Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

im to stupid to understand analogys so i will say
>food analogy

>Chip butty
>Worse than shit

/ck/ here, go fuck yourself.


If anything MGS is meme tier come on son

Metal Gear Solid looks delicious though

why do americans love steak so much

I still don't understand why people pretend GTA was good post San Andreas. Is it a high level in-joke?

Imagine being at computers

I'm not even sure anymore

>food analogy

Sushi is delicious even if it's a meme.

Sushi tastes like paper

>sf or me over pokemon
>glazed/sauced steak
>sushi over pizza
>talking shit about a chip sandwich
you genuinely couldnt have fucked up harder.

Funny post, man. :)

No assholes, food analogies don't make you "american"

that's not a chip butty, It's a bologna+cheese sandwich with ruffled crisps on it.

My only issue is that the text on the right is unnecessary and detracts from the joke.

>calling a shitty crisp sandwich a chip butty
It's a yank

I know this is a weird question, but does anyone have that picture of that game journalist or whatever that person was..? Where it looks like a caricature, and it has the please be patient i have autism, or something similar? It's black, and white.

I know this is a dumb question, and off topic, but could any awesome user deliver?

Food is food, who gives a shit


I don't think the food even adds anything to this chart though. Those foods have nothing in common and aren't really comparable to one another. List is shit though and clearly b8.

kill yourself. you are literally subhuman with braindamage taste.

>anything above shit tier

What's with the steak obsession?

>Food analogies

So if people didn't eat meat, then cows would be extinct? Huh, so in a way, we're saving animals by eating them.

Cummo > Gummo

>still angry at normal people for absolutely no reason

Mmmm I can just imagine a well-done steak right now

With ketchup, just the way I like it

Just like the based president

>imagine being at computers so fat you look and see food

You said the thing that everyone dislikes under a genuine guise

That's comedy

>got tier is medium well steak slathered in some sauce

You monster.

I fucking love you dude

Don't sexually confuse me like that, I have porn in another tab