Why aren't you practicing your 1CC's?
Why aren't you practicing your 1CC's?
Because I'm working on my scoring route instead.
because I'm playing Shoot the Bullet.
when the fuck are my puppet translations going to be released AHHHHH
I'm in a slump and need to take a break. I had an attempt earlier today in PCB where I died 5 times before Lily White in Stage 4, when it gets to that point I need to stop for a few days. In the past 2 weeks I've done EOSD Reimu A and MoF with Reimu A and Marisa B (no bug abuse).
The day before Hemo announces another expansion the new translation will be incompatible with.
i like Double spoiler better
Buy my game, user!
because i'm playing pic related
Because I just blew a huge load to Reisen and now I'm going to sleep
I cant believe I'm thinking of getting AoCF for Jo'on
Someone tell me she's low tier or something please
She's high tier semen demon
Jo'on a shit
Funny that you post this, I just booted up SA for the first time in a while today.
I got my shit rocked and then my wrists started hurting. Oh how times have changed.
Shut the fuck up cunt
Actually it's Shion who's the true bitch.
shut up blue mokou
blue mokou is million times better than jew loli
Because I burnt myself out and decided to take a few days break before jumping back into EoSD Hard.
I'm gonna do it Sup Forums.
I'm finally going to go for Lunatic
Do your best user!