba
>tries to teleport the entire city to ANOTHER dimension and ends up stuck between realities to never escape
>no one mentions his existence ever again
The ones with Kaiba
the one where i beat you with summoned skull and nothing else
Those slackers didn't play their cards right
Reminder that any kind of Yugioh discussion will be deleted and the user will be banned by faggot mods.
Arc-V was such wasted potential. The Synchro arc wasn't that bad but the most anticipated portion in XYZ and Fusion were completely fucked from the start and the ending was probably the weakest of all the series final battles and respective Ceremonial Duels.
In that case, be quick! Post Aoi!
Time to give them a lesson then, shall the KoG will be summoned by mod's actions?
>Synchro arc wasn't that bad
>hotel simulator
>shitty Grand Prix
>nonsense EGAO philosophy that makes no sense
>Yuya's Synchros never seen again
>Yuzu written out of the show
>Crow shoehorned into everything
>SERENA losing repeatedly
>Shun getting cucked out of his win against Crow
Only redeeming things in Synchro were Sergei, KOI KOI, and Yuzu's orgasm from Yuya's love letter.
Marik is that kid who'd just make up bullshit rules on the fly to say that he won. I like him, he's funny.
Duel Links has very active online duels.
Playing against AI in these games always gets boring fast.
If only wasn't full of cheaters and metafags overusing staples.
At some point you have to realize you can't run away from people playing optimized decks. Meta is always present
Arc-V was ruined by one Sup Forums poster monkey pawing the whole thing.
Not so fast
I suppose you have a point there, I had also forgotten about what they did to Yugo to conveniently keep his duel with Yuya from never happening and forcing another Jack duel before he is forced to Job to Yuya.
Capsule Monster Coliseum
That one where you could date people.
>Or a Baby
Fucking Monkey's Paw.
fucking WOW
>october 2015
>Joey got cheated out of his victory meme
I don't buy this. It's established from the beginning of the duel that being able to withstand physical pain is part of the duel. Marik was able to target the weakest link, Joey himself, and the whole chain fell apart. It's a solid strategy.
Yugioh! Duel Links!
Why, that would be the original, Marik. None other then Dark Duel Stories for the Game Boy Color.
4kids OST=Original
Duelist of Roses
how can one yugioh game be better than another? dont they all play the same since its based off the TCG?
Nice try, but look at this
This is the best and only Yu-Gi-Oh game worth playing.
I've always liked Bakura's crazy faces more than Marik's
No. Some of the first games came out before Battle City actually. So they have weird rules.
Which one was that again?
Its called getting killed
Some also have different story modes that some people like or dating like the Tag Force series
What happened then? I forgot.
That's cause Marik wasn't crazy, just out for himself.
Bakura was just fucking insane.
>you will never have a autistic girl obsess over you and want to breed with you to create the #1 duelist offspring
Yami marik vs Bakura latin dub is pure sex
Marik did nothing wrong.
There is no shadow realm. In a penalty game your ass just dies.
Buzzsaws might chop off your legs. You might get blown up, drown, get shot, electrocuted, set on fire, mangled or eaten alive, but you'll never go to a shadow realm.
Every Bakura moment LA dub was cash.
Only correct answer besides legacy of the duelist
the yugioh game nobody played because it's xbox exclusive
I played this. I was terrible at it though.
Anything but Forbidden Memories
so if i want to play yugioh on a vidya because i have never played it irl
should i go with Duel Links?
yes or no?
Isn't there one where you mindbreak people with cards?
Duel Links if you want the most casual experience, Legacy of the Duelist if you want a complete experience that walks you through most of the eras, YGOPro if you want to just jump straight into the fire
One where they finally explain what Pot of Greed does. I guess we'll never know.
Ey Yoog, I can get a five like you.
duel links is good for beginners or if you like battle city format (4k lp, 3 monster/spell/trap field, etc). if you want to get more involved in the game then legacy of the duelist or ygopro are for you
i mean thats not that satisfying to hear, i want to play it on videogame because rules and what not are fucking boring to know so i never played this cus of that
i dont really know care about the game, am just curious about how it feels to play it, so duel links it is
tag force
goat ost